January 2010doc.: IEEE 802.11 – 10/0161r1

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Clarifying PICS related to Operating Band and Country
Date: 2010-1-21
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
John Kenney / VSC3 and ToyotaInfoTechnologyCenter / 574-272-1403 /

1.Issues and Suggested Improvements

This submission addresses a small set of issues in the PICS of P802.11p D9.0, as updated via motions in submissions 09-1242/r3 and 10-0045/r4.

Issue #1 (related to CID 1027, resolved in 09-1242/r3):

The Feature entry of CF17 is: “5.850-5.925 GHz band in United States”

This is both band-specific and country-specific. CF17 is used as a condition in the Status of CF2.1 (as modified by 09-1242/r3) such that CF2.1 is mandatory when CF17 is true, and CF2.1 is optional when CF17 is not true. This has the effect of making CF2.1 optional in Europe, which is inconsistent with normative behavior in Annex J.2.3. The latter requires dot11OCBEnabled to be true in the 5.9 GHz bandn in Europe. FR7 (as modified by 09-1242/r3) is similarly conditioned on CF17, and the desired condition is that FR7 is mandatory for a STA not operating in the 5.9 GHz band, regardless of geography.

Solution: modify CF17 so that the Feature text is not country-specific. Specific alternate text is proposed below. Also, CF17 should reference Annex J.

Issue #2 (related to CID 1027, resolved in 09-1242/r3):

PIC OF3.2.8 relates to the capability to operate in the 5.9 GHz band. The Status field in D9.0 of P802.11p is “CF18:M”. This was modified in 09-1242/r3 to “CF2.1:M” because CF18 was deleted in favor of a modified CF2.1. However, both of these are conditions are incorrect. They have the effect of mandating the capability to operate in the 5.9 GHz band for any STA that sets dot11OCBEnabled to true. It should be possible for a STA to operate outside the context of a BSS without having the capability to operate in the 5.9 GHz band.

Solution: Using OF3.2.7 of 802.11 (as modified by 802.11y) as a model, the correct Status for OF3.2.8 should be CF17:M. This effectively states that a STA that is configured to operate in the 5.9 GHz band (i.e. for which CF17 is true) must have the capability to operate in the 5.9 GHz band (i.e. OF3.2.8).

Issue #3 (related to CIDs 1119 and 1121, resolved in 10-0122/r1):

The term “5.9 GHz” band needs a reference in Annex J. Currently this term is used in footnotes of Table J.1 and J.2. However, it would be better to use the term more prominently, so that the PICS can also use the term. This is slightly complicated by the fact that the lower edge of the band is slightly different in the US (5.850 GHz) and in Europe (5.855 GHz).


  • Change the heading of subclause J.2.2 from

5.850 to 5.925 GHz in the United States”


“5.9 GHz band in the United States (5.850 to 5.925 GHz)”

  • Change the heading of subclause J.2.3 from

5.855 to 5.925 GHz in Europe”


“5.9 GHz band in Europe (5.855 to 5.925 GHz)”

(Note: this was subclause J.2.4 in D9.0 of P802.11p, but became subclause J.2.3 as a result of 10-0122/r1, CID 1121 resolution.)

  • Change the Feature text of the CF17 entry in the PICS from

“5.850 to 5.925 GHz band in the United States”


“5.9 GHz band”



In clause A.4.3 of the P802.11p draft amendment, change the Feature text of the CF17 entry to: “5.9 GHz band”. Add Annex J in the reference column of entry CF17

In clause A.4.8 of the P802.11p draft amendment, change the Status text of the OF3.2.8 entry to “CF17:M”

In clause J.2.2 of the P802.11p draft amendment, change the heading to “5.9 GHz band in the United States (5.850 to 5.925 GHz)”

In clause J.2.3 of the P802.11p draft amendment, change the heading to “5.9 GHz band in Europe (5.855 to 5.925 GHz)”

Motion by: ___John Kenney______Date: __Jan. 21, 2010__ Second: _____George Vlantis______

Approve:9 / Disapprove:0 / Abstain:0

Submissionpage 1John Kenney