25March 2013
PRESENT: Geoff Uren (acting Chairman), Hazel Allinson, Pat Ashby, Dave Challis, Jason Charman and Leigh Cresswell.
ALSO PRESENT: Cllr Frank Wilkinson of West Sussex County Council (WSCC), and the Clerk.
1 APOLOGIES: Carol Henderson(Chairman), and Cllr Ray Dawe and Jim Sanson of Horsham District Council (HDC) Chantry Ward. HDC Cllr Chris Mason has resigned.
2DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: JC - personal interest in Newland Gardens as a resident; PA - personal interest in co-option of new councillors; DC - disclosable pecuniary interest in the Black Horse; HA - personal interest in requests for donations.
3 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the meeting held on 16January 2013 were agreed by members and signed by the acting Chairman as a true record.
4CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLORS: Tim Ashby, as the sole candidate, attended the meeting and was invited by the acting Chairman to speak. PA abstained from voting and left her seat. A ballot was held of all other members present, resulting in a majority votefor Tim Ashby. He declined to take his seat at this meeting. One vacancy remains.
5POLICE REPORT: PC John Burt reported four recorded crimes from January to March, including assaults and a theft from a dwelling at Houghton Bridge. Regarding recent reports of missing dogs, a van was mentioned which is of interest to the police but it was not seen in the area on the day the dogs went missing. There has been an increase in dog thefts recently. The Clerk was asked to warn residents on Listserve.
PC Burt produced data, listed on a rolling 12 month basis, for recorded crimes and detections for each parish in the South Horsham district. This information will be sent to the Clerk in future.
a)Sewage at School Road: The Clerk reported that CH, JC and shemet Southern Water managers and Cllr Frank Wilkinson (FW) on 11 March. Amberley Castle’s manager and head gardener attended and confirmed that all Southern Water’s recommendationsare being implemented to at least the standard required.
Southern Water had not fitted new carbon filters in the pumping station, as they first need to check that the problems do not originate from Amberley Castle. As the hotel was closed until 25 February, it was agreed to meet again after two months.
Not all actions from the last meeting in November had been done by Southern Water, which is behind schedule due to a very busy winter. The pumping station was viewed and Southern Water agreed to change the vent pipe to more suitable proportions.
b)Website: LC reported that the provider is still upgrading its own software platform and it should be completed in 7 to 10 days. LC will explain at the next meeting exactly what benefits the Council will receive for the increased cost.
c)Newland Gardens: LC reported that he and JC met Lance Kester of Saxon Weald and their consultant Marc Pragnell in February. The consultant’s report revealed incorrect installation of the heating system. Saxon Weald will use the same company to rectify and to re-commission, to ensure continuity. Work is due to start on 25 March. The draughts and insulation will be addressed. Residents should receive some compensation for the high heating bills. LC and JC will obtain details of current costs. Residents should pay only £300 to £400 p.a for a two-bedroomed flat but are paying twice this or more. Saxon Weald wasco-operative and will also address the winter flooding of the access road.
d)B2139: FW reported that the rumble strips either end of Turnpike Road will be removed within 14 days. At the meeting of Chanctonbury County Local Committee (CLC) the previous week, the extension of the 40mph limit, village gates and double white lines were all agreed. This work will be done as soon as funds are available, possibly by the end of summer.
There will be a meeting about Air Quality Management Area at Storrington at the end of the week, after the consultation period ends on 15 March. Consultation responses will be studied, followed by in-depth work on the various options. FW is keen to reduce the volume of traffic passing through Amberley.
Residents had requested a mirror on Turnpike Road opposite their driveway, FW advised that he would refer this to Ed Dickinson of WSCC but expects him to say “no” because of Dept of Transport regulations. Residents may install mirrors only in their own gardens. The acting Chairman thanked FW for being a ‘great warrior’ on this road.
PA said the hedge in the garden of Corner Cottage is bulging out, obstructing the view when turning right onto the B2139. The Clerk will contact the owner, Amberley Castle.
