1 / 2 / (3) / 4 / 5 / (6) / (7)
Component / CO1
/ Clause No./
Subclause No./
(e.g. 3.1) / Paragraph/
(e.g. Table 1) / Type of com-ment2 / Comment (justification for change) by the CO3 / Proposed change by the CO / Secretariat observations
on each comment submitted
Kelvin Hughes / Email KH, ask them to send their findings to IEC. / Not an issue for ENCWG to solve / TM to send email to KH
Dai file / te / CTNARE point wrong viewing group / change from 26050 to 26150 / Hannu to amend
Addendum / ed / Change (BOYCAR01, BOYCAR02, BOYCAR03, BOYCAR04). line weight from 0.6 mm, to 0.3 mm / Match the dai file / Agreed
Addendum / CBLARE51 change line weight from 0.3 to 0.6mm / Match the dai file / Agreed
LUT lines / Add space between sf and clr / Match the dai file / Agreed
Add new section to Forward documenting all changes to 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 / Change control / TM to prepare
16.2 / Many issues with symbol display see WSAM document / New ECDIS chart 1 screen shots / Hannu to create
ECDIS Chart 1 / ECDIS chart 1 New Object, ensure quote marks are correct in all SYMINS / Olaf to send to Eivind
Done 12.2.16
Forward / The forward of S-52 states that Flood docks have been moved to display priority 1 this is incorrect. / Update the Forward of S-52
Flood Dock, area, display priority 2,
Flood Dock, point, display priority 5 / Agreed
8.5.1 Centred symbols / ge / More guidance needed around the display of centred symbols, add clarification remark / Add remark:
Manufacturers can use their own algorithms for calculating the position of centred symbols. Centred symbols must not overlap each other and must not be shown where it is not possible to position the centre of the bounding box inside the limits of the boundary of the symbolized object. / Agreed
8.5.1 / Symbol for magnetic variation contains offset / Centred symbol for MAGVAR line has an offset and does not appear on the feature. Create new symbol for addendum / Navtor to submit paper to ENCWG
ECDIS Chart 1 / ECDIS Chart 1 readme.txt missing ECDIS setup instructions. / Hannu to provide details to Eivind / Agreed
CSP LiGHTS06 / CSP LIGHTS06 change
No display rules for duplicate co-located omnidirectional lights. No centre point
10nm for the display of lights clutters screen / Suggest change to 15NM, create new symbol with centre point / Correction
Hannu to write paper for ENCWG1
No omnidirectional encoding guidance for HOs / TM to send out encoding bulletin to capture PILPNT on land for lights over 10nm that don’t have a supporting light structure / TM
Detection and Notification of Navigational Hazards / Need to account for cases where the objects do not go through CSP
Add ** to OBSTRN, WRECKS and UWTROC / Add note Objects not passing through the CSP are not part of Detection and Notification of Navigational Hazards / Agree
LIGHTS06 CSP / Lights 06, incorrect, no sector lights plus cannot be assigned colour / CSP to be corrected / Eivind to correct
CSPs / Incorrect numbering update from SAFCON02 SAFCAN01 / CSP to be corrected
CSPs / Incorrect numbering update from QUALIN01 to QUALIN02 / CSP to be corrected
DEPCNT03 CSP / Incorrect numbering update from SAFCON02 SAFCAN01 / CSP to be corrected
Update list to add UWHAZ05 add display priority
TOPMAR was changed / Update change list to TOPMAR02
WRECKS05 CSP / Incorrect instruction in CSP
WATLEV3 changes to WATLEV5 / WATLEV3 changes to WATLEV5
UPDATE DIA file / Correction?
13 CSPs / All CSPs / Incorrect numbering, update UDWHAZ04 replace with UDWHAZ05 / Eivind to update
UDWHAZ05 CSP / Should isolated danger symbols display in un-surveyed areas? / Concerns were raised that a mistake may have been included when publishing UDWHAZ04 in the PresLib Ed 3.3. / Hannu to submit paper to ENCWG
LIGHTS06 CSP / ed / Enumeration textual descriptions incorrect for two coloursLIGHTS06. / Update CSP the colours 5 and 6 to say Blue and Yellow / Eivind to update
Identifying Automatic Chart Corrections On Mariners Demand / ed / The current method of highlighting automatic updates at the feature level does not easily indicate the exact location of change. / Add clarification note:
NOTE: Manufactures may choose to implement a filtering mechanism to emphasise only the significant change to Mariner. / Agreed
1 CO = Contributing Organisation (HOs should use 2 character codes e.g. FR AU etc.)
2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial
3 Whilst not compulsory, comments are more likely to be accepted if accompanied by a proposed change.
NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory.
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