Form F 07/10
Fellow - Reference Form
Private and confidential - Application for FELLOW
To be completed by the Referees of your application
RefereeName / Titles
Candidates Details
Title / First Name(s)
IET Membership No
Professional Relationship to Candidate
Period of Superior Responsibility
Please give your view on which of the listed criteria (see overleaf) may be applicable to this applicant and how long you feel the applicant has been working at this level.
I sign and support the application for Fellowship of the IET for the reasons details above.
Signature: Date:
Fellow - Guidance Notes
The referees must sign the candidate’s application form to confirm that they believe the candidate to be “worthy of consideration” for Fellowship of the IET. In order to achieveFellowship the candidate must satisfy an IET Peer Assessment Panel of successful leadership or outstanding service to the profession over a period of, normally, not less than five years. Areas of achievement may cover one or more of the following:
Operational and strategic responsibility for substantial programmes and resources Indicators may include: number of registered engineers reporting; size of influence able budget relative to turnover; level within organisation structure; sphere of influence within employing organisation; level at which represents organisation externally.
Personal responsibility for significant technological innovation Indicators may include: recognised technical expert within and/or external to employing organisation; conference papers; published work; published patents.
Original research resulting in international recognition
Indicators may include: published papers; books; scope and audience for conference sessions chaired or presentations delivered etc. Research subjects may range from technical to managerial and operational.
The successful creation and development of a business in a sector of relevance to theIET indicators may include; turnover; number of employees; funding sources; clients; products andservices.
Recognised leadership in academia or the armed services Indicators may include: rank; grade; role performed where this exceeds that normally associated with rank or grade; deputisation.
Outstanding service on national and international bodies,
Indicators may include: Membership or service on national or international standards or professional bodies
*Note: involvement with yourprofessional engineering institution locally or even nationally is unlikely, on its own, to demonstrate the required level of achievement
Enhancement of the Profession through public service
Indicators may include: the award of public honours such as decorations and honours; honorary degrees; awards from the IET or other professional bodies (FREng, FRS); government service. Please indicate in the space provided on the Reference Form those categories from this list in which you consider the candidate to demonstrate Superior Responsibility and give examples to support your opinion. If the person you are proposing or supporting does not meet any of the criteria above but you have another reason to justify the award of Fellowship of the IET, please give full details.