
1.  Cornish Town Vision statement: “Farming is our Future”

Do you: Strongly Agree--13- Agree--9--Disagree--2----- Strongly Disagree

I believe a more appropriate vision statement would be something such as “Rural living at its Best” or “Life as it ought to be.” While Farming is a big part of several people’s lives in this community, it does not represent the future of the most of the citizens of Cornish. Farming will remain a large aspect of life in Cornish. However, other concerns are of more interest to the majority of citizens. In order to get “buy-in” in the vision, it needs to be something that relates to the needs and interests of the majority and better represents the future of the community. (18)

In the long term larger scale farming will not be feasible. Small specialized farms. (19)

2.  What are the main reasons you decided to live in Cornish:

  1. Quiet 16
  2. Scenery 11
  3. Rural 20
  4. Mountains 8
  5. Leave Congested Areas 15
  6. Family 10
  7. Affordable 7
  8. Small 13
  9. Low Crime 15
  10. Property Rights (i.e. Animals, Agriculture, etc.) 17
  11. Job 2
  12. Schools
  13. Born Here 7
  14. No Answer

3.  Building lots are currently zoned for a minimum of one-half acre. Do you feel half acre lots are appropriate for our town?

  1. Keep at half acre lot sizes. 13
  2. Would prefer larger lots. 11 (1 acre (15))
  3. Would prefer smaller lots. 1
  4. No answer

A or B (22) (25)

4.  Most of Cornish remains to be developed. Which scenario best describes how you would like further growth to be handled?

  1. Low density growth that would cause homes to be spread out. Lots would generally be 1 or more acres and would consume most of the available land. Quite a bit of scenery would be preserved but very little would be publicly accessible. 17
  2. Medium density growth with greater preservation of scenic vistas and open space. Lots would be smaller – remaining at half or reducing to 1/3 acre – with more open space accessible by the public. The open space would typically be on hillsides, and river bottoms. This would be preserved in its state as much as possible. 7
  3. High density growth placing a premium on preserving scenic vistas and open space. Lots would be smaller still and would include condos, duplexes, apartments, and other high density housing options.
  4. Other _Performance is to maintain rural aspect which would preclude “growth”. If growth is essential, clusters development would be preferred. Providing Services in clusters would be more efficient and cost effective (10)

______Still would like to preserve scenic vistas and open space, but have some open space accessible to the public. (14)_

I would support a mixture of options b & c which would provide for medium density growth related to residential properties and would allow for some modest commercial development. There should also be some place in the plan for modest apartment buildings. (18)

Keep lots ½ acre min. and encourage clustering. Lots 1 acre to 15 acres are bad. They are too big to take care of and too small to farm. (19)

5.  Do you favor or oppose encouraging limited commercial growth in the town?

  1. Favor 15
  2. Undecided 3
  3. Oppose 9

6.  Where in the town would you like to see commercial growth? Use the alley as a center point of reference.

  1. North
  2. West 7 along hwy 23 (12)
  3. South 4
  4. None 2
  5. Don’t know 4
  6. No commercial growth 7
  7. No answer 2
  8. Other - Everywhere utilize property as they see fit. 1

Near alley to create a town center and preserve farm land. (18)

7.  Types of Commercial that you would like to see developed. You may choose more than one.

  1. Gasoline/Convenience Store 11
  2. Office Space 2
  3. Medical Care 3
  4. Groceries 6
  5. Restaurant 3
  6. Small Retail Center 2
  7. None 6
  8. Light Industrial/Manufacturing 13
  9. No Answer 3
  10. Other

_____Concerns on group home (7) ______

8.  Below is a list of concerns that the City should be sensitive to in planning future growth. Please rank them in order of importance to you. With 1 being most important and 8 being least important. Note: each number should only be used once for this grouping of questions.

Avg. 1-3 7-8 4-6

_____ Traffic Management 5.4 4 8 13

_____ Development of Parks and Recreation 5.7 2 11 12

_____ Preservation of Agriculture/Livestock 2.3 22 0 4

_____ Loss of Rural Lifestyle 2.8 18 1 6

_____ Utility and Service Rates Too High (8) 4.1 10 2 13

_____ Affordable Housing 5.9 4 11 9

_____ Preservation of wildlife habitat 4.6 11 6 8

_____ Hillside/open space protection 4.8 8 8 10

9.  What are your feelings on current conditions: (for example, roads, water, garbage collection)

Please use the last page if more space is needed.

6 We need to develop more water sources.

1 Snow plows knock mail boxes should be fixed

2Water Annex to Lewiston

1 Disappointed with the amount of “strip development” along highway (10)

More speed limit signs need to be erected and speeding fines imposed on lg trucks don hill to Lewiston (13)

Roads and Bridges need repair, back roads could be slightly wider, need better snow removal, would like to see better accounting practices on water. (15)

In the winter quicker snow removal is needed so people can get to work! Do all roads not just some! (16)

Happy with all services, but mosquitoes’ abatement. (17)

(Roads – Roads are generally satisfactory, however, more forethought and planning needs to go into maintenance and improvements. A five year plan would be advisable for growth and budgeting purposes.

Water – There is an initiative going forward to increase the supply which is good. However, cost is becoming a concern. Exact impact of the propose project related to cost is not generally understood and will become an issue if not fully addressed with the community. I feel that most citizens are generally supportive of the project. Although, additional communication of the impact and the progress of the project is important at this time and would be helpful in public acceptance of the plan.

