1 CORINTHIANS chapter six
prohibition of believers taking believers to court (verses 1-11)
Summary verses 1-3
- Paul rebukes believers in the church going to court with other believers.
- Rather an unresolved legal dispute should be taken before a panel or board in the local church.
- Paulargues that our ultimate destiny is to judge men and angels in the day of the Lord.
- Certainly we can gather facts and judge a matter between two believers.
- Paulis dealing withsmall matters of this life.
the problem with churchappointed judges at corinth
- Paullambastes them for selecting reversionistic, incompetent judges.
- One reason for lawsuits between believersbefore unbelieverswas the horrible decisions of the church’s judges.
- Paulsarcastically asks if it is because there isn'ta wise believerin the church.
- PRINCIPLE: WHEN STAREVERSIONISM RULES A NATION, A CHURCH, A BUSINESS, THE WRONG PEOPLE ARE SELECTED TO RULE. (Example: Article in the October American Opinion on the judges that Carter selected.)
- This activity in courtrooms is a bad testimony and is a shame to the local church.
another point, the higher spiritualprinciple
- Above all these considerations is the higher spiritual principleof undeserved suffering.
- Godwill supply all your needs even if you are victimized, plus SG3.
- You may win in court but you will lose SG3.
corinthian reversionismfurther documented
- Corinthwas a large church.
- Believerswere working for believersand there were slaves.
- The Corinthian court was a travesty, excusing the prominent and wealthy.
Believersunder the STAlose Sg3 not salvation
danger zone for the church(verses9-11)
- “The unrighteous” of versenine is used experientially of reversionisticbelievers.
- “Inherit” in Ph3 is SG3, not merely being saved.
- To interpret this to refer to unbelievers:
- Denies that believerscan do such things.
- Divorces this from the context (reversionisticCorinthians).
- Ignores the statement “Do not be deceived” an exhortation not to be deceivedby STAlusts.
- Fails to recognize believersISTA after salvation(ROMANS7; same as a.).
- Fails to recognizesignificance of the verb “inherit.”
- False interpretation says that a true believerwouldn’tdesire to do such things,which violates all the examples to the contrary.
- There is a parallel passage in Galatians 5:19-21.
- So the above items can be and are practiced by believersand to that extent knock out SG3.
- Some, not all of the Corinthians, as unbelieverspracticed the items mentioned.
- Which goes to prove that positive volitionexists in the good and evil of mankind (compareMATTHEW22:10).
- Overruling the brain computer by the real you is observed in all men.
- “Washed” portrays salvationfrom the standpoint that all personal sins are forgiven temporally at salvation.
- “Sanctified” emphasizes the positionalsetting aside of the STA.
- “Justified” teaches us that each believerhas +R by faith and not by works; therefore, whatever choices are made in Ph2, +R guarantees eternalfellowshipwith God.
- The background to this section is the temple restaurants in Corinthwhere the best food was served and where temple prostitutes worked.
- A patron could eat, drink, and “be merry.”
- It was “legal” and it was part of the phallic religion.
- The meat served had previously been sacrificed to idols.
- The food and sex was lawful by that society’s norms.
- But to the believer, only the food was lawful.
- Paulwill elaborate on this subject (the food) later (chapters 8,9).
- For now he compares and contrasts that which is always legitimate(non-sinful in itself) and that which is never legitimate(fornication).
- Even the legitimateeating of food under special circumstancesmay become a sin (more on this later).
- He tells us that food and the body as we know it are destined for obsolescence.
- Eating and drinking are not a way to God; they are not to be placed above doctrinewhere a conflict may exist (compareROMANS14:13-23; HEBREWS13).
- Eating and drinking will be one of the fellowshipfunctions of Ph3, but it is not needed there for strength (compareLUKE22:18).
- Men conceived of heavenas a place of continual eating and drinking (compareLUKE14:17ff).
- Jesuscompared Ph3 to an elaborate banquet (figure).
- We know we will drink water and eat twelve kinds of fruit as memorials to the SAJG and MAJG, but we do not drink because of physical need.
- Paulwants us to gain a new perspective on an activity that man seeks happiness in (it isn'twhere or what you eat, but the capacity).
- Food and physiology of digestion will not be a part of the resurrection body—a rebuke to Epicureanism.
- Fornication is not a legitimatefunction of the body under any circumstances.
- The body, as per positional truth, and the indwelling and filling of the Holy Spiritis dedicated for special function to the Lord.
- Hence “for the Lord.”
- The Lord is “for the body” as seen in the provision of the indwelling Holy Spirit, the indwelling Christ, logistical grace, and the promise of the resurrection bodylike Jesus’, with SG3.
