Educational Technology and Education Conferences
for January to June 201 6 , Edition #3 4
Prepared by Clayton R. Wright, crwr77 at, November 13, 2015
The 3 4 th edition of the conference list covers selected events that primarily focus on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until June 2016 are complete as dates, locations, or Internet addresses (URLs) were not available for a number of events held from July 2016 onward. In order to protect the privacy of individuals, only URLs are used in the listing as this enables readers of the list to obtain event information without submitting their e-mail addresses to anyone. A significant challenge during the assembly of this list is incomplete or conflicting information on websites and the lack of a link between conference websites from one year to the next.
An explanation for the content and format of the list can be found at i ence/. A Word or an OpenOffice format is used to enable people with limited or high-cost Internet access to find a conference that is congruent with their interests or obtain conference abstracts or proceedings. Consider using the “Find” tool under Microsoft Word’s “Edit” tab or similar tab in OpenOffice to locate the name of a particular conference, association, city, or country. If you enter the country “Singapore” in the “Find” tool, all conferences that occur in Singapore will be highlighted. Or, enter the word “research” or “assessment”. (Note that key words such as “research”, “assessment” or “MOOCs” may not be present in the conference title, yet these topics could be discussed during a particular conference.) Then, “cut and paste” a list of suitable events for your colleagues.
Please note that events, dates, titles, and locations may change and some events may be cancelled. Thus, CHECK the specific conference website not only for basic information, but to assure yourself that the conference is legitimate. It would be advantageous to examine or Jeffry Beale’s list of questionable publishers and organizations /2012/12/06/bealls-list-of-predatory-publishers-2013/ so that you could consider whether you want to attend events sponsored by these organizations. Publications, such as Inside Higher Ed, /technology/science/the-editor-is-late-fake-science-journals-hit-new-low and have also pointed out the need for scholars to be on the lookout for scams. Take the time to conduct your own due diligence for any events you want to attend or submit a paper to.
All Web addresses were verified at the time of publication. No liability is assumed for any errors that may have been introduced inadvertently during the assembly of this FREE conference list. Kindly retain the contact information when you re-distribute the list or mount it on the web as that is how I receive updates. Prior to attending a conference, consider reading “How to Get the Most Out of a Conference” by Stephen Downes. The article is available from cr w
November 17, 2015 Beyond Technology Training: Preparing Faculty to Thrive in the Online Classroom. Offered online.
November 17-18, 2015 British Educational Training and Technology Show (BETT) Asia Leadership Summit, 2nd. Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
November 17-18, 2015 Streaming Media West: The Business and Technology of Online Video. Hyatt Regency, Huntington Beach, California, USA.
November 17-19, 2015 Pacific Rim Conference on Education: Teaching in a Global Society, 6th. Bangsaen Heritage Hotel, Chonburi, Thailand.
November 17-20, 2015 Microsoft TechEd Australia. Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia. .au/
November 17-20, 2015 D4Learning International Conference: Innovations in Digital Learning for Inclusion (D4L) – Digital, Dialogic, Democratic, Development, 1st, biannual. Aalborg, Denmark.
November 17-20, 2015 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) International Conference and Exposition: Evolutions and Revolutions in Adult Learning, 64th. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
November 18, 2015 Early Education and Technology for Children (EETC) at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida, USA. http://www.e e tc c o nfe r e n
November 18, 2015 The Next Web. Manhattan Center, New York City, New York, USA. /co n fere n ce/usa
November 18-19, 2015 Next Generation Learning Conference, 3rd. Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden. .se/NGL2015
November 18-19, 2015 MIT Technology Review EmTech Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. or
November 18-19, 2015 Social Media Marketing (SMX). Aria Hotel and Conference Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. or
November 18-19, 2015 International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) Annual Meeting and Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
November 18-20, 2015 The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) International Conference: Where to Grow From Here – Scaling What Works for Adult Students, 41st. Baltimore Hilton, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
November 18-20, 2015 Open Education: The Impact of Open, 12th, annual. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. /2015/
November 18-20, 2015 Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD) Conference and Trade Show. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. http:// w w w. c s t
November 18-20, 2015 EDUCATEC (Conference focused on educators and vocational training). Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France. cate c -
November 18-20, 2015 Scottish Educational Research Association Conference (SERA): Education as (if) the Whole Earth Mattered. School of Education, Aberdeen University, Aberdeen, Scotland.
