1 CORINTHIANS chapter ten



1.  The historical warning: the Exodus Generation (verses 1-13).

2.  Idolatry and the Lord's Table (verses 14-22).

3.  Lawful or edifying things? (verses 23-33).

Summary verses 1,2

  1. Paul employs the familiar history of the Exodus Generation to advance and complete the thought of 9:24-27.
  2. The history from the Exodus to the end of the desert wanderings becomes an elaborate teaching aid in respect to Ph2.
  3. This is known as theological typology, whereby a person, thing, or event is a shadow of that which is greater (compare verse 6 and the noun tupoj (tupos) = more than one.
  4. For the reality to be valid, the type must be accurate as reported.
  5. The “Red Sea” crossing as reported in Exodus 13:17-14:31 is a shadow of pastor-teacher or salvation.
  6. At the actual moment when all the Jews and company were in the prepared space between the shores of the sea at that instance we have positional truth pictured.
  7. Paul calls it a baptism or an identification into Moses.

a.  Moses being a type of Christ.

b.  The Theophany overhead is a type of Christ.

c.  The water on each side protects their flanks, a further picture of eternal security.

  1. This baptism as Paul calls it, was quite dry for the Jews (not the Egyptians).
  2. Paul calls positional truth a baptism in 1 Corinthians 12:13.
  3. At the point of faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit enters the believer into Christ.
  4. Those who disobey the gospel are destroyed by the very Person who was willing to save them. (Pharaoh is the chief example. Compare

ROMANS 9:17,18).

  1. Egypt pictures the realm of spiritual death from which we can't deliver ourselves.
  2. The blood of the Passover lamb pictures the payment for our salvation called here “baptism.”
  3. The Corinthians, like the Exodus Generation, were believers

(1 CORINTHIANS 12:13 and the title “brethren”) and were all too like them


Summary verses 3,4

  1. The logistics of feeding and watering 2½ million souls and livestock for forty years in the desert were enormous.
  2. In fact, the first test they faced on the third day out was a water test (EXODUS 15:22-26) at Marah (“bitterness”).
  3. They had enough food to last them one month but ran out and were hungry in the wilderness of Sin (Zin; between Elim and Sinai; EXODUS 16:1-3).
  4. It was here that God revealed to Moses what their basic diet was to be. (Like the Roman soldier who ate cereal as his mainstay. Compare

EXODUS 16:35).

  1. This bread from heaven, gathered from the desert floor each morning (except the Sabbath when a double portion was gathered on Friday) provided a nutritionally balanced food.
  2. The food, called Manna (Hebrew “what is it?”) had a higher significance.
  3. It represented to them and us, the Doctrine of the Importance of Doctrine.
  4. All from Moses to the mixed multitude had to eat it or starve. (There was a ban on eating the livestock.)
  6. So as your body needs physical bread daily, so your soul needs spiritual bread.
  7. There is no growth apart from a steady diet.
  8. They flunked the manna test and provision by complaining about it.
  9. Moses was their Bible teacher and their attitude towards the manna was parallel in their attitude toward Bible doctrine.
  10. They had to listen to him (captive audience) but were negative.
  11. So God destroyed them all over forty years because they wouldn’t apply the doctrine.
  12. Abundant water was supplied primarily by Moses striking rocks and the Lord splitting them and water gushing forth (PSALM 78:15,16,20).
  13. On two notable occasions, water was supplied from a large rock:

a.  At Rephidim Moses was commanded to strike a rock (EXODUS 17:1-7; the first Meribah).

1.  The Jews flunked the no water test.

2.  Moses interceded.

3.  His striking the rock typified Christ bearing sins.

4.  The water portrayed the rives of doctrine which is in Christ.

b.  Thirty-seven and one-half years later, at Kadesh, water again came from a

rock (NUMBERS 20:2-13).

1.  Moses was to simply speak to the rock.

2.  symbolizing the juxtaposition with the first rock (EXODUS 17) that the believer is simply to ask the Father through Christ for his spiritual and physical needs.

3.  Moses struck the rock twice in disobedience.

4.  His temper tantrum cost him the blessing of leading the Jews into the land.

5.  Both he and Israel disobeyed and yet water was supplied (compare DEUTERONOMY 8:15).

  1. Paul says that Christ was the Rock (a type) which was a favorite designation in the Old Testament (1 SAMUEL 2:2 [verses 1-10];

2 SAMUEL 22:23,32,47; 23:3; PSALM 28:1; 32:2,3; 42:9; 61:2; 89:26;

PSALM 94:22; 95:1).

