______1. Name the Suture That Runs Vertical on the Skull

______1. Name the Suture That Runs Vertical on the Skull

Skull Pop Quiz

______1. Name the suture that runs vertical on the skull.

______2. Name the suture that separates the occipital & parietal bones.

______3-5. Name the three bones that make up the cheek.



______6. Give the layman’s name for the bones of the nose.

______7. Name the lower jaw bone.

______8. Name the marking of the mandible.

______9. Name the bone anterior to the ethmoid in the eye.

______10. Name the bone that makes up the back of the head.

______11. Name the large hole under back of head that allows the spinal cord to connect

to the brain.

______12. Name the holes in mandible.

______13. Name the bone that goes straight up & down in nose.

______14. What is another name for the earhole?

______15. Name the bone that is a rough projection posterior & inferior to external

auditory meatus & mastoid sinuses.

______16. Name the two bones on sides of head. (hint: one name)

______17. Name the area above mouth, upper jaw bone.

______18. Name the bone that has greater & lesser wings.

______19. Name the bone where the pituitary gland is kept.

______20. Name the forehead bone.

Skull Pop Quiz KEY

Coronal 1. Name the suture that runs vertical on the skull.

Lamboidal 2. Name the suture that separates the occipital & parietal bones.

Zygomatic Process 3-5. Name the three bones that make up the cheek.

Temporal 4.

Maxilla & Zygomatic Bones 5.

Nasal 6. Give another name for the bones of the nose.

Mandible 7. Name the lower jaw bone.

Alveolar Process or Margin 8. Name the marking of the mandible.

Lacrimal 9. Name the bone anterior to the ethmoid in the eye.

Occipital 10. Name the bone that makes up the back of the head.

Foramen Magnum 11. Name the large hole under back of head that allows the spinal cord to connect

to the brain.

Mental Foramen 12. Name the holes in mandible.

Vomer bone 13. Name the bone that goes straight up & down in nose.

External Auditory Meatus 14. What is another name for the earhole?

Mastoid Process 15. Name the bone that is a rough projection posterior & inferior to external

auditory meatus & mastoid sinuses.

Parietal bones 16. Name the two bones on sides of head. (hint: one name)

Maxilla 17. Name the area above mouth, upper jaw bone.

Sphenoid 18. Name the bone that has greater & lesser wings.

Sella Turcia 19. Name the bone where the pituitary gland is kept.

Frontal bone 20. Name the forehead bone.