1. Data comparison table and graph for DPA|~B in Experiments 1 and 1a
DPA|~B / Single / DoubleExp1 / Exp1a / Collapsed / Exp1 / Exp1a / Collapsed
Treatment1 / .283(.257) / .237(.192) / .260(.224) / .012(.143) / .005(.249) / .008(.194)
Treatment2 / .205(.170) / .195(.163) / .200(.165) / .027(.121) / -.012(.168) / .007(.146)
Treatment3 / .184(.144) / .195(.158) / .188(.149) / .046(.106) / -.066(.199) / -.010(.167)
Weighted Mean / .215(.187) / .206(.168) / .211(.177) / .025(.126) / -.020(.207) / .003(.017)
Mean and Standard Deviation of each treatment in the Single and the Double conditions for Exp1, Exp1a and collapsed data of Exp1&1a
2. Data comparison table and graph for DPB|C in Experiments 1 and 1a
DPB|C / Single / DoubleExp1 / Exp1a / Collapsed / Exp1 / Exp1a / Collapsed
Treatment1 / -.006(.142) / -.010(.147) / -.007(.143) / .197(.155) / .160(.235) / .180(.193)
Treatment2 / .023(.117) / .022(.116) / .023(.115) / .175(.150) / .190(.169) / .183(.152)
Treatment3 / .050(.108) / .064(.117) / .057(.111) / .250(.232) / .233(.215) / .242(.220)
Weighted Mean / .017(.126) / .022(.129) / .019(.127) / .203(.175) / .191(.202) / .197(.188)
Mean and Standard Deviation of each treatment in the Single and the Double conditions for Exp1, Exp1a and collapsed data of Exp1&1a
3. Statistical test results for Experiments 1 and 1a
2x3 ANOVAs of condition and treatment were conducted for Experiments 1 and 1a. In both cases, the main effect for condition was observed, but not for the treatment. No significant interaction was found for an interaction between condition and treatment
For Experiment 1, a significant main effect was observed for the condition, F (1, 114) = 42.92, p <.001 (for DPFc|~Alt ) and F (1, 114) = 41.68, p <.001 (DPFc|Alt), but not for the treatment, F (2, 114) = 1.67, p = .19 (for DPFc|~Alt ) and F (2, 114) = 1.34, p = .28 (DPFc|Alt). An interaction between condition and treatment was not significant, F (2, 114) = .43, p =.65 (for DPFc|~Alt ) and F (2, 114) = .36, p = .70 (DPFc|Alt)
For Experiment 1a, a significant main effect was observed for the condition, F (1, 104) = 84.06, p <.001 (for DPFc|~Alt ) and F (1, 104) = 26.30, p <.001 (DPFc|Alt), but not for the treatment, F (2, 104) = .06, p = .95 (for DPFc|~Alt ) and F (2, 104) = 1.61, p = .21 (DPFc|Alt). An interaction between condition and treatment was not significant, F (2, 104) = .84, p =.43 (for DPFc|~Alt ) and F (2, 104) = .00, p = .99 (DPFc|Alt)