  1. Jesus used it of Himself (MATTHEW 16:18).
  2. To the Jews in the desert it signified:

a.  Christ as the source of all living grace under difficult conditions.

b.  Water represents Bible doctrine s the only way to life eternal.

c.  Bible doctrine leads to occupation with Christ in times of adversity.

Summary verse 5

  1. That generation of believers were spiritual rejects in spite of witnessing some of the most spectacular renown and long-running miracles of any generation (until the tribulation)(NUMBERS 14:22; DEUTERONOMY 11:3-7;

PSALM 95:9-11; 105:27; ACTS 7:36).

  2. In the first year after the Red Sea crossing, they flunked ten tests culminating in the spy report (NUMBERS 14:22).
  3. Paul employs two understatements to show God's attitude towards that generation:

a.  That the majority were reversionistic (599,998 our of 600,000 men).

b.  That God was not delighted with them.

  1. God loathed that generation (PSALM 95:10) and labeled it evil, unfaithful.
  2. At Kadesh, God prophetically announced the sin unto death to that entire generation (NUMBERS 14).

a.  All males twenty and up except two.

b.  Over a forty year span.

c.  In accordance with their own words.

d.  He took and oath that no one but their children would enter Canaan (PSALM 95).

e.  God was reserved in His wrath considering their treachery

(PSALM 78:38).

f.  They had all the miracles and the best teaching, so their punishment over forty years is fair.

  1. We too must apply the doctrine of sin unto death for disobedience to the word (PSALM 78:37; 95:7-11; 106:13,14,25-27; HEBREWS 3:7-4:9,11; 1 CORINTHIANS 10:11).
  2. Documentation for the sin unto death to the Exodus Generation

(NUMBERS 14:28,29,32-35; 26:63-65; DEUTERONOMY 1:26-40;

PSALM 78:21-33; 90:7-17; 95:6-11; 106:26; 1 CORINTHIANS 10:5,8,9,10;

HEBREWS 3:17-19).

first example of sin unto death: greed

Summary verse 6

  1. The first example of reversionistic activity comes from Numbers 11:4-34.
  2. The test came just after their departure from Sinai.
  3. And was the eighth in the series of ten tests.
  4. It was instigated by the mixed multitude. (They stirred us the STAs of the Jews.).
  5. It involved an evil desire for a change in diet from the manna.
  6. It manifested itself in a desire to return to Egypt, to give up freedom and Canaan (Ph2).
  7. In their warped read-out they longed fore the diet of Egypt, ignoring the slavery and genocide.
  8. It is very important to note that the desire for meat is not, in and of itself, bad.
  9. Since God gave them all quail (PSALM 105:40).
  10. A break in the routine was not wrong as long as they acclimated to the manna until Canaan (change in diet).
  11. Since the STA was involved, the desire was corrupted.
  12. As seen in:

a.  Their attitude toward the manna.

b.  The desire to return to Egypt.

c.  The way they acted when God served them quail in the desert.

  1. Instead of asking God for meat which He had provided earlier

(EXODUS 16:1-3,8,13) they tested God (PSALM 78:17-19;

PSALM 106:13-15).

  1. The desire was sponsored by the STA, not Bible doctrine, and so God disciplined the nation.
  2. A severe plague killed many while the meat was still in their mouths.
  3. For one month, God provided quail for 600,000 until they were sick of it.
  4. Paul warns us not to emulate them by:

a.  Failing to acclimate to our living grace within our niche.

b.  Allowing the STA to sponsor our desires.

c.  Being disciplined by the very object of our lust.

d.  Pursuing legitimate things and making them idols.

  1. Let your requests be made known to God and relax and let Him supply your legitimate desires.
  3. How do you know when the STA is involved?

a.  When you complain instead of asking God.

b.  When you allow the thing to disrupt your spiritual life.

c.  When you maladjust to the known will of God in your niche. (You have a manna budget but desire a steak existence.)

d.  When you long for the good old days.

e.  When you lack a relaxed mental attitude about it.