Garbage Collection – Satisfactory

Parks – We should continu8e to maintain and enhance the park as budget allow. It is a popular place and could be a real focal point of the community with modest enhancements.

Administration – The town council would be benefited by the involvement of more citizens in specific assignments. Invitations to participate on “advisory committees” could serve to lighten the load of the respective councilmen and mayor. I believe people would be willing to help if invited and given the opportunity to make a difference.)(18)

I hope the town is saving money for future road, water, and other utility improvements. Even if fees are higher it would be nice if we could pay cash for improvement and not bond. (19)

I would like to see the roads cleared better and sooner after a snow storm. (20)

Excellent (23)

I hope to have adequate water for growth – both homes/industrial (24)

Fine as is (27)

10.  What areas would you like to see improved?

  1. Sewer system 3
  2. Public Transportation 6
  3. Sidewalks 1
  4. Lighting at major intersections 4
  5. Sidewalks
  6. Water system 23
  7. Curb and gutter/ storm drains
  8. Town web site 3
  9. Other _Mosquito Control (17) Leave as is (27)

Roads and minor park improvements (19)


11.  Bonding is one way that cities and towns pay for major improvements. Bonding is when the city borrows money and promises to pay back the loan with future tax dollars or user fees. Bonding may or may not require tax increases. Do you feel the city should bond for:

  1. The improvement of existing or future parks and recreation facilities.

Favor 1 Oppose 16 Undecided 7 No answer 3

  1. Road improvements

Favor 7 Oppose 11 Undecided 6 No answer 3

  1. Sidewalks

Favor 1 Oppose 21 Undecided 3 No answer 2

  1. Trails

Favor 4 Oppose 17 Undecided 5 No answer 2

  1. Storm Drainage/Curb and gutter

Favor 1 Oppose 19 Undecided 4 No answer 3

  1. Protection of open space and hillsides

Favor 10 Oppose 12 Undecided 2 No answer 3

  1. Water Improvement

Favor 23 Oppose 4 Undecided No answer

  1. Sewer improvements

Favor 5 Oppose 16 Undecided 1 No answer 5

  1. Emergency Services (Fire, Police, EMT)

Favor 9 Oppose 12 Undecided 5 No answer 2

12.  Do you support the idea of having a planned trail system throughout the community?

Yes 6 No 15 Uncertain 4 No answer

13.  List Activities or Services not mentioned that you would suggest be considered:

Stay small town also annex to Lewiston

Increase set backs along major highways. Decrease amount of night-lighting. (10)

Bike Trail (21), none (27)

14.  Are you happy with the way public hearings for the planning commission are posted and advertised?

Yes 12 No 5 Uncertain 5 No answer 2

15.  How would you like to be notified of upcoming public hearings?

  1. Newsletter 20 Quarterly (25)
  2. Web Site 3
  3. Email 6
  4. Marquee 4
  5. Other _With water bill 5 ______Newspaper_(18) Just follow state requirements (19) ______
  6. No Answer 1

16.  The following is a list of activities or services. Please indicate your level of satisfaction in each of the following:

  1. Town Streets (do not consider hi-ways 23 and 61)

Excellent 3 Good 15 Fair 7 Poor 1 No Answer

Just need ongoing maintenance (19)

  1. Culinary Water

Excellent Good 17 Fair 6 Poor 4 No Answer 1 Too High

Ongoing maintenance (19)

  1. Animal Control

Excellent 3 Good 6 Fair 5 Poor 9 No Answer 2

  1. City Parks

Excellent 9 Good 15 Fair 3 Poor No Answer 1

  1. Snow removal

Excellent 8 Good 18 Fair 3 Poor 3 No Answer

  1. Fire Protection

Excellent 4 Good 16 Fair 3 Poor No Answer 2

  1. Town sponsored recreation activities

Excellent 4 Good 10 Fair 6 Poor 3 No Answer 3

17.  If there was one thing you could add or change to the town what would it be?

1 Favor of property rights no zoning

2 Too much junk

1 More water and for fire protection

4 Control dogs better

1 Community Service to make improvements

1 Growth

1 Correct the gerimandering of city boundaries (10)

1 Expansion of water system toward Lewiston Possibly connecting to east side water (12).

1Planning & Zoning and Town meetings should accommodate our small town and citizens and simplify building permits, business licenses, ect. (14)

1We enjoy a rural lifestyle, but would like to let the children outside in Spring and summer without the mosquitoes carrying them away. (17)


1 Funding of all the initiatives continue to be a problem. It will be important to be very fiscally aware of revenues and expenses of the town. Significant forethought should be given to projects undertaken to be sure there is adequate revenue available to cover the cost. Every effort should be made to establish multi-year plans for each aspect of the community. (18)

More coming together as a community to make Cornish a better place to live and raise a family. (20)

We moved here and stayed here because we like the small town feel. We do not want to see subdivisions or apartment complexes built. Keep Cornish a small town community (21)

Additional water, so hookups can be issued in the future. (23)

I would like to see a sign at the north and south ends of town telling people of frequent school bus stops. I have had several close calls in front of my house. I know that it might be a money issue for the town. I would be willing to go to the parents of school age children and ask for donations if needed. (25) Wendie Hansen

Would like to see more control of cars and trucks that speed through Cornish (26)