GU mentioned damage to posts and railings caused by a vehicle along the causeway at Houghton, not within this parish, which had not been repaired. FW offered to report it. FW left the meeting at this point.
e)Queen Elizabeth II Field Fields Challenge: DCreported that this matter is effectively complete, as the Recreation Ground is protected. He will report again if there is more news. DC is awaiting confirmation and the title number from the Land Registry. The tree is still too small to be planted. Siting of this and a plaque to be considered later.
f)Public Sector Mapping Agreement: LC reported that the Council now has access and a lot of data is available. He is investigating how much the Council will get from it and will bring some maps to the next meeting. It will be a useful point of reference.
a)Planning: DC reported thata site visitat Drewitts Farm had to be postponed due to bad weather. There is a need to check the positions of buildings, and materials and workmanship. He is pressing HDC for monthly visits. The site appears to comply with the plans. Neighbours are concerned about a historic boundary wall and DC will keep up the pressure, to ensure compliance. Progress overall has been very slow.
Members of the Planning Committee visited Amberley Castle, about applications for internal changes to some hotel rooms. The focus was on wastewater, in view of Southern Water’s concerns about the hotel. The proposed new bathroom fittings should reduce wastewater. The owners appear to be focused on sustainability.
Planning Committee members also paid pre-application site visits to Bishops and Nailards. HDC’s Conservation Officer will view the sloping roof at Bishops which the owner wishes to replace. A pre-application link is now on the South Downs National Park’s (SDNP) website.
Compliance action is still outstanding from HDC on the Thatched Cottage and the Old Cottage. HDC’s lack of action will be discussed at a meeting to be convened with HDC planning officials, which the SDNP Link Officer will be asked to attend.
There are problems with viewing documents on SDNP’s planning portal. CH had asked DC to raise this matter with them. SDNP are moving towards access to documents solely online but there are no plans for them to take over decisions from HDC. PA advised that,on 8 March, she and CH attended a SDNP event and spoke to senior officer Anne Bone, who will pass details of the Council’s compliance problems to one of their Historic Building Officers. They will contact HDC to check that they are actively following up compliance complaints - and, if not, would discuss with them. SDNP’s financial arrangements with HDC include HDC undertaking the enforcement role and SDNP need to know if there are problems.
GU reported that he had succeeded in obtaining the listing of the Black Horse as an Asset of Community Value under the terms of the Localism Act 2011. Regulations will allow the local community to bid to buy the property, should the owner decide to sell it. A moratorium period would then apply, to give the community time to organise a bid.
Good public attendance at the Black Horse appeal hearing, to be held on 27 March, is important. HA is trying to co-ordinate lifts to Horsham for those who need them.
b)Roads and Paths: JC advised that he tried to contact Nick Scott, WSCC’s Access Ranger, to arrange for JC and HA to walk some of the footpaths with him. The path through Millennium Green is very muddy, apparently having been used by a motorbike. JC will see if he can talk to the bike’s owner or his relatives. Also, litter was found at the layby to the north of East Street/Rackham Road.
c)Finance: The Clerk advised that discussions on the Final Precept in January had centred on an adequate contingency fund which, it was agreed, should be £3,500. The Clerk later found that the Precept amount of £16,500 mentioned at the meeting was based on a lower contingency fund and had obtained all members’ agreement to an increased Precept of £17,500 to provide for the agreed contingency. The amount payable by residents is unchanged from that advised to members in January.
d)Assets and Amenities: HA reported thatplayground repairs at Hurst Cottages and the Recreation Ground had been done. Work on trees at the Recreation Ground is still outstanding.
8 FINANCIAL REPORT: The Clerk presented the Financial Statement to 13 March, which was agreed by members present and signed by the acting Chairman. Members approved the payments, totalling £6,416.78.
9 VILLAGE BUS SERVICE: The voluntary positions of manager and drivers were advertised but there had been no response. If nobody comes forward, the service mustbe discontinuedfrom April. Suitable drivers had come forward but they were over age; no new driver may start if over 70. The manager role could be split into operational and administrative and was advertised as such. Bus Committee members at Slindon had been invited to this meeting but did not attend. They are advertising in the same way as Amberley.
GU will post another appeal on Listserve as soon as possible. It would be a great pity if the service is discontinued, as the Committee had ideas for expanding the service. GU thanked the other Bus Committee members, PA and JC, for their hard work.
JC advised that he had received an offer for the administration part of the manager position. GU asked JC to email him the details and to copy Mike Imms of Slindon. GU advised that, if people volunteer for just three months, it would provide a window of time.
