Deaths and Funerals
Updated 04/19/16
1. How information on death / funeral flows to staff:
a. Call to receptionist
b. Call to on-call staff member
c. Call to minister that family is requesting to conduct funeral
2. Information to be collected upon notification to receptionist
a. Person calling in information and phone number
b. Name of deceased
c. Name of family member(s) to contact and contact information.
d. Funeral home handling (director name if MBC asked to conduct service)
e. Funeral information (if available)
i. Visitation
1. Date
2. Time
3. Location
ii. Funeral / Memorial Service
1. Date
2. Time
3. Location
iii. Interment
1. Location
f. Are there any practical needs that we can help you meet?
g. Is a Mobberly minister being requested to conduct the service?
3. On-Call Staff Additional Responsibilities
a. Contact the family either directly or over the phone
b. Pray with the family and identify any specific support needs
c. Obtain key information listed in item 2.
d. When responding to death while on call on a weekend or holiday try to anticipate requests for Mobberly.
i. Do they want to use Mobberly facilities?
ii. Are there specific plans for a meal prior to or following the service? Avoid making any specific commitments on the provision of a meal?
iii. Is a Mobberly minister being requested to conduct the service?
e. Email – this will in turn send the email to all staff in this distribution list.
f. If applicable, contact staff member being requested to conduct service.
4. Pastor/Staff meeting with family
a. Pastor/Minister conducting service is responsible for coordinating this meeting.
b. Does anyone from worship ministry need to attend family meeting (coordinated by pastor/minister responsible for funeral?
c. Is the service on campus, which facility?
i. Worship Center
ii. Parlor B202
iii. Crossing
iv. Bridge D107/120 – special consideration must be given due to sound limitations.
d. Facility availability: You may want to check Service U to check for scheduling conflicts. If room shows to be available, you can share “it looks like the facilities are available but I will confirm this and get back with you shortly.” You can download the Service U App to your smart phone.
e. Mobberly Worship ministry member to sing / play at service?
f. Collect information as defined on Funeral Service Checklist
g. Provide copy of checklist to:
i. Administrative Assistant to Maturing Adults
ii. Worship ministry involve
iii. Hostess ministry (where applicable for meal set up or serving)
iv. Volunteer meeting (where applicable)
h. Costs – Mobberly does not charge for funerals. Sometimes you will get a question about honorariums; I have found the best response is “First and foremost we view this as a ministry. An honorarium is always considered gracious but never expected. I know the Lord will lead you through this process.”
i. Helpful resources:
i. Paul Powell’s New Minister’s Manual -
ii. O.S. Hawkin’s – The Pastor’s Primer
iii. Warren & David Wiersbe’s - Ministering to the Mourning: A Practical Guide for Pastors, Church Leaders, and Other Caregivers
5. Administrative Assistant to Maturing Adults
a. Reserves facilities for funeral and/or meal.
b. Works in conjunction with Connect Admin to coordinate meals with appropriate Small Group.
c. Coordinating purchase / pickup of food per item 6c.
6. Scheduling family meals on campus
a. Small Group has first responsibility for providing meal
b. Where there is no connection to a Small Group or they cannot handle
i. Picked up by another ministry area that family is involved in.
ii. Coordinated by hostess ministry.
c. Handling situations where extra food is required
i. Large extended family to be served
ii. Class limitations (ie. age, small class)
iii. Supplemental food will be purchased / provided through Sr. Adult Ministry budget. Limited funds are available, please contact Minister to Maturing Adults / Sr. Adult Ministry for spending approval.
FUNERAL SERVICE CHECKLIST / Distribution: / Gwen Diamond (Stewardship)Information Collected By (Minister): / Gail Enloe (Connect) / Carol Giles (Women's Ministry)
______ / Mindy Avedikian (Worship) / Jan LaJoie (Volunteer Ministry)
Family Information
Deceased Name:
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Mobberly Member: / Yes No
Family Member(s):
Family Member Contact Number(s):
Service Information
Minister(s) Conducting Service
Funeral Home
Funeral Director
Location of Service
Date/Time of Service
Location of Visitation
Date/Time of Visitation
Service Details
Live/CD Music Used / Live CD
Group / Soloist Requested
Additional Speakers ie. family, others
Pianist Needed / Yes No
Congregational Music Words Required / Yes No
Video/slideshow (family or FH provided) / Yes No
Music to video or piano to accompany / Music / Accompaniment
Video or Audio Recording of Svc for Family (When at MBC) / Video / Audio
Life streaming of Service (When at MBC) / Yes / No
Program (When at MBC) / Yes No
- Music
- Prelude
- Postlude
- Speakers
- Picture for Program / Requested Provided
- Other
- Pall Bearers
Minister conducting service responsible for providing order of service to Worship Ministry
Service Planning
Sound/Lights Contacted? / Yes No
Church pianist and soloists contacted? / Yes No
Person creating Funeral Program (if at church)
Special Set Up Requests - Note Below
Family Meal @ Church / Yes No
Number attending:
Class/Group Responsible:
Primary Contact:
Small Group Contacted / Yes No
Supplemental Food Required / Yes No
Event Calendered for Facilities
Funeral Calendared:
Meal Calendared (reserved and actual time):
Other Information:
CDC Notified if large funeral
and parking will be an issue
Volunteer Needs
Greeters (memorial service / funeral over 500)
Parking/Security (Funeral over 500 only)
Shuttle Service (Funeral over 500 only)
Hostess Committee
Table Clothes (Ivory only):
Vases (Bud or Bowls only):
Meal Servers (If not through Small Group):
Information to Collect from the Family
Consider collecting the following information when meeting with the family:
1. Complete the “blue fields” on the Funeral Checklist form.
2. Basic biographical information
a. Where the person was born
b. Parents
c. Experiences growing up
d. Family
i. Spouse (how long married)
ii. Children
iii. Grandchildren
3. Spiritual / Faith matters
a. Favorite scriptures (individual’s / family)
b. Places that they served in the church
c. Salvation story
4. Personal Information
a. Family stories
b. Lessons learned from this person
c. Funny sayings
d. Career information
e. Hobbies and interests
f. Travel
Sample Order of Service (Attached)
Family Meals for Funerals
Small Group Responsibilities
2) Identify meal time – in conjunction with family being served
3) Identify estimated number attending
4) Communicate time and estimated attendance to Minister to Maturing Adults Administrative Assistant for calendaring.
5) Items provide by church: paper goods, plastic ware, serving utensils, coffee, tea. Note SG is responsible for making tea and coffee.
6) Coordinate with your Small Group to provide food
7) Enlist members of SG for set up, serving, and clean up
8) Set up table clothes and standard bud vase decorations (provided by church)
9) Set up food and serve meal to family
10) Clean up following meal (Guidelines Posted in Bldg B & Bridge Kitchens)
11) Do not leave dishes or food behind in kitchen or refrigerator as they are discarded on a regular basis.