Problem Set 4
1. Explain why I− mutations in the lac system are normally recessive to I+ mutations and whyI+ mutations are recessive to Is mutations.
Note: the F' elements are shaded grey. I will solve A-D of this problem
4. The diagram below shows how much ("AP activity") different sugars induce the S. meliloti agp operon, which is needed for utilization of a-galactosides. The protein AgpT recognizes inducers and causes the agp genes to be expressed. What can be said about how S. meliloti AgpT recognizes molecules that act as inducers of the agp operon. What parts of the molecules are important? Which can vary greatly? Can you draw a schematic of the binding pocket of AgpT illustrating what is and what is not recognized?
5. IPTG can enter cells without the aid of membrane protein, while lactose requires the aid of the membrane protein Lac permease. From the structures of the two molecules, speculate on why this might be so.
6. In some cases gene systems are repressed when a particular compound is present, and then become depressed when that compound is absent. This is the opposite of the Lac system which is repressed when lactose absent, and becomes depressed when lactose is around. Can you think of a way in which a system could become derepressed when a compound was absent? For example, if you found that cells made serine biosynthetic enzymes only when serine was absent, and if you knew the controlling gene was a repressor, what kind of a model would fit the data? What kind of mutants would support your model?
7. Fill in the following table by indicating whether b-gal and permease will be made in each of the strains listed on the left. "P" stands for "promoter" the region where RNAP binds to start transcription. As always, the "/" indicates that the region following the slash is carried on something like a F' plasmid.
8. Imagine that you are studying a newly discovered species of fungi
that forms fruiting bodies and spores. You have isolated a collection
of mutants that don’t sporulated when plated by themselves, but that
do sporulate when mixed with wild type. Having been and enthusiast of
the elegant genetics done in M. xanthus, your are ready to try putting
your mutants into complementation groups based on whether one mutant
forms spores when mixed with another mutant. The data in the table
below are the results of a mutant mixing experiment.
The “+” means spores formed and the “-“ means that spores were not
formed. How many complementation groups (genes or gene groups involved
in a process needed or sporulation) are there? Which mutants are in
each group?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 51 / - / + / + / + / +
2 / - / - / + / +
3 / - / + / +
4 / - / +
5 / -
9. Five new His- auxotrophs were isolated. Complementation analysis of each of the mutants gave the following results (+ indicates growth on minimal medium without histidine).
-1.How many complementation groups are there?
-1.How many genes do the five His- mutants affect?
10. Various nonsense mutants of phage T4 were tested for their ability to grow on three different E. coli strains containing uncharacterized suppressor mutations. The results are summarized in the table below. [+ = ability to form plaques; 0 = no plaques are formed; supo = no nonsense suppressor]
Phage mutant / Host strainsupo / sup-61 / sup-62 / sup-63
amber-1 / 0 / + / 0 / +
amber-2 / 0 / + / + / +
amber-3 / 0 / + / 0 / 0
amber-4 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
amber-5 / 0 / + / + / +
ochre-1 / 0 / 0 / + / 0
ochre-2 / 0 / 0 / + / 0
ochre-3 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
-1.Which of the host strains carry amber suppressors?
-1.Which of the host strains carry ochre suppressors?
-1.What anticodon would you expect for the suppressor tRNA of sup-62?
-1.Give two independent explanations for the slight differences in the suppression patterns of the sup-61 and sup-63 strains.
11. A variety of suppressor mutations have been isolated in chromosomal tRNA genes in E. coli but tRNA suppressors which insert tryptophan are very rare. Using a codon table, explain why this is true.