/ 10F,Seoul Global Center38 Jongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

August 16, 2013

1. CITYNET Nepal National Chapter Report

·  Introduction:

The CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal was established in 2001 in Kathmandu and the Secretariat is hosted by the Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN). MuAN is actively encouraging local authorities to join CITYNET and currently 32 out of 58 have become members. The CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal is largely oriented by the Mumbai Declaration of 2004 and the Kathmandu Plan of Actions of 2007, both of which have been experiencing considerable progress as long term commitments. The two declarations have been designed to achieve the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by improving the infrastructural, governmental, and civic-empowerment capacities at all levels with Action Plans. CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal has made substantial progress in the focus on MDGs. Furthermore, the Joint Office in Nepal composed of CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal and Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN) has established a website as a means to advocate MDGs-oriented local governments.

·  Vision and Mission:

The vision of CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal is to act as the focal point and facilitator to coordinate with CITYNET and other chapters. It also seeks to provide platform for different stakeholders especially local agencies and non-government organizations to share their experiences and expertise.

·  Objectives:

The main objectives of CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal are as follows:

o  To coordinate with the local, national and international stakeholders.

o  To share resources/experiences economically and effectively.

o  To play a strategic and integrated role in urban planning and management.

o  To make its members independent.

o  To make municipalities people friendly, environment friendly, socially just, economically productive, participatory and culturally strengthened.

·  Organizational Structure

Pokhara Sub Metropolitan City / Chairperson
Hetauda Municipality / Vice Chairperson
Bharatpur Municipality / General Secretary
Gulariya Municipality / Treasurer
Banepa Municipality / Member
Dharan Municipality / Member
Dhangadhi Municipality / Member
Waling Municipality / Member
Ramgram Municipality / Member
Executive Secretary of MuAN / Member Secretary

·  Memberships:

There are 33 members of CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal including the Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN). MuAN is the only associate member whereas all other municipalities are full members.

1.  Kathmandu Metropolitan City

2.  Pokhara Sub metropolitan City

3.  Hetauda Municipality

4.  Siddharthanagar Municipality

5.  Tulsipur Municipality

6.  Birendranagar Municipality

7.  Amargadhi Municipality

8.  Dhankuta Municipality

9.  Janakpur Municipality

10.  Lalitpur Sub metropolitan City

11.  Butwal Municipality

12.  Tansen Municipality

13.  Birgunj Sub metropolitan City

14.  Biratnagar Sub metropolitan City

15.  Nepalgunj Municipality

16.  Bharatpur Municipality

17.  Ramgram Municipality

18.  Banepa Municipality

19.  Lekhnath Municipality

20.  Tikapur Municipality

21.  Dhangadhi Municipality

22.  Gorkha Municipality

23.  Waling Municipality

24.  Gulariya Municipality

25.  Baglung Municipality

26.  Bidur Municipality

27.  Dharan Municipality

28.  Jaleshwor Municipality

29.  MadhyapurThimi Municipality

30.  Mechinagar Municipality

31.  Dhulikhel Municipality

32.  Panauti Municipality

33.  MuAN

·  Completed and Planned Activities: 2013

CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal has been supporting some of the small and poor municipalities with different projects since 2010. In 2010, it supported Tansen Municipality to implement ‘School Sanitation Improvement Project’ in one of the poor schools along with orientation to students on health and hygiene. The students are now able to use well equipped toilets and especially girl students have benefitted from provision of toilets in schools. Likewise in 2011 another project ‘Construction of Biogas Plant in a Slaughter House’ was implemented in Gulariya Municipality. The biogas is being used with the wastes that come from the slaughterhouse and electricity generated from it is used for small purposes like removing animal furs, charging etc. Gulariya along with its matching fund also constructed a toilet in the same premise. In 2012, the same project ‘School Sanitation Improvement Project’ was replicated in a poor school of Ramgram Municipality. For 2013, agreement has already been signed with Baglung Municipality for ‘Public Toilet Construction Project’ as the municipality is on the verge of declaring itself Open Defecation Free (ODF) zone. For all projects, the municipalities have provided matching funds.

·  Assessment of Past and Current Situation:

The activities conducted by CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal have been widely acknowledged in the past as well as present. The three consecutive projects ‘School Sanitation Improvement Project in Tansen Municipality’ in 2010, ‘Construction of Biogas Plant in a Slaughter House in Gulariya Municipality’ in 2011 and ‘School Sanitation Improvement Project in Ramgram Municipality’ in 2012 has gained wide appreciation for it has brought about changes in the lives of many people living in the municipalities.Especially, girl students have been benefitted by this sanitation related project. The upcoming project ‘Public Toilet Construction Project in Baglung Municipality’ for 2013 is also expected to help the municipality to declare itself Open Defecation Free (ODF) zone. Likewise, the regular publication of the e-newsletter ‘Voice of Municipalities’ has also been popular amid the urban stakeholders.

The SWOT analysis of CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal has been shown below:

o  Strength: As CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal has maintained itself as a credible institution, more and more stakeholders and organizations are willing to be the members.

o  Weakness: CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal has not been able to ensure financial sustainability due to various reasons such as low membership dues.

o  Opportunity: More and more NGOs/CBOs have interest in becoming the member of CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal as it is gaining recognition as an organization that is committed for urban development.

o  Threat: Some external threats are turnover of Executive Officers and other members, lack of elected representatives and rural sector focused national plans/policies.