November 18-20, 2015 New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) Conference. Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi, Whakatane, New Zealand.
November 18-20, 2015 TEDMED: The Future of Health and Medicine. Palm Springs, California, USA. m e m /home
November 18-21, 2015 National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Annual Conference and Expo. Orlando, Florida, USA. yc . org/conference/
November 19-20, 2015 Facility Strategies for Academic Medical and Health Science Centers. Organized by Tradeline. Hilton San Diego Mission Bay Resort, San Diego, California, USA.
November 19-20, 2015 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL): Issues, Infrastructures and Applications, 9th. Mediterranean Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece. /imcl2015/
November 19-21, 2015 European Quality Assurance Forum, 10th. Organized by the European University Association. Hosted by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and Institute of Education, University of London, London, United Kingdom. .be/events/upcoming.aspx
November 19-21, 2015 Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Policy Forum. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
November 19-22, 2015 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching & Learning: Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning, 35th. Oxford, Ohio, USA. http://lillyconfe r en c
November 19-22, 2015 American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC), 41st. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
November 19-22, 2015 National Communication Association: Embracing Opportunities, 101st, annual. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. t c o
November 19-22, 2015 Association for Career and Technical Education VISION Annual Convention and Career Tech Expo. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. eo n
November 19-22, 2015 National Center for Student Leadership, 79th. Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., USA. lcolleg e .com/c o nferences/
November 19-22, 2015 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention: Responsibility, Creativity, and the Arts of Language. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
November 20-21, 2015 ExploLingua: International Fair for Languages and Cultures, 28th. Berlin, Germany. m /expolingua_berlin/de/
November 20-22, 2015 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). San Diego, California, USA.
November 20-23, 2015 University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California, USA. http://ww w .uce a .org/future-conventions/
November 20-23, 2015 Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning and Educational Materials Exhibition, 41st. Shizuoka Convention and Arts Center, Shizuoka City, Japan. http://ja l
November 20-24, 2015 National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) Annual Meeting. Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
November 22-24, 2015 Conference on English Leadership (CEL). Organized by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
November 22-25, 2015 Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE): Global Engagement – Crossing Borders, Connecting Generations, 49th. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
November 22-27, 2015 UNESCO World Science Forum. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.
November 23-26, 2015 World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS): Lesson Study for Improvement of Classroom Quality, 11th, annual. Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand. s or
November 24-25, 2015 Knowledge Management and Innovation. Organized by the Ark Group. Rydges Sydney Central, Sydney, Australia.
November 24-26, 2015 National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking (NACLIN), 18th. Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, India. http://w w
November 24-27, 2015 European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning in Education and Professional Practice (EAPRIL). Luxembourg University, Belval, Luxembourg. http:/ /
November 25-27, 2015 QS Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education (APPLE) Conference and Exhibition, 11th. Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia.
November 25-27, 2015 International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World (IMCW): Information Management in the Big Data Era – For a Better World, 6th. Organized by Hacettepe University and the Goethe-Institutes, Antalya, Turkey.
November 26, 2015 Innovations in Search and Information Retrieval. Organized by the International Society for Knowledge Organization UK. London, United Kingdom.
November 26-27, 2015 International Conference on Human Machine Interaction (HMI), 3rd. Co-sponsored by the Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. /
November 26-27, 2015 International Conference on e-Learning and e-Technologies in Music Education (ICeEME), 1st. Treviso, Italy.
November 27-28, 2015 International Conference on Research Methods in Management and Social Sciences, 3rd. Sponsored by the International Foundation for Research and Development. Papua, Indonesia. /ConferenceDetail.aspx?ConferencelID=64
November 27-28, 2015 MoodleMoot Brazil, 11th. Brasilia, Brazil. /calendar/view.php or
November 29-30, 2015 Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE). University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia.
