Earthquake Review

Test Date Wednesday, April 4, 2012

1. How many centers of data are needed to determine the epicenter of an earthquake?Explain.

2. What is the Pacific Ring of Fire?

3. What types of material can a P wave travel through?

4. What California fault line is the site of much seismic activity?

5. Identify the following as minor, moderate, or major damage: 6.4 2.0

6. Where in the United States does the most earthquake activity take place?

7. What does the Richter scale measure?

8. How are earthquakes and tsunamis related?

9. Which type of waves travel faster: P or S?

10. What type of motion does a P wave have?An S wave?

11. Name three factors that would determine the amount of damage produced from an earthquake.

12. What fault line is closest to where we live?

13. Why does earthquake activity happen in Missouri when it is not a plate boundary?

14. What is the difference between a seismograph and the Mercalli scale?

15. What is the difference between the focus and the epicenter of an earthquake?

16. What are aftershocks?Foreshocks?

17. What are surface waves?

18. Name 2 states that would experience no earthquake activity.

19. What type of materials do S waves travel through?

20. What are the most threatening dangers from earthquakes?

21. What is the formula for determining distance to an epicenter?

22. Why do so many people live in areas high in seismic activity?

23. What year did the last major seismic event take place here? What did it cause?

24. How much stronger is a 7.0 earthquake than a 4.0 earthquake?

25. What range of measure does the Mercalli scale measure?

26. What is a microquake?

27. When did the Indonesian tsunami take place and approximately how many people were killed?

28. List the 4 causes of tsunamis.

29.What depth is a shallow focus? Intermediate focus? Deep focus?

30. Why are there no earthquakes deeper than 650 km?

31. The instrument used to measure the arrival times of P and S waves is called a ______.

32. Discuss how the amplitude shown on the seismogram is related to the Richter Scale.

33. Explain the difference between the Mercalli Scale and the Richter Scale.

34. Be able to read a time-travel curve.

35. Be able to define vocabulary terms.


1. 3

2. a zone of intense earthquake activity around the Pacific Ocean

3. solids and liquids (can travel through all parts of the earth)

4. San Andreas Fault (a transform boundary)

5. 1.0 = minimal, 4.0 = minimal, 10.0 = major, 7.3 = major, 6.4 = moderate, 2.0 = minimal

6. California

7. Magnitude of earthquake-the amount of energy released; also measures how long an earthquake lasts

8. tsunamis are caused by earthquakes on the ocean floor; a tsunami is a large wave

9. P

10. compression; backwards and forwards

11. magnitude, how close to the epicenter, focus depth, length of time it lasted, the location (city or country)

12. New Madrid Fault in Missouri

13. pressure from the Atlantic Ocean pushing

14. seismograph measures waves, Mercalli measures the intensity of the earthquake

15. Focus is directly underneath the epicenter. The focus is the point in the crust where the eq begins; epicenter is on the surface of the earth

16. aftershocks-small waves produced after an earthquake; foreshocks-small waves before an earthquake

17. waves that occur last over the surface of the earth (last to be recorded on the seismograph)

18. Iowa, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin

19. solids, 2 times as fast

20. debris falling, fires, floods, tsunamis, ground displacement

21. d = (difference in P & S wave x 100km)/8 sec

22. take the risk because it doesn’t happen very frequently

23. 1811-1812, one of the most widely felt earthquakes in US history; New Madrid Fault

24. 1000 times (10 x 10 x 10)

25. intensity (the damage caused), I –XII

26. earthquake with a magnitude of less than 2.5 on the Richter scale; not felt by people

27. December 26, 2004; 250,000 people

28. Seismic Rupture, Landslide, Undersea Eruption or Explosion, Meteor Impact

30. Shallow: 0-70 km Intermediate: 70-300 km Deep: 300-650 km

31. seismograph