Name: ______

Ch. 10 Worksheet (30 Pts. Total)

_____ 1.George Fitzhugh defends slavery on the grounds that ______.

A) it is justified by the Bible

B) slaves are better off than northern “wage slaves”

C) the Constitution explicitly protects slavery

D) might makes right

_____ 2.Southern apologists for slavery link slave uprisings to ______.

A) northern antislavery opinion

B) the Second Great Awakening

C) operation of the Underground Railroad

D) free blacks in the North and South

_____ 3.The US Constitution ______.

A) explicitly legalizes slavery

B) refers to slavery in three places, but only indirectly

C) ignores the issue of slavery altogether

D) gives Congress the power to regulate slavery in the states

_____ 4.Of the 12 million people who live in the South in 1860, how many are slaves?

A) 1 million

B) 3 million

C) 4 million

D) 6 million

_____ 5.The first slave rebel to actually kill a large number of white people is ______.

A) Gabriel Prosser

B) Nat Turner

C) Denmark Vesey

D) Harriet Tubman

_____ 6.Samuel Townes’s failure as a cotton planter in Alabama in the 1830s demonstrates ______.

A) New England’s stranglehold on the cotton market

B) the undeveloped state of community among cotton planters

C) the constant danger of slave rebellion

D) his lack of experience in the cotton business

_____ 7.In an effort to control its African American population, Charleston city officials ______.

A) reenslave free blacks

B) make blacks wear badges

C) banthe migration of blacks from the countryside to the city

D) require all blacks to join white churches

_____ 8.The phrase “black belt” refers to this in the South.

A) areas of greatest slave population

B) center of large plantations

C) law codes that restricted free blacks

D) fertile soil of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi

_____ 9.Southerners blame Denmark Vesey’s conspiracy on ______.

A) the invention of the cotton gin

B) the publication of the Liberator

C) the Missouri Compromise crisis

D) British abolition of slavery in the West Indies

_____ 10.By 1860, America’s largest single export is ______.

A) tobacco

B) cotton

C) slaves

D) rice

_____11.Which of these is a consequence of the settlement of the Old Southwest in the early nineteenth century?

A) a lull in the expansion of slavery

B) the forced migration of Indian peoples

C) the Great Awakening

D) the strengthening of the white southern family

_____12.One reason for the persistence of slavery in the South is that ______.

A) a child born of a slave is legally a slave

B) the international slave trade grows rapidly after 1808

C) free blacks are seized and enslaved

D) Indian slaves replace black slaves after 1808

_____13.Slave marriages ______.

A) are expressly forbidden by most slave owners

B) are considered legal in most southern states

C) are encouraged by most owners

D) have little chance to survive

_____ 14.Most runaway slaves are ______.

A) young men

B) young women

C) older men

D) older women

_____ 15.A common defense of the institution of slavery by slave owners is that ______.

A) slaves are treated better than northern industrial workers

B) they are becoming Christianized and thus their souls will be saved

C) slave children play with white children

D) slaves live better on southern plantations than the natives in Africa

_____ 16.The planter ideology presents the male master as a ______.

A) father figure

B) king or emperor

C) corporate executive

D) factory supervisor

_____ 17.One of the most common violations of the southern paternalistic code of behavior is ______.

A) plantation mistress cruelty to house servants

B) sexual abuse of female slaves by their masters

C) economic fraud against slaves

D) defiance of their husbands by plantation mistresses

_____ 18.Who grows the great export crops of the colonial period?

A) African American slaves

B) white indentured servants

C) Irish immigrants

D) small New England farmers

_____ 19.Southerners find justifications for slavery in ______.

A) the Bible

B) English law

C) European public opinion

D) the writings of George Washington

_____ 20.Hinton Rowan Helper’s The Impending Crisis (1857) is a(n) ______.

A) attack on northern abolitionists and manufacturers

B) attack on slavery by a native Southerner

C) attack on slavery by a northern abolitionist

D) protest against the congressional “gag rule”

_____ 21.White masters learn to live with the two key institutions of African American community life, which are ______.

A) African languages and African religions

B) literacy and individualism

C) music and traveling

D) the family and the African American church

_____ 22.In the eighteenth century, ______ships dominate the slave trade between Africa and British North America.

A) Mid-Atlantic

B) southern

C) New England

D) English

_____ 23.The evangelical religion that spreads after the Second Great Awakening ______.

A) is used by whites as a means of social control over the slaves

B) is accepted wholeheartedly by the slaves

C) replaces African religions

D) encourages many blacks to rebel

_____ 24.A major reason for the reduction in the number of slave owners in the South prior to the Civil War is ______.

A) the rapidly increasing price of slaves

B) an increasing mortality rate

C) a rapid decline in slave birthrates

D) the abolition of slave markets in the United States

_____ 25.By the early 1800s, the South ______.

A) has become a slave society

B) is a society with slaves

C) has begun to question the morality of slavery

D) depends less on slavery than during the colonial period

_____ 26.Although free blacks in the North cannot, many blacks in the South, both free and slave, work ______.

A) in professions like medicine and law

B) in skilled trades like carpentering and blacksmithing

C) as butlers and valets

D) in domestic service

_____ 27.African religions manage to survive from the earliest days of slavery in forms that white people see as ______.

A) superstitions

B) heretical forms of Christianity

C) dangerous

D) profound and moving

_____ 28.Southern politics is largely controlled by ______.

A) the slave-owning elite

B) southern land speculators

C) the professional class

D) the small slave owners

_____ 29.The planter elite consciously works to create a lifestyle that resembles the ______.

A) French aristocracy

B) Creole aristocracy

C) English aristocracy

D) newly rich in the North

_____ 30.Prior to the Civil War, whatfraction of white families owns slaves?

A) one-tenth

B) one-third

C) two-fifths

D) two-thirds