Tuesday 4th April 2006, 7.00pm at
Denny Civic Theatre, Dumbarton
PRESENT / Sheila McNeill
Betty McIntosh
Muriel Robertson
George Murphy
Yvonne McKay
Carol Dinning
Harry McCormack
Tom Nimmo
Leslie Humphries
Barbara Barnes
Lilley Kennedy MBE
Mary McCue / Public
Clydebank Patients Group
Lomond Patients Group
WD CHP Health Improvement Team
WD CHP Health Improvement Team
Dumbarton Mental Health Forum
Dumbarton Mental Health Forum & Argyll + Clyde United in Mental Health
Scottish Health Council
Apologies / Cathie Tumauth
Isobel Plunkett
June Todd
Rhona Pidgeon / Dumbarton Mental Health Forum
Clydebank Seniors Forum
1.Minutes of Last Meeting
Carol Dinning was marked down in the previous minutes as being both present and apologies, she was in fact not at the meeting, other than this the previous minutes were correct, this was confirmed by Barbara and secondby Tom.
2.Matters Arising
As per last minutes George and Gwen Devine got 2 hours training on the website, it has since transpired that Gwen is being transferred to Highland.
George has spoken to Brian McMullan at IT and will populate the website.
West Dunbartonshire will have their own website.
The newsletter has been returned twice from graphics, due to be sent out shortly.
David McCrae, Locality Manager, Annie Hair, Lead for Children’s Services, and Chris McNeill, Clydebank Locality Manager have all been asked to write a paragraph for the Directory, hopefully the Directory will be distributed shortly.
3.CHP Committee (Feedback)
At the previous PPF Meeting Leslie Humphries informed the group that there was an event in Hampden but that it was a professional practitioners meeting. There was in fact members of the public there. George also attended this.
PPF feedback
With regard to the meeting held in the Golden Jubilee which the two PPF representatives attended, there was food/beverages provided, the representatives asked why the meeting was in such an expensive venue and why was food provided, they felt it was a terrible waste of public money, in future council/health board premises will be used in the future, they used the Golden Jubilee and provided food as it was the first meeting.
Jim Flynn and Rev.Ian Miller are no longer on the committee due to Argyll and Clyde being dissolved.
When the PPF was set-up we were told that the CHP would fund the PPF, do we know how much funding we have ? It is not known how much funding we have as yet.
There are 8 local authorities, each authority has one non-executive representative, and George distributed a table showing Board Headquarters/Partnerships and Acute Services. Each CHP Director is a member of the Board.
George will locate a list of executive members and non-executive members for the PPF.
The non-executive representative,who will represent West Dunbartonshire, is Councillor Andy White.
West Dunbartonshire Services
On the Core Brief (a staff information bulletin) it states that there are patients in Argyll and Clydewho receive an inferior service to patients in Glasgow.
The Health Improvement Department put in a complaint as a team about this statement, as there should be a balance, there are some services in Argyll and Clyde which are better than services in Glasgow and vice versa.
Phil White, Health Improvement and Inequalities Manager will speak with Ally McLaws, Communications at Dalian House.
A member of the PPF had brought along a copy of the “Metro” which has an advert in it, West Dunbartonshire are not mentioned in it.
It was discussed briefly and thought that legally they will have to re-advertise ensure West Dunbartonshire are mentioned.
Seminar/Information Day
Keith Redpath is organising a Seminar/Information Day to explain what is happening in the CHP.
All new Directors are holding interviews with local papers and radio this month.
4.Professional Executive Group (feedback)
Clare McGinley, Public Health Practitioners and Jacqui McGinn, Public Health Practitioner were unable to attend the last Professional Executive Group so George attended in their place.
5.New Organisation
As from 1st April 2006 Argyll & Clyde are officially dissolved and we are now known as NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
George passed round a copy of the Core Brief, which states on it that the roll-out of pay for parking across NHS Greater Glasgow’s main facilities begins in May at Dalian House, Yorkhill and the Western Infirmary.
Parking charges will apply to all users, except for disabled patients and visitors who display their disabled badge, no charge will be made for picking up and dropping off visitors and patients.
6.Patients Group
Tony Coia, Lead General Dental Practitioner has drawn up a report on “Dental Services within Clydebank CHP” copies were handed round.
George recently attended the PPG for Lomond, which takes in the Vale of Leven and Dumbarton which will no longer have emergency dental cover locally, emergency cover will be at GlasgowDentalHospital.
7.Issues to take forward to CHP Committee
Why were West Dunbartonshire omitted from the advert ?
The statement about inferior services in Argyll and Clyde, what services are they and how long until they improve ?
Cathie Tumauth will have to step down from her role as PPF Representative, Betty McIntosh, Deputy PPF Representative will step in for the time being. George to phone Cathie.
An integrated care model is being piloted at the Vale of Leven hospital; if successful it could be rolled out throughout Scotland. They have openly admitted that they have a few teething problems.
They want to bring back “Cottages”, a member of the PPF said that’s what we want local services but also want equipment for the more serious things.
HHS Budget
A member of the PPF said that this is the only organisation they know where 80% NHS budget goes on wages which leaves 20%.
Prescription budget will no longer be done centrally; it will now be done locally.
Health Board have a duty to involve the public but they do not have to act on what the majority of the public want.
There was a brief discussion with regard to the above, the example of the smoking ban came up, at the consultation 77% of the public voted that they did not want a ban – yet the ban went ahead anyway. A member of the PPF reported that the public could not see the point in attending consultations when the decisions are already made regardless of what the public want.
Patient Choice
Patients have the right to choose which hospital they attend if they ask their GP – not many of the public are aware of this.
9.Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 7th June at 7.00pm
Dalmuir C.E.Centre