1 CORINTHIANS chapter two


summary verses 1-5

  1. Paul reminds them of his early ministry with them.
  2. To cause them to get their eyes off of men and on the message.
  3. Paul avoided impressing his audience with rhetorical skills.
  4. He further stayed away from communication that smacked of philosophical categories. (Which would have made void his evangelism; see 1:17).
  5. Paul made the Person and work of Christ the only issue.
  6. Verse three tells us Paul was less than impressive as a public speaker (in the Greek mold).
  7. Physically, Paul was not impressive and to make matters worse he was physically impaired.
  8. This was beyond his control (in spite of the gift of healing) and is mentioned here to remind us that the success of the message isn'tdetermined by the overt in the communicator.
  9. Common sense and doctrinetells us that a pastor-teachershould take care of himself.
  10. Verse three tells us that Paulwas spiritually“under the weather” being hounded by mental attitude sinsof fear (compareACTS 18:9,10).
  11. Inspite of Paul'sphysical non-appeal and his lack of faith/rest, relaxed mental attitude, and grace orientation, the message had great impact.
  12. Because he knew his subject and the Holy Spiritused his weak presence and accurate gospel presentation with effect.
  13. In the souls of positive volition, the Holy Spiritput on a public exhibition under His convicting ministry.
  14. The result was power in the form of regeneration at the point of faith.
  15. Conclusion: Whenever accurate informationis taught, regardless of the overt presence of the teacher, the Holy Spirittakes over and convinces positive volition.
  16. The Corinthians had fallen back into their worldly, human viewpoint,

pre-salvationoutlook and so were repudiating Paulas “right pastor”.

  1. And so were carnal, shutting down GAP.
  2. Paulreminds them that their present attitude is not consistent with their early experience. (They couldn’tdeny the facts Paulmentions, since they knew how Paulappeared to them when they were saved.)

the super wisdom of the ages


  1. For Greeks(the dominant group at Corinth) who seek wisdom, Paulreminds them of the ultra-wisdom of God.
  2. Which is to be distinguished from doctrinein general.
  3. Those who most appreciate it are themselves mature.
  4. Even as those who were high I.Q. types among the Greeksappreciated deep philosophical arguments.
  5. Spiritual I.Q. enables a believerto appreciate this ultimate wisdom.
  6. Paulsays that this ultra-wisdom is not from high I.Q. types, men of means, ability, or power.
  7. The greatest men of his day are ignorant of it.
  8. It is the doctrineswhichare unique to the Church Age.
  9. This wisdom is so special that it was “kept secret” to past generations of even the most advanced believers (ROMANS16:25; EPHESIANS1:9; 3:4-7; COLOSSIANS1:26).
  10. Angelswere even ignorant of it (EPHESIANS3:8-10).
  11. So angels, super gracebelieversof past dispensations, and the elite of historyare ignorant of it.
  12. It was predestined for the Church Agecrowd.
  13. No believercan attain maturityapart from the mystery doctrines(the correct understanding of that is).
  14. All other doctrinemust plug into it and will harmonize perfectly.
  15. Paulillustrates the total spiritualbankruptcy of world leaders in verseeight.
  16. They couldn’teven orient to who and what Christwas.
  17. Versenine tells us SG3:
  1. Is not capable of empirical discovery on earth.
  2. Cannot be explained man to man.
  3. And isn'tpart of man'swildest fantasies.
  1. All the special doctrineswhich individually make up the mystery is to enable us to produce SG3.



PERSPICACITY BY GRACE IN THE church(verses10-16)

summaryOF verse10

  1. God the Holy Spiritis the Divine Teacher of all doctrinein the Bible.
  2. He functions through the gift of a pastor-teacherwho is prepared and diligent as he studies the text.
  3. He then teaches the doctrinevia monologue to spirit-filled assembled believerswho:
  1. are faithful
  2. have aframe of referencethat is expanding.
  1. “Searches” is an anthropopathism of veracity of the Holy Spiritwho is seen faithfully revealing only what is there.
  2. “All things” is the whole counsel.
  3. “Deep things” is doctrineof Angelic Conflictas it pertains to the church.
  4. Verseten is the illuminating ministry of the Holy Spirit.
  5. To be distinguished from revelation.

the ministry of the Holy Spiritas interpreter and illuminator illustrated

  1. Only a man really knows his own thoughts.
  2. He can cover his tracts with a false facade.
  3. But he knows what he really thinks (PROVERBS26:28 “A lying tongue hates those it crushes, And a flattering mouth works ruin.”).
  4. As you think, so you are.
  5. Only the Holy Spiritknows Godperfectly because He is God.
  6. So He is the Perfect interpreter of God.
  7. Only under GAPcan you monitor and secure correct read-outs on your thoughts.
  8. The thoughts under the STAand NAP are distorted.

