Minutes, DPG Health meeting 17th January 2018, German Embassy, Umoja House


1.  Norzin Grigoleit German Embassy DPG H Chair

2.  Madani Thiam Canada/DFATD DPG H Incoming Chair

3.  Thomas Teuscher Swiss Embassy DPG H Outgoing Chair

4.  Leticia Rweyemamu WHO DPG H Secretariat

5.  Dr. Matthieu Kamwa WHO Member

6.  Maximillian Mapunda WHO Member

7.  Hope Lyimo GIZ Member

8.  Laurel Fain USAID Member

9.  Fin Poulsen DANIDA Member

10.  Gradeline Minja DANIDA Member

11.  Adrian Fitzgerald Irish Aid Member

12.  Dr. Peter Nyella Irish Aid Member

13.  Nina Sierget P4H Member

14.  Gayle Martin World Bank Member

15.  Chiho Suzuki World Bank Member

16.  Britt H Kjolas Norway Member

17.  Brian Rettmann PEPFAR Member

18.  Marie Engel UNAIDS Member

19.  Hashina Begum UNFPA Member

20.  Felister Bwana UNFPA Member

21.  Kyaw Aung UNICEF Member

22.  Siobhan Malone Gates Foundation Member

23.  Susanne Grimm GIZ Member

24.  Pascal Kanyinyi KfW Member

25.  Heather Sveom US Embassy Member


1.  Welcome and Introduction of members

2.  Adoption of the Minutes, Agenda and Matters arising

3.  Discussion on the draft National Health Policy, 2017

4.  Updates on SWAp events: Discussion on the draft JAHSR Policy Recommendations

5.  Critical issues from TWGs/Thematic Areas

6.  Updates on key events

7.  AOB

8.  Next DPG-Health meeting, 7th February 2018 at 12pm at Umoja House


·  Teenage pregnancies: DPG H Troika to follow up with DPG Education and DPG H Gender on the subject matter.

·  Draft National Health Policy: Share DPs inputs with the MOHCDGEC by Thursday 18th January 2018, together with WHO National Health Policy Development Guideline. Troika to ask the Ministry for a meeting with partners to review the Policy.

·  Draft JAHSR Policy Recommendations: DPG H Secretariat to send email to DP TWG leads to submit concrete targets/action points to the Policy Recommendations. Share DPs inputs on the Policy Recommendations with MOHCDGEC by Thursday 18th January 2018. DPG H Secretariat to re-send the Policy meeting Agenda to DPs.

·  Campaign for reduction of maternal and newborn mortality: Chiho Suzuki (WB) and Madani Thiam (Canada) to draft DPG H response to the MOHCDGEC clarifying DPs position on the government officials’ per diems to participate in the government led campaign launch in Dodoma.

·  MOHCDGEC participation in February DPG H meeting: DPs to suggest issues to be discussed with the Ministry.

Main DPG-H meeting:

1.  Welcome and Introduction of members

The meeting was chaired by DPG H Chair who welcomed all members to the meeting and wished them a happy New Year. This was followed by round of introductions.

2.  Adoption of the Minutes, Agenda and Matters Arising

Agenda for this meeting was adopted. Minutes of the previous meeting approved with correction on page 4 on RMNCAH TWG update to include a full name of the maternal health campaign; and on HBF update- the released Canadian funds should be read ‘for the current financial year 2017/18’ and not the next FY.

Teenage pregnancies: Due to recently RCs’ ordering of arrest of school pregnant girls, High Commissioner of Canada and Swedish Ambassador met with the Minister of Education to discuss the matter. The team together with DFID also met with the Minister for Health to discuss the same. There is a need to find more ways to contribute to this. The task force on the campaign for reduction of maternal and newborn mortality has suggested interventions for prevention of teenage pregnancies, they are also developing advocacy messages in that regard. The matter can also be taken to the DPG Main. DPG H Troika should probe from DPG Education and DPG Gender on the matter and suggest development of advocacy messages on the same. DPs speech for Policy meeting should also touch upon this subject. The DPG Main met yesterday 16th Jan 2017 and discussed on broad gender equality issues, they will consult all DPG sector groups to suggest gender equality issues that need policy advocacy change. UNICEF has developed a document on adolescent health, they will share with DPG H.

