Week 6 Recording:

Note 10

(1) discuss the additional content we have added in light of Lina's feedback

(2) roles for week of 20 Sept - 27 Sept

(3) TOC and our approach

Idenitfy 5 key aspects in the change

Could be at different levels that are relevant

Some notes from Lina's feedback

concept from SSM analysis?

process and tools for each level i.e. audience

23 Sept 2010

tasks to be distributed to Group A team

1. activity models SSM

2. change strategy (models, plans etc)

3. change mgmt tools (e.g. training programs for staff etc)

4. case studies that relate to our change

(+ Conceptual justification)

assignment to

1. Ahlam

2. Gilly

3. Scarlet

4. Nic

Note 8

TOC layout

Gilly - encompassing all facets

e.g. each section deals with different elements of the change process

Nic - multi dimensional

e.g. each element is addressed per level

Scarlet - linear

progressional layout

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:12)nic

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:13)so while we work on the topic we justify its selection.. sound awesome

gilbert: (18:13) Students are requested to contribute to the project minimum 500 words (of original text or ideas) in at least five weeks (5% each week) and submit a completed project (5%). Each student should keep copies and log of individual weekly contributions and submit it for assessment on the same day.

Scarlet: (18:13)yeah i got that - cheers!

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:13)BTW, what does she mean by on the same day?

gilbert: (18:13)exactly!

nicolaMac: (18:14)that is what we are doing everyweek and putting in our personal journals and entering word count into excel

gilbert: (18:14)i am confused about that

gilbert: (18:14)but do we submit the contributino for assessment each week? as in the same day we made the contribution or what?

nicolaMac: (18:14)we are contributing eg your contribution on toc gilbert counts as your 500

gilbert: (18:14)hmmm

nicolaMac: (18:14)we all have to contribute something every week which w have done by the skin of our chinny chin choins

Scarlet: (18:15)i would think on final submission

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:15)where do u keep ur journal nic... and do u share it with Lina weekly?

gilbert: (18:15)yep so nic u reckon we hand in everything at the end of it?

nicolaMac: (18:15)no we will all have to to give it in at the end as part of the last assignement when we have to give summary of our process

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:15)I see

gilbert: (18:15)hmm okok

nicolaMac: (18:16)assignment now - we contribute 500 words everyweek to building our guide

gilbert: (18:16)anywayz scar i noticed u didn't fill in the excel sheet... reminding ya! lol

nicolaMac: (18:16)next assignment we analyse our logs to look at our nuggets of information scripts etc

gilbert: (18:16)yep

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:16)thanks

nicolaMac: (18:16)last assignment we hand in personal logs we have kept /journal of our work

nicolaMac: (18:16)maybe last 2 are in one but in anycase those 2 processes

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:17)I see... logical!

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:17)so shall we agree now?

gilbert: (18:17)yep

nicolaMac: (18:17)with lina - read ahead - there is a lot of method in what she directs us to do

gilbert: (18:17)yeah indeed

nicolaMac: (18:17)agree on what?

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:17)professional indeed

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:17)tasks???????

nicolaMac: (18:17)i need your nominations for her guys - got nearly everyone elses

gilbert: (18:18)1) Manual at dept level but may be geared towards other audience

gilbert: (18:18)2) our tasks

gilbert: (18:18)OH YAH!

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:18)sorry nic... i keep forgetting.. very soon don't worry

nicolaMac: (18:18)scarlt also read the army paper where they implemented lms t help you in your taks

gilbert: (18:18)me too sorry

Scarlet: (18:18)Hey Nic what army paper?

nicolaMac: (18:19)we may all want to skim one of the profesional change management guides I put up - think that will be a good view for you gilber

nicolaMac: (18:19)sorry now you have become gilber..... aarggghhh

nicolaMac: (18:19)suggested readings i have already put up

gilbert: (18:19)lol

Scarlet: (18:19)ok, will look for it

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:20)plz give me a CLEAR task that suits my slow understanding

nicolaMac: (18:20)now does anybody need particular documetns on particulear areas - you can always email me later when you are working for me to find more for you

gilbert: (18:20)sure...

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:21)will do so for sure. book worm;)

Scarlet: (18:21)excellent thanks

nicolaMac: (18:21)but for now i think i have given you enough so i land up doing nothing ...

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:21)hhhhh

nicolaMac: (18:21)gilbert we changed next meeting to tuesday so that we can all get compare and contrast paper done for michael for monaday

gilbert: (18:21)oh that makes sense

gilbert: (18:21)ok cool

nicolaMac: (18:22)have u started?