- ButHis priorities differ in degree and kind from mere flesh. (He, under the right circumstances, wants you to eat, have clothes, etc.)
- He desires reprogramming so if called upon you can apply the law of
Love/self-sacrificeso that maximumblessing will come to your resurrection body.
- Hence, all things are not advantageous.
- As of the SAJG our bodies become His is a special way.
- Paulemploys a Head/body metaphor with Christas the Head and individual believersas thebodily parts.
- Implications based on the knowledge that the Head is perfect and God:
- We are being united via the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
- We are inseparable.
- The Head need us and we need Him.
- The body shares His destiny.
- The Head provides direction for the body.
- Therefore, we are to serve a higher destiny and calling which is not our own (food and fornicationare the examples).
- When we malfunction, the Head takes appropriate action; but the destiny is never untracked.
- He is totally aware of and makes provision for each part.
- Each bodily part is important and each believeris challenged to adjust to his/her gift and niche.
- When the body is complete, it will be transformed into being perfect as is the Head.
- TheHead contains the informationwe need as found in the Canon and He is Head (authority) whether you obey it or not!
- The local churchis the Divinely prescribed environment for individual and mutual acclimation to the Head.
- And where the pastor-teacheris doing his job, that segment of the corporate body is in tune with the eternalpurposes.
- “Members” in versefifteen is used two ways:
- Each believeras related to the body whole.
- As Paul'sbodily parts (so in ROMANS6:13,19; 7:23;
COLOSSIANS3:5 compareROMANS12:1).
- Pauluses himself as the possible fornicator to underscore that we are all vulnerable.
- And to show that fornicationwith a reversionisticunbelieveris especially a denial of our royal priesthood.
- Paul, in versesixteen, tells us that when under any circumstancesa man has sexual relations with a woman Genesis 2:24 is realized.
- “One flesh” is marriage regardless and for a believerto be unequally yoked with an unbelieveris permanent in God'seyes.
- In verseseventeen, using the same verb for union, Paulimplies that our union withChristis spirituallyparallel in that it is:
- Permanent.
- Spiritual, as related to human viewpointversus phys as related to the sex organs. (??????????)
- The husband/wife metaphor and the head/body metaphor compared:
- Christis the Head (authority).
- The churchlooks to the Head for direction, love, and protection.
- Positional truth is the consummation and permanency of the union.
- Each believerconstitutes part of the Bride.
- Failure to isolate the STAis unfaithfulness.
- Ultimately the Bride will be perfect like Her head.
- The Head assigns each believera niche and each believermust learn to glorify Godin the niche even as a wife follows her husband (sacrifices, etc.).
- The Head will perform all obligations and promises to her.
- Fornicationas a sin especially illustrates unfaithfulness.
- All other sins but fornicationare outside in the sense once committed they have no existing significance.
- Fornicationestablishes “one flesh” or “one body” and has implications beyond the initial act.
- Thebelieverwhose members are of Christnow links them with a prostitute (reversionisticunbeliever).
- This becomes an especially odious contamination of the temple.
- The Corinthianswere not thinking of their bodies in the correct light.
- They looked upon their bodies as their own to gratify physically. (Functions: eat, drink, and sex.)
- Various sins of the flesh were rationalizedwhile legitimatefunctions were carried to excess andwith no consideration of higher spiritualmatters.
- They pursued pleasure like their unbelievercounterparts.
- Men diligently pursue pleasure but the believermust change his/her emphasis.
- Man has always sought to surround himself with rich foods, drink, entertainment, and sex.
- The believerwith Bible doctrinehas the equivalent intensity for Divine viewpoint(the Word).
- Not only is the soul God'sbut so is the body.
- And Godresides in that body for the potential of glorifying Himself in the cosmos.
- So to pursue fleshly appetites is to deny Godwho bought you and leads to Divine disciplineand loss.
- How you administer your own temple determines your blessing before Him. (The Corinthianswere running to pagan temples.)
- All believersare indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but to glorify Godis contingent on knowing and doing.
- The indwelling Holy Spiritis to be converted into the filling of the Holy Spiritto isolate the ISTA.
- Theindwelling STAis constantly waging war on the real you
- To have any chance, you must not only use rebound, you must build up the new man by reprogramming.
- The Holy Spiritindwells the cells of the central nervous system to isolate the indwelling STA.
- When filled with the Holy Spirit, the believerreceives clear read-outs.
- When filled with the Holy Spirit, the STAentices.
- The volitionof the real you determines rulership.
- Personal sin puts the STAin charge; reboundreestablishes the rulership of the Holy Spirit.
- Only under conditions of filling can you glorify God.