November 30-December 1, 2015 Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing, 10th. University of Troms?, Troms?, Norway. .no/muninconf/
November 30-December 2, 2015 Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU): New Frontiers in ODL, 29th, annual. Hosted by the Open University Malaysia (OUM). Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. or
November 30-December 2, 2015 Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Conference: Globally Connected, Digitally Enabled, 32nd. Curtin University, Perth, Australia. /conference/2014-conference/
November 30-December 2, 2015 International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, 14th. Linz, Austria.
November 30-December 2, 2015 Research Administration Workshop: The Practical Side of Leadership. Organized by National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA). La Quinta Resort, Quinta, California, USA.
November 30-December 3, 2015 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, 7th. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
November 30-December 4, 2015 International Summit on Distance Education, 13th. Universidad de Guadalajara Virtual University System, Guadalajara, Mexico. http://www. u d g virtual. u
November 30-December 4, 2015 International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), 23rd. Hangzhou, China. i st .
November 30-December 4, 2015 Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), 26th. University of South Australia, City West Campus, Adelaide, Australia.
November 30-December 4, 2015 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC): Modeling, Simulation and Training, 5th. Orlando, Florida, USA. / Pages/default.aspx
November ? 2015 mHealth – Mobile Phones for Public Health, Organized by the Institute for Technology and Social Change. Previously held November 17-December 13, 2014. Offered online. http://techchang e .org/online-courses/mhealth-mobile-phones-for-public-health/
**As of November 11, 2015, information was NOT AVAILABLE for the 2015 version of the events below.**
November 9-11, 2014 African Education and Development Conference. Organized by the Tomorrow People Organization. Bangkok, Thailand.
November 17-18, 2014 Digital Health Conference: Showcasing Innovation, Inspiring Change. Pier Sixty, New York City, New York, USA.
November 17-19, 2014 Leadership and Learning in the Asian Century, 3rd. Organized by the Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA) Association. Penang, Malaysia. /t e st/ e llta2014/ or
November 19-21, 2014 Asia Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference: Managing Global Changes and Education Reforms – Asia and Pacific Responses. Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China. http://www.i e d . or http://aperahk. o rg/w i a.html
November 24-28, 2014 InnovAfrica: Technology and Social Innovation for Development, 6th. Lomé, Togo. n o v a fri c
November 25-27, 2014 International Science Education Conference: Pushing the Boundaries – Investing in our Future. National Institute of Education, Singapore. c 2
November 26-28, 2014 International Congress on Theory of Education: Higher Education – The Challenge of Employability, 13th. University of Seville, Seville, Spain. http://cite2 0 1
December 2015
December 1, 2015 Digital Publishing – Production Technologies, Content Management and More. Organized by the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical (STM) Publishers. London, United Kingdom. http://www . s t
December 1-3, 2015 Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference (CMTC): Reach for the Stars. Manchester, New Hampshire, USA. http://ww w . n h c m t
December 1-3, 2015 International Conference on Sustainable Development Education and Teaching in Paris. Paris, France.
December 1-3, 2015 Autodesk University (AU, for designers and engineers). Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. odesk.c o m/las-vega s /overview
December 1-3, 2015, March 11-12, 2016 & July 26-28, 2016. American Council on Education Institute for New Presidents. Comprising three face-to-face sessions in New Orleans, Louisiana; San Francisco, California; Washington, D.C., USA.
December 1-4, 2015 ISANA International Education Association Conference: Collaborations in Providing Services to International Students, 26th, annual. Organized by the International Education Association (ISANA). Pullman on the Park, Melbourne, Australia. or
December 1-4, 2015 Blueprint for Excellence National Conference: Passionately Pursuing Educational Excellence. Yacht Club Resort, Walt Disney, Orlando, Florida, USA. eribbon s ch o or
December 1-4, 2015 California Educational Technology Professionals Association (CETPA), 55th. San Diego Hilton Bayfront, California, USA. /events/future_annual_conference_locations
December 1-5, 2015 International Conference on Interactive Digital Media (ICIDM), 4th. Bandura, Indonesia.
December 1-5, 2015 International Leadership and Management Training Program: High Impact Change Management, Gender Adaptability and Performance Improvement in the 21st Century. Organized by the International Centre for Development and Paragon Links Consulting. Ramada Hotel and Suites, London Docklands, United Kingdom. /