Family Relationships

1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: Definitions of family and its value; can you learn from an older relative

Paragraph 2: Compare and contrast young and old in Jonas’ world and ours

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 3: Contrast Jonas’ family unit to our world’s (how are they different? What is different about the way he sees family?)

Quote from book

Paragraph 4: Give two other examples of family units from around the world. Why do they organize themselves this way?

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)

Family Relationships

1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: Definitions of family and its value; can you learn from an older relative

Paragraph 2: Compare and contrast young and old in Jonas’ world and ours

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 3: Contrast Jonas’ family unit to our world’s (how are they different? What is different about the way he sees family?)

Quote from book

Paragraph 4: Give two other examples of family units from around the world. Why do they organize themselves this way?

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)

Personal Freedom and Choice

1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: in what ways does Jonas’ community limit personal freedom? Why? Is there an advantage to doing this?

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 2: What freedoms do we have in America?

Paragraph 3: What kind of crimes and punishments are there in both worlds? How do these help control people? Does punishment work?

Paragraph 4: Should there be different punishments in our world to control more people? Give one other world example of punishment.

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)

Personal Freedom and Choice

1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: in what ways does Jonas’ community limit personal freedom? Why? Is there an advantage to doing this?

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 2: What freedoms do we have in America?

Paragraph 3: What kind of crimes and punishments are there in both worlds? How do these help control people? Does punishment work?

Paragraph 4: Should there be different punishments in our world to control more people? Give one other world example of punishment.

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)


1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: Describe another community that is close to a “utopia.” Give as many details as possible- family set up, daily life, who is in charge, rules/ punishments, etc.

Paragraph 2: Compare and contrast Jonas’ community to this community.

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 3: Do you think that a utopia can exist? Why or why not? Why would people want to try to create one?

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)


1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: Describe another community that is close to a “utopia.” Give as many details as possible- family set up, daily life, who is in charge, rules/ punishments, etc.

Paragraph 2: Compare and contrast Jonas’ community to this community.

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 3: Do you think that a utopia can exist? Why or why not? Why would people want to try to create one?

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)

Diversity and Sameness

1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: In what ways are the people in Jonas’ community the same? How do the community leaders control this? What advantages might "sameness" have for a community?

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 2: What does diversity mean? Why does the community not want it?

Quote from book

Paragraph 3: Why does America value diversity? How does America show that it values it?

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)

Diversity and Sameness

1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: In what ways are the people in Jonas’ community the same? How do the community leaders control this? What advantages might "sameness" have for a community?

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 2: What does diversity mean? Why does the community not want it?

Quote from book

Paragraph 3: Why does America value diversity? How does America show that it values it?

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)

Memory and History

1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: Why is learning about and studying history important? Give a specific real life example.

Paragraph 2: Why did Jonas’ world get rid of memories? Why wouldn’t they want their citizens studying history?

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 3: What value do memories have? Would it be better if we could forget all of the horrible events that happen to us? Would society be better with no memories of the past? Why or why not?

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)

Memory and History

1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: Why is learning about and studying history important? Give a specific real life example.

Paragraph 2: Why did Jonas’ world get rid of memories? Why wouldn’t they want their citizens studying history?

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 3: What value do memories have? Would it be better if we could forget all of the horrible events that happen to us? Would society be better with no memories of the past? Why or why not?

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)

Genetic Engineering

1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: Define genetic engineering and explain it in your own words. How does it show up in The Giver?

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 2: What are the pros of genetic engineering? Why are they good things for our world?

Paragraph 3: What are the cons of genetic engineering? Why are they bad things for our world?

Paragraph 4: What is your opinion of genetic engineering? Do you think we have the right to do this? Why or why not? What benefits/ harms can come of it?

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)

Genetic Engineering

1) Cover Page (names, bell, picture)

2) Paragraph 1: Define genetic engineering and explain it in your own words. How does it show up in The Giver?

2 quotes from book

Paragraph 2: What are the pros of genetic engineering? Why are they good things for our world?

Paragraph 3: What are the cons of genetic engineering? Why are they bad things for our world?

Paragraph 4: What is your opinion of genetic engineering? Do you think we have the right to do this? Why or why not? What benefits/ harms can come of it?

3) Bibliography (list of sources used and their author)