  1. The pursuit of food and drink is very much a part of Babylon. (Blessed or cursed—capacity for life is the issue.)

two examples of phallic idolatry verses 7,8

the Exodus Generation, “operation apis” (verse 7)

Summary verse 7

  1. This was the sixth test in the series (EXODUS 20:18-20).
  2. The people reacted to Moses’ delay to return from Sinai. (He had already gone to Sinai four times; this was his fifth time and he stayed forty days and nights. EXODUS 24:13)
  3. Totally failing to orient to God's plan for Moses, they took matters into their own hands.
  4. They chose a new leader (Aaron) and built a golden calf out of the wealth of Egypt (earrings).
  5. The idol Apis was a fertility god of Egypt.
  6. They threw a party in his honor which resulted in an orgy.
  7. What they did was idolatry in the religious sense since it violated the first and third commandments.
  8. The main ingredient in this test was the act of idolatry itself.
  9. The evil was in their brain computers and now, under adverse pressure, went overt.
  10. We are, therefore, to separate from religious reversionism regardless of its form and practices.
  11. Many died the sin unto death for this gravest of sins.

the immorality of the conquest generation (verse 8)

Summary verse 8

  1. This example involves the Conquest Generation (their children).
  2. It occurred in the plains of Moab (NUMBERS 25:1ff).
  3. When Balaam failed to curse Israel for Balak, king of Moab, he tried another tactic to collect his reward.
  4. He advised the leaders of Median to set up a situation where Jewish males would be enticed to fornicate with Midianite and Moabite women (NUMBERS 25:1-5 compare 16-18).
  5. Within the context of the worship of Baal-Peor, the Jews fornicated.
  6. Those who did, died; they numbered between 23,000 and 24,000 (compare NUMBERS 25:9).
  7. The Christian is to avoid the ever-present temptation to sin in the phallic realm. (God will jam your body.)

the fourth example

Summary verse 9

1.  Scripture: NUMBERS 21:4-9; DEUTERONOMY 2:1-3.

2.  The time: fortieth year.

3.  The place: Mount Sier.

4.  We see that after almost forty years, the people of that generation had not changed, but had grown worse.

5.  They reacted to the round about way that God was leading them to Canaan.

6.  They impugned God's motives and Moses’ motives and maligned their living grace provision.

7.  So God sends poisonous snakes among them at Mount Seir.

8.  The poison was the slow painful kind.

9.  Parents and children alike were bitten.

10.  A bronze replica of the species was set up in a convenient spot.

11.  Those who simply looked at it were healed.

12.  Jesus used it typologically in John 3:14,15 where:

a.  Looking = belief.

b.  Bronze = judgement of collective sins.

c.  The serpent = Christ becoming a curse bearing E2.

d.  Lifted up = the cross.

13.  But applied to believers it indicates:

a.  Cancellation of the sin unto death.

b.  Administration to those who are stubborn.

14.  Reaction to your niche includes:

a.  Complaining.

b.  Impatience with God, your pastor, etc.

c.  Divine discipline, the sin unto death.

(see microfishe for detailed exegesis of verse 10)

summary verse 10

1.  The incident referred to here has as its background the judgement on the Korah, Nathan, and Abiram conspirators.

2.  The people complained against Moses, Aaron, and God and assembled against them.

3.  The result was a plague killing 14,700 Jews before it was checked by Moses’ intercession.

4.  We are warned against the verbal sin of bitching.

5.  Failure to adjust to your niche by verbally lashing out at the chain of command, if not checked by rebound and reorientation will lead to Divine discipline.

6.  The Jewish leaders were constantly complaining against the Lord Jesus Christ (MATTHEW 20:11; LUKE 5:30; JOHN 6:41-43—c. His doctrine).

7.  Of disciples toward Jesus (JOHN 6:61).

8.  Of the multitudes against Him (JOHN 7:12).

9.  Of believers:

a.  ACTS 6:1 of the Greeks.

b.  PHILIPPIANS 2:14 “Do all things without grumbling and disputing.”

c.  1 PETER 4:9 “Show hospitality to one another without complaining.”

10.  Of false liberal teachers who challenge Divine revelation in the last days (JUDE 16; professional scoffers and mockers).

11.  Seek to recognize this subtle sin in your life.

12.  Rather give thanks (EPHESIANS 5:20; HEBREWS 13:14-16).

Summary verse 11

1.  The information recorded and preserved in the Old Testament is essential to our survival in the intensified stage of the Angelic Conflict.

2.  By studying what the Exodus Generation did wrong, we can be warned.

3.  They and their experiences in the desert are designed to prepare us to pass similar type tests.

4.  We find ourselves in a strategic spot in the Angelic Conflict and in the dispensational scheme of things.

5.  According to Hebrews 9:26, Christ's perfect redemptive work came “at the completion of the ages.” (evpi, epi suntelei,a| sunteleia twn twn aivw,nwn aionon).

6.  The cross broke Satan's back strategically.

7.  Operation footstool will break it tactically.