MAR 25, 1999


The name of this organization is the Northwest Evergreen High School Rifle League.


The purpose of the organization is the active promotion of the shooting sports among its member High Schools.


High Schools may become members through invitation, payment of the annual league fee, and agreeing to uphold the letter and spirit of these By-Laws.


Member schools will annually elect or appoint a League Secretary who will serve as the League’s Chief Administrative Officer. He/She will call and preside over League Meetings and be responsible for League operations. The Secretary will make the final determination on all matters not covered by these By-Laws or Standing Rules.

A.Voting: each member school shall have one vote at League Meetings.

B.Quorum: a quorum will consist of a simple majority of member schools.

C.Meetings: League meetings will be called, with adequate notice, to all members, by the League Secretary or at the request of a simple majority of member schools.

D.Standing Rules: Items that may routinely change from time to time will be placed in the Standing Rules of the league and may be changed by a simple majority of member schools. Example would be the Annual League Fee; Roster and mailing List of members: rules adopted to an interim need for the short term.


Amendments to these By-Laws and Standing Rules may be proposed by any member school and need only a simple majority to be approved


Should the League disband or otherwise cease operations, the remaining assets and liabilities will be shared or born equally by the members of record for the final season of competition. With the approval of a simple majority of these members of record, such assets and liabilities that may exist at dissolution may be given to a succeeding organization or league having similar purpose.


Current NRA Smallbore Rifle Rules shall govern the entire league season unless explicitly stated otherwise below. (These are the NRA 3 Position Rules and not the International Rules).


A full time student in a public school, private school, or home school may participate on the interscholastic teams of a public school if the student would be eligible for full time enrollment at the public school and if the interscholastic activity is unavailable to the student in the approved educational institution. Students in an approved educational institution must meet the same team responsibilities as the public school team members and are obligated by the same standards of behavior and performance as other members of the team. The student must shoot on the team closest to his school. The home school district of each shooter will be submitted to the league secretary.


Safety will be the paramount consideration for all League competitions. If unsafe range conditions or behaviors are noted, the competition will be immediately suspended until the situation is corrected or terminated, should the condition persist.

A.Hearing and Vision (safety or prescription glasses) protection is required for all participants and spectators within the immediate area of the firing range.

B.Open bolt indicators are required. Specifically, rifles will come out of the storage units or gun boxes with the device in place. It shall not be removed until the beginning of the initial preparation period, it will be reinserted at any command to cease fire and for all target changes. Finally, it will also be re-inserted before removal of the rifle from the firing line to return it to storage or gun box.

c.Standard firing line commands and range procedures, as found in current NRA Smallbore Rifle Rules, will be employed..


Coaching (on-line) is permitted provided it is done in a manner which will not disturb nearby competitors. It may be moved “Offline” at the request of the Range Officer.


The course of fire will be determined prior to the League season and will be a standard NRA Course.


A.NRA SBR Rule 3.2 “Any Rifle” will apply.

B.Metallic Sights only as per NRA SBR Rules 3.7 (a).


As per sections 14 and 15 of current NRA SBR Rules.


A. VARSITY TEAMS will consist of five firing members with the top 4 scores to count for the team total. Firing to be shoulder-to-shoulder.

B. JV TEAMS will be unlimited as to number of members, but must have at least 3 members. Top 4 scores (3 if one team is so limited) will count for the team total. JV matches may be postalled as necessary due to transportation limitations and or range restrictions. Postals should be fired prior to the match that it is to be used. No postal score will be used or counted, if a 3-man team is present. Postal scores will not be counted in a shooters scores for season awards.