3.  Discussion on the draft National Health Policy

Inputs in track changes and general comments to the draft Health Policy have been provided by DPs for sharing with the MOHCDGEC. Additional observations from DPs included: the policy lacks vision; policy development process including engagement of stakeholders like CSOs, DPs etc should be highlighted, the overall policy statement is missing, policy priorities should be highlighted, the health policy should be linked with other policies. WHO will share with the MOHCDGEC the National Health Policy Development Guideline. Troika should ask the Ministry for a meeting with partners to review the Policy.

4.  Updates on Swap events

Discussions on the JAHSR draft Policy Recommendations: Inputs in track changes have been made by DPs to the draft Policy Recommendations. General comments have also been provided. Additional comments from DPs included: four pillars of maternal mortality reduction should be highlighted; FP commodities commitment should be made; multi-sectoral collaboration should be clearly elaborated; need for specific recommendations measurable within a year, of which the MoH should revisit specific recommendations made by the selected groups during the TRM meeting; any planning on infrastructure should be linked with HRH and HRH need assessment should be highlighted.

5.  Technical Working Groups/Thematic Areas Updates

DPG AIDS: Tanzania HIV indicator survey released on Dec 1st, 2017. It was observed that the country has been very slow in adapting WHO policy guideline on reaching 90 90 90. PEPFAR COP planning will be held the week of 29th January, 2018 at Coral Beach Hotel. This will be a broader consultation meeting involving stakeholders from the initial stage, which is different from what has been done in the past. Interested DPs should send their confirmation.

National, Zonal, Regional and District Health Services TWG: The TWG meeting will be held on 26th January 2018.

Health Basket Fund (HBF): Upcoming HBF meetings: Program Monitoring Committee (PMSC) meeting; AFC meeting on February 1st; Basket Financing Committee meeting on February 6th.

RMNCAH TWG: The TWG will meet on February 6th, 2018. Task Force team on the Campaign for reduction of maternal and newborn mortality has been formed, it comprises of government officials and DPs. The team met to come up with realistic objectives for the campaign. Teenage pregnancy, blood donation and MPDSR have been added to the campaign. The Communication group will develop messages on adolescents, gender issues etc. and provide feedback on 25th January, 2018. Budget for launch of the campaign was sent to individual DPs for their support. It was agreed that a joint DPG H response to the MOHCDGEC be drafted by Chiho Suzuki (WB) and Madani Thiam (Canada) to inform the Ministry that DPs are willing to support campaign programs but will not be able to fund per diems for government officials to participate in the campaign launch in Dodoma.

Global Fund: The GF country team mission will visit Tanzania from 29th January to 8th February 2018 for a workshop to finalize LFA, RSSH grant documents and to follow up on OIG Audit findings. Budget for TNCM Annual workplan was shared for DPs support.

DPG Nutrition: DPG H needs to link with DPG Nutrition for continued discussion on the CHW cadre. It was requested that Dr. Ama (MOHCDGEC) to present in one of the DPG H meetings on the cadre. There is no guideline for implementation of the CHW cadre.

Cholera/plague/yellow fever updates: Towards the end of December 2017 there was huge number of cholera cases. As of January 2018 the magnitude has decreased whereby on 15th Jan, 8 new cases were reported from Rukwa and Dodoma regions. There is also a major cholera outbreak in Zambia, Malawi and DRC. Madagascar plague has been controlled. With regards to yellow fever, Tanzania is no longer at risk.

6.  Updates on key events/Upcoming events

Germany: Minister of Development Cooperation will visit Tanzania from 8th – 11th February 2018 [was cancelled on 19th January].

Gates Foundation: will host Adolescents Sexual Reproductive Health workshop on February 1, 2018 at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Center in Dar es Salaam. The invitation will be sent to all DPs.

Canada: Director General for Eastern and Southern Africa will come for internal meeting from 21st - 22nd February 2018, will also meet with government officials.

7.  AOB

Social Protection Task Force team dealing with pensions and insurance reforms for vulnerable groups is interested to come and present at DPG H.

8.  Next meeting:

The next meeting will be held on 7th February 2018 at 12pm at Umoja House. MOHCDGEC will participate in this meeting, DPs should suggest issues to be discussed with the Ministry.

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