The indwelling Holy Spirit, principle of victory over the STA


  1. Pauldenies the N.A.P. system was given to assimilate doctrine.
  2. The spirit of the world” is a reference to the influencing STA.
  3. Noway it can rule the soul and give clear and undistorted read-outsto the soul’s analysis center.
  4. The Spirit of Godis a reference to the indwellingHoly Spiritreceived at the point of salvation.
  5. The indwellingHoly Spiritdoes not break the power of the indwelling STA.
  6. Butis the principle of victory over the STA.
  7. The filling of the Holy Spiritconstitutes the experiential victory over the STA(sin, human good, and evil).
  8. Under the filling of the Holy Spirit(spirituality by grace) that is the GAPis doctrineclearly perceived, stored in the interpretative cortex, and extracted for application.
  9. The believerwho is ignorant of, or fails to rebound,can'tadvance spiritually.
  10. All doctrineis given freely where there is positive volitionin compatibility with God'scharacter.
  11. As communicators we learned what we know by this GAP.
  12. We weren'ttaught by a human I.Q.system Bible doctrineunder the NAPsystem.
  13. Ministers who are trained under NAPcan only perpetrate twisted and distorted concepts on their congregations.
  14. “Human wisdom” (versethirteen) is a reference to I.Q.plus the influencing STA(NAP) in an academic pipeline.
  15. Our teacher is God the Holy Spirit(this doesn’trule out our human teachers) who under GAPreveals all things of doctrine.
  16. But the Holy Spiritonly teaches spiritualthings where there is a functional spiritualapparatus.
  17. “Words taught by human wisdom” is informationperceived and applied through NAP.
  18. NAPcan take in informationof a non-spiritual nature, but even this (physics, law, music, art, medicine) is not neutral to the STA.
  19. Those taught by the Spirit” are technical vocabulary and categories which must go through GAPto remain undistorted.
  20. Evaluating spiritualthings witha spiritualapparatus” is a reference to GAP.




  1. The“natural man” is technicalfor the dichotomousunbelieverwho is constantly under the distorting influence of the STA. (See Jude 19 where the Greekhas yucikoi[psuchikoi; NASB, worldly minded]).
  2. His readout is to label Divine viewpoint“foolishness” (his real thoughts expressed verbally or not).
  3. In fact, without help he can'tunderstand Divine viewpoint.
  4. So he is not sympathetic to it nor can he put it to practical use.
  5. NAPis an inherently self-limiting and distorting system.
  6. Only those under GAPcan evaluate as Divine viewpointthe thing of God the Holy Spirit.
  8. However, a positivetype will seek Divine viewpointalthough under NAP.
  9. The Holy Spiritacts as the human spirit to the unbeliever, booming undistorted gnosis of the gospel into the analysis center.
  10. Reboundmust be taught first to the believer.


  1. After stating that the unbelieveris not equipped under NAPto field Divine viewpoint,Paulgoes to the next step.
  2. That being that the believerunderGAPcan field all things of theSpirit.
  3. You, as a Spirit filled believer, can determine if a given doctrineis Divine viewpoint(see ACTS 17:11 where “examining” = anakrinwanakrino; to examine, judge, investigate, discern).
  4. Stage three of GAP(operation epignwsijepignosis; full knowledge) demands faith (positive volition) toward what was perceived under filling of the Holy Spirit.
  5. Stage three then is what is envisaged in this verse.
  6. It goes without saying that gapping a given doctrineassumes an adequate frame of reference.
  7. Next Paulobserves that anyone (for whatever reason) who hasn’tgapped the doctrine(or doctrines) is not qualified to pass judgementon the one who has.
  8. NAPand/or ignorance, disqualifies the individual from evaluating your modus operandi or vivendi. (ER)


  1. God'sthoughts, plan, will, righteousness transcend man'sfallen state


  1. God'sthoughts are eternal, immutable, complete, perfect, and without


  1. Godhas no advisors and is not subject to change.
  2. The creature, especially under the STA, inherently does not know the Lord'smind.
  3. Only positive volitionis rewarded with knowledge.
  4. We have (the royal family) the Canon of Scripturewhich is only made perspicuous via GAP.
  5. To put-down a believer, you would have to know God'smind and have been His advisor.
  6. The Doctrineof the Divine Essence precludes it.