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:22)excellent

gilbert: (18:22)only selected my papers

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:22)yeah 2 weeks ago.. me too.. hhh

gilbert: (18:22)are we done?? my friend is poking me that she wants her comp back lol

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:22)hhhh

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:23)taaask?

nicolaMac: (18:23)ooo that nearly called for a naughty comment but we are being recorded...

Scarlet: (18:23)i think so, make sure we get a good start on our bits for tuesday meeting. not completed but a start would be good

nicolaMac: (18:23)ahlam look at the ssm article in the law firm

nicolaMac: (18:23)it will give you some great ideas to flesh out ssm

gilbert: (18:23)the task is on the right? ur doing activity models SSM

gilbert: (18:23)haha nic dun be naughty! lol

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:23)will do nic.. any oother lovely recommedntaions?

nicolaMac: (18:23)enggestrom, disturbances too i think

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:24)aha

nicolaMac: (18:24)all in that article - enough for a few days i promise

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:24)great'thaaanks

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:24)and develop our Conceptual Justification for each point... right?

nicolaMac: (18:25)gilly seriously look at those 2 change management guides - will give you all the meat you need for your section

Scarlet: (18:25)well, we have already a conceptual model via ssm so not sure if we need to for each section

nicolaMac: (18:25)i seem to remember she said include other conceptual models

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:25)so one of us should do that for the whole section?

nicolaMac: (18:26)dont panic ahlam just start it - we are only doing one level remember ;-)

gilbert: (18:26)from what i remember what she means by conceptual model is basically the way we are doing teh change and that concept will emerge from us doing the 4 tasks

gilbert: (18:26)lets leave it till later?

nicolaMac: (18:26)yes

Scarlet: (18:26)ok

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:26)well. I should panic ahead of time rather that suffer anlaysi paralysis then ;)

gilbert: (18:26)ahahah! grrrr

nicolaMac: (18:27)so now i have two favourtie phrases over the wall and analysis paralysis

nicolaMac: (18:27)we done pardners?

Scarlet: (18:27)i think so

nicolaMac: (18:27)oy!!!! who jsut put me in as doing conceptual jsutification!!!! sneaky???

nicolaMac: (18:28)cant do that not a logical moment to put it in

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:28)let's at least have this compormise .. have bullet point for the justification.. no need foe details (notes while u do the task?)

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:28)heheh

nicolaMac: (18:28)i have done my task - justification on choice of articles???

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:28)that's for us all nic

gilbert: (18:28)i think thats an addendum to everything and not just point 4? lol

nicolaMac: (18:28) that is my personal journal work and dont think is the same thing as our guide conceptual choices

nicolaMac: (18:29)ahhhh okay - just paniced there

Scarlet: (18:29)wonderful meeting

nicolaMac: (18:29)amazing how our entry point i feel i understand nothing - we get such a load done, time flies

nicolaMac: (18:29)exit point still understand nothing but we seem to have created sometjing real anayway???!!!

Scarlet: (18:30)we did !

nicolaMac: (18:30)gilbert- she poking ou?

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:30)in the same boast nic... can we ask Lina ffor feedback on our undestanding and suggestionf of TOC... at least we make sure we r on track?

gilbert: (18:30)no she's looking at me with a growling face lol

nicolaMac: (18:30)dont think we should ahlma

nicolaMac: (18:30)i really think we should jump and the universe will catch us

Scarlet: (18:31)yeah

nicolaMac: (18:31)have time later when we undersatnd better the questions we even want to ask her

gilbert: (18:31)yesh

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:31)my rpoblem I can;t live with that caos

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:31)no worries

Scarlet: (18:31)youll be fine

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:31)u all see we have a go

gilbert: (18:31)lol

nicolaMac: (18:31)i dont think she will be able to clear up the chaos for us

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:31)I am fine scar.. thanks

Scarlet: (18:32)cool :)

nicolaMac: (18:32)i think getting stuck into something real will help you see how it all fits toegether

Scarlet: (18:32)agreed

gilbert: (18:32)true

nicolaMac: (18:32)you have got the most real part!

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:32)yeah.. that's the disadvanage of teacher intervention in problem solving tasks

gilbert: (18:33)ok i really gotta go! sorry.... see ya tuesday... thx people!

nicolaMac: (18:33)bye

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:33)me too

Scarlet: (18:33)no worries

nicolaMac: (18:33) i bet he doesnt have a hosue to clean and kids to feed!!!! ;-)

Scarlet: (18:33)alright, have a good night

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:33)working on 1

Scarlet: (18:33)yeah

Ahlam Al Rawahi: (18:33)bye

nicolaMac: (18:33)bye all - ahlam you phone me whenever you need!!!!!

Scarlet: (18:33)bye guys!