·  Plan for Expansion (Human Resources, Finances, Communications, etc.)”

During the 4th General Assembly of the CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal in 2012, it was decided that the membership would be opened for other organizations and municipalities. In order to strengthen the human capacity, regular communication and meeting with the Working Committee should be conducted to discuss on the progress and prospects of CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal. However, due to many reasons this is not being possible.One main reason behind this is lack of human resource. Hence, the proposal to CITYNET Secretariat for supporting a part time staff is very genuine. Likewise, there needs to be training and exposure visits to the personnel working for CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal. This kind of training and visit can really motivate them to work and learn more. This will also help them increase their networks as they can meet many other stakeholders.

CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal has been participating in the SKYPE meeting being organized by CITYNET Secretariat where all four CITYNET National Chapters namely Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal and Sri Lanka along with the Satellite Office Mumbai come together and discuss on various issues of the chapters. The CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal is committed to participate in all the meetings which can be very useful in extending networks and relationships with other chapters and the satellite office as well. Besides, CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal will continue to publish the e-newsletter ‘Voice of Municipalities’ with the support of CITYNET Secretariat which can be a good means of information dissemination. The chapter’s profile has always been included in the calendar published by MuAN and brochures have also been published.

One of the reasons behind implementing projects in small municipalities is because there is a need and even a small venture can really motivate them to provide matching funds and participate in the process. NGOs and other relevant institutions will also be familiarized with the benefits provided by CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal and will be encouraged to be the associate members. Likewise, more municipalities will be encouraged to be the full members.

·  Issues and Challenges:

The main challenge is CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal has not been able to ensure financial sustainability due to various reasons such as low membership dues, frequent turnover of Executive Officers and staff in the member municipalities etc. Likewise, Working Committee meetings and General Assembly which are supposed to be conducted quarterly and annually respectively have also not been possible due to reasons like frequent transfer of the Executive Officers belonging to Working Committee of the Chapter, lack of human resource in the secretariat and so on. If a new person is hired solely for carrying out activities of CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal, it is certain that the chapter can progress much rapidly and significantly in the days to come.

·  Specific Support Requested from CITYNET

If CITYNET Secretariat provides support for human resource, then many problems are likely to be solved. For example, organizing a working committee meeting and general assembly is a time consuming task and current human resource of CITYNET National chapter is not enough for that. Likewise, if there is a separate person for handling the chapter he/she can write proposals and bring in good projects with many partners which can ultimately ensure financial sustainability. Also the fund provided by Secretariat can be used for monitoring and follow up of the projects that have been completed.

2014 Nepal National Chapter Plans Outline

·  Planned National Chapter Meetings:

o  Date: To Be Confirmed

o  Locations: General Assembly and Working Committee Meetings

·  New Projects

o  Title:

Community Children’s Library Support Project

o  Description:

The project will be implemented in Bidur Municipality of Nuwakot district. At the time of the2011 Nepal censusit had a population of 26750. With varieties of options for spending leisure such as computer games, television programmes, internet surfing and so on, reading culture is gaining less popularity in today’s modern world. With the aim of contributing to MDG 2 i.e. attain universal primary education, CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal aims to support children’s library in Bidur Municipality for 2014. Since the Government of Nepal has adopted Child Friendly Local Governance (CFLG) policy and strategy, it will help support one of the priorities of the government. The project will help improve infrastructure such as table, chairs, bookshelves, books and so on. Likewise, since all books are not available in the library children will be encouraged to use internet for online reading. Hence, computers and internet will also be available in the library.

Expected Result:

Reading culture will be revived and children will be encouraged to read rather than being engaged in other alternatives such as playing computer games, watching television etc. Likewise, promotion of CFLG in the municipality will be ensured thereby children can raise their voice in allocating budget for them.

·  Follow-up to Past Projects

o  Title:

School Sanitation Improvement Project in Tansen Municipality

o  Description:

Tansen Municipality being one of the members of CITYNET and relatively backward in terms of development as compared to its surrounding municipalities had privilege of being selected as the pilot area for the demonstration of “School Sanitation Improvement Project” by CITYNET in 2010. The overall goal of the project was to make the city clean and healthy by improving the sanitation facilities in one of the public schools in its constituency. Around 120 students were currently studying in Janahit Primary School which is located in ward number 12, Setipokhari. This school was selected as the project site primarily because majority of the students studying here are marginalized and poor. Secondly since the school did not have a single concrete toilet, the need for one was keenly felt by students, parents as well as the school. Two toilets were constructed in the site and two day “Training on School Sanitation and Health Improvement” involving 80 students and parents were also conducted. During the training, it was known through the parents that they did not have toilets even at home and were using open fields for defecation.

Reported Results:

The children have now access to proper sanitation in school itself. They also have increased knowledge on hygiene and sanitation.

·  Member Communications

Method of Communication:

Regular dissemination of MuAN’s quarterly magazine Voice of Cities and upload the monthly e newsletter. Members are also communicated via emails. Working Committee meeting will be held regularly along with the General Assembly. Communication with CITYNET secretariat and other chapters will