10 LOWER TIDAL RIVER ARUN STRATEGY: GU advised thatthe Environment Agency’s (EA) consultation closes on 15 March. They will continue to service culverts between Pulborough and Houghton Bridge but the river from Houghton Bridge to the sea will not be maintained. GU advised that Houghton Bridge residents are concerned to know which properties will be at risk of flooding. Apparently, homeowners are not permitted to protect their own property.
GU advised that JC will attend a meeting held by the EA on 19 March, when they will present their findings for the River Arun Internal Drainage District (IDD) and discuss the way forward. GU asked JC to establish who will be responsible for managing drainage in this area.
From the floor, Grahame Joseph advised that the Amberley Society invited anEA representative to a meeting. There are concerns about building on the flood plain allowed by HDC. He commented that there may be more localised flooding north of Pulborough which may reduce the risk of catastrophic flooding elsewhere, and that EA’s strategy is generally good.
11 COMMUNITY DEFIBRILLATORS: Dr Richard Robinson had asked the Council to consider a permanently-sited defibrillator in the village. He attended the meeting and was asked to speak by the acting Chairman. He advised that there is a window of only eight minutes for successful resuscitation in the event of cardiac arrest. The South East Ambulance Service has offered the defibrillator and training for its use, free of charge.
Members suggested the porch of the surgery building in The Square as the best location. A defibrillator is permanently sited at Amberley Museum. In response to queries about theft, Dr Robinson advised that Bury has had one in a public place for some time. He asked the Council to buy the necessary cabinet for the defibrillator, costing £330.
Members agreed to this and the acting Chairman praised Dr Robinson for his work with the First Responders.
12 COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP AND CHEQUE SIGNATORIES: Committee membership was confirmed as follows: Roads and Paths, JC and HA; Planning, no change; Assets and Amenities, DC and HA; Village Bus, no change; Finance, CH, GU and DC. GU offered to be a cheque signatory.
13 CORRESPONDENCE & REQUESTS FOR DONATIONS: There were no requests to see correspondence. Two requests for donations had been received.
Jenny Toynbee, of the Amberley Good Neighbours Emergency Service (AGNES), had written to the Council to request £100, to enable the suggested donations frompassengers to be limited and for drivers to receive larger amounts from AGNES. HA advised, on behalf of AGNES, that the £100 paid by the Council in 2012 was very useful. HA abstained from further discussion. All other members present agreed to donate £100 to AGNES during the 2013/4 financial year.
West Sussex Mediation Service (WSMS) requested a donation from the Council, who had donated £50 during 2011/12 financial year. PCSO Carol Boniface had written to the Council to support this request, as Sussex Police refer people to the service. Members were concerned about how the service would be accessed by Amberley residents. The Clerk was asked to find out about what is offered and how WSMS ensure that residents are made aware of the service.
14 EXTERNAL MEETINGS ATTENDED BY COUNCILLORS: CH and PA attended an SDNP event on 8 March, to give councillors within the Park the opportunity to contribute to the development of their ManagementPlan, and to tell officials what is affecting their parish or town. GU and JC attended a regular meeting of the Horsham Association of Local Councils in January. LC and JC attended a meeting with Saxon Weald about Newland Gardens in February. CH, JC and the Clerk held a meeting with Southern Water on 11 March about the pumping station.
15 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was none.
16 COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR: Grahame Joseph proposed a vote of thanksfrom the community to HDC Cllr Chris Mason, who retired from HDC on 12 March. GJ congratulated the Council on listing of the Black Horse as a Community Asset.
GJ said the Amberley Society will continue to network with SDNPA, who were represented at an Amberley Society meeting and regard Amberley as a significant village within the Park. A visit by senior members of SDNPA has been scheduled for 30 April. GJ askedfor Amberley Parish Council to be involved. A tour is planned, including the tea roomand shop, and parts of the parish such as Newland Gardens. Up to 25 SDNPA officials are expected. This would be their one visit this year and the first time that a community has received such a visit.
There being no further business, the acting Chairman closed the meeting at 9:50pm
The next meeting of the Council will be the Annual Meeting, to be held at 7:45pm on Wednesday 8 May. The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Wednesday 1 May.