1. Name of the Organization:Center For Natural Resource Studies (CNRS)
2. Address of the Organization:
a)Chandpur Sadar: Holding no. 1709/1552, BT Road, Sholagar, Chandpur Sadar, Chandpur.
b) Matlab Uttar Office: Balurchar (Kolakanda Road), Changerchar, Matlab Uttar, Chandpur.
3. Year of Establishment: 1994
4. Name of the Chief Executive: Dr. M. Mokhlesur Rahman.
5. Contact Person:Dr. M. Mokhlesur Rahman.
6. ContactLand Phone: Tel: (+880-2) 9820127-28, Fax: (+880-2) 9820129, Mobile No: 01714980514
7. a) E- mail Address:b) Web address:
8. Working Areas ofCNRS:
Project / District / Name of Upazila / Upazila (No) / Number of VillageECOFISHBD / Chandpur / Chandpur Sadar, Matlab Uttar and Haimchar / 03 / 10
JFAIGA / Chandpur / Chandpur Sadar, Matlab Uttar / 02 / 47
9. Registration (with legal status) : CNRS is registered with NGO Affairs Bureau of People’s Republic of Bangladesh vide No. 841 dated 6 July 1994 and renewed on 6th July 2009 (under the Foreign Donations Regulation Ordinance 1978), the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860 (No. S-2463 (56)/2000) dated on 13 September 2000, Micro Credit Regulatory Authority, License no. 00990-01573-00112, dated 15 January 2008 and also registered with the Bangladesh Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Regulation and Control) Ordinance 1961 vide no. Dha-08871, dated 14.03.2011.
10. Ongoing Projects ofCNRS:
Name of Projects / Main Focus of the Project / Working Area / Partners /Donors- Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh (ECOFISHBD)
Raipur, Kamalnagar, Ramgati of Lakshmipur District; Bhedarganj of Shariatpur District / DoF/World Fish/USAID
- Jatka Fishers Alternative Income Generation Activities (JFAIGA)
- Establishing Livelihood Rights of Fishing Community in Matlab (ELRFCM)
11. Main Activities of CNRS :
Name of Projects / Key Activities / Partners/DonorsEnhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh (ECOFISHBD) / Support hilsa fisher in reverine fisheries management, establish Hilsa Conservation Group (HCG) at community, machghat level, conservation committees at union level and link them with existing govt. hilsa conservation and management system.
Besides,the project also targeting to improve the income and livelihood status of the vulnerable women parts of the fisher communities by organizing them into Alternate Income Generation (AIG) Groups and facilitating them in various income generation activities through awaress rising and capacity building / DoF/WorldFish/USAID
Jatka Fishers Alternative Income Generation Activities (JFAIGA), Micro-credit (RLF),NRG & ELRFCM Project / Supporting jatka fishers to diversify their income options, training, micro-credit, awarness build-up of social activities, law of fishers, jatka band period, fisher’s rights & advocacy & self help group establishment & natural resources governance. / DoF/MACH/ USAID/Action Aid Bangladesh / Won Fund .
12. Number of Beneficiaries of Chandpur :
Total / Male / Female / Remarks996 / 726 / 270 / Only Chandpur district beneficiaries of ECOFISHBD Project in year 2015-16 included
3102 / 1450 / 1652 / This is total beneficiaries of JFAIGA project in Chandpur district
13. Total Staff in Chandpur:
Project / Permanent / Project / Volunteers / Total / RemarksMale / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female
ECOFISHBD / - / - / 6 / - / - / - / 6 / - / Only Chandpur district staffs counted
JFAIGA / 7 / 01 / - / - / 01 / 04 / 08 / 05
14. Donor’s Name:
SL / Name & Duration of Projects / Partners /DonorsEnhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh (ECOFISHBD) (2015-Ongoing) / DoF/World Fish/ USAID
Jatka Fishers Alternative Income Generation Activities (JFAIGA) / DoF/MACH/ USAID
Adaptive Learning Network for the wetland-based CBOs / DFID/ Research into Use Project (RiUP)
Building Adaptive Capacity to address climate change risks / OXFAM Hong Kong
CBFM2 follow up / DoF/CNRS
Environmental Governance project (2008-2013) / CIDA/MU/NSU and IGS-BRAC
Development of Advocacy Strategy for Disaster Management in Bangladesh / Concern Worldwide
Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CREL) (2012-2017) / USAID/Winrock International
SHARIQUE (2006-2015) / SDC
Suchona (2015-2022) / DFID/EU/Save the Children
Wetland Biodiversity Rehabilitation Project (WBRP) / DoF, GOPA, GIZ
Building Adaptive Capacity / Oxfam
15. Partner Organization :
S.L / Name of the Partner Organization / Field of Working / Comments1 / JAKS / Bera, Pabna
2 / UDES / Sathia, Pabna
3 / ASIAB / Sujanagar, Pabna
16. Organizational Netwotk Membership :
IUCN Bangladesh National Committee
PRA Promoters' Society-Bangladesh (PPS-BD)
Coastal Fisher-folk Community Network (COFCON)
Credit Development Forum (CDF) and
Asian DRR network
17. Major clients and Partners:
Clients and Donors :Government of Bangladesh, DOE, Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands, USAID, UK Aid, Oxfam GB, Oxfam Hong Kong, UNDP, World Bank, IUCN, UNICEF, UNOPS, WFP, UNESCO, FAO, GEF/UNDP, DFID-UK and Bangladesh, EC, USAID, SDC, Chevron, Ford Foundation, CIDA, JICA and other international and national agencies.Key Partners
International :WorldFish Center (CGIAR Center based in Malaysia), Inter Cooperation (Switzerland), ITDG (UK), Winrock International (USA), ITAD (UK), Reading University (UK), Newcastle University (UK), Oriental Bird Club (UK), MRAG (UK), IUCN-Bangladesh, CARE Bangladesh, Practical Action (UK), Action Aid, Manitoba University (Canada), NRSP and FMSP/Huntings-DFID, Concern Worldwide, Manitoba University-Canada.
National :MoEF, MoFL, MoFD, WARPO, BWDB, DoF, DoE, LGED, DPHE, Disaster Management Bureau, BRAC, PROSHIKA, CARITAS, Concern World Wide, Oxfam, Dhaka University, Bangladesh Agriculture University, Rajshahi University, BARI, BRRI, DAE, BARC, BRAC University, North South University, CEGIS and many other government agencies and NGOs.
18. Budget:Tk. 8,036,812 (Eighty Lac Thirty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Twelve only) for January-September, 2016 for ECOFISHBD project
19. Budget: 20,000,000 (Two Core only) Tk. for 03 years for Chandpur of JFAIGA Project.
Photographs from CNRS Project activity implementation