Quarter 4, 2011-2012 sy

International Business
April 16-20 / Big 6/6+1 Activities
Virtual Business Management Program Lessons 1-3
Learn vocabulary and some of the issues involved in running a company
April 23-27
STEMposium / 1.  Virtual Business Management Program Lessons 1-12
Save all documents as instructed in email.
Start working on your case study!!! Make appointments for interviews. Take photos.
April 30 – May 4
STAMP Testing / 1.  Look at: http://www.benjerry.com/company/history/ What types of business forms has Ben and Jerry’s ice cream used from 1978 until now? Why would they make these changes? What changes did they have to do to go international? What business form do they use in Germany? How well does that seem to work? http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Ben-amp;-Jerrys-Homemade-Inc-Company-History.html Due May 7
May 7-11
AP Exams /
1.  Do Executive Summary of Business Simulation.
2.  Start Sim 1, Standard City. Earn $500,000.
3.  Continue working on your case study!
May 14-18
JROTC Drill Finals
AP Exams / 1.  Continue personal sim until you are a millionaire. Go on if you're way ahead and see what more competitors cause.
2.  On Wed/Thur and Friday, run the multiplayer game and compete against the other classes.
3.  Do quia.com quiz about Business Mgmt
4.  Continue working on your case study, especially seniors!!
May 21-25
US History Tests
Europeans / 1.  Chapter Nine--read and questions p. 216, 1-4; p. 222, 1-4; p. 226, choose two questions
2.  Learn about Leadership styles at http://psychology.about.com/od/leadership/a/leadstyles.htm
3.  According to their quiz Psychology Tests and Quizzes What is your style?
4.  In 100-150 words, compare and contrast Transactional and Transformational leadership.
5.  Make appt for next week’s interview and your case study interview (probably three different people unless one of your store people is a dual career person)
6.  Do Quia.com quiz and follow-up
7.  Continue working on your case study, especially seniors!!
May 29 – June 1
Memorial Day / 1.  Interview an international dual career (adults working for companies/agencies from two different countries) family member, such as Derek Hyde, Maheila Vatamann, or one of the Sato Travel employees, focusing on the demands of their job, job training, schedules, travel, and how it affects their family lives.
i.  Create a list of questions—10 %
ii.  Make an appointment and share the list of questions—10 %
iii.  Have the interview—10 %
iv.  Write up the answers after each question plus a summary of what you learned —40 %
v.  What challenges do they have compared to families where both spouses work for companies in the same country? —30 % due 05/31
2.  Choose a career used in international businesses that would interest you. What special training, schooling, visas, etc., would you need to do it in one of the countries you researched last quarter? How would the pay and living conditions compare with that of your home town in the US or with Ansbach? How can you use your overseas time now to benefit you in the future? One full page due 05/31
3.  Read Chapter 16. List the software programs and explain what you’d need to do in order to allow your Business Simulation company to work electronically. How would customers place orders? How could they access files needed from your company without being able to access private files (payroll, etc.)? What would be the most efficient (secure and fast) form(s) of communication within your company and with your customers?
4.  Seniors, be finishing up your semester projects. You present to the class next Tuesday!
June 4 - 8
HS Awards
Semester Exams / 1.  Find two articles online about the benefits and challenges of international e-commerce. Easiest is to look up ‘e-commerce’ in the Gale Group online database (http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/ansbhs password ra!dodea ). Summarize the articles. What are some of the good and bad parts of doing business internationally using the Internet?
2.  Work on case studies. Seniors present to the class on Tuesday.
Case Study
p. 76-77 / Seniors present case studies to class on June 5th!!
Case Study—p. 76-77—choose a store type and focus on that for your study
Visit a few stores (Commissary or AAFES and two German stores) during the quarter. Think about the layouts of the stores, the types of products they offer, their online offerings, etc. Talk to a store manager or other worker about their store and how it works—focus of types of merchandise, layout, determining prices, etc. Take pictures of or sketch the layout, types of merchandise, etc. Take along this paper so they know you’re studying this, not spying J .
1.  Record your resources as you research, including the addresses of the stores you visit and the names of the people you interview. Include this at the end of your report/PPT.
2.  Report to the class with either a written report if 3+ pages or a presentation of 10+ slides with speaker’s notes. Include graphics, such as, photos of the layouts of the stores, ads from the newspaper or Internet, and screenshots from their website to help in your comparisons.
June 11-13 / Other Students--Finish case studies and present to your class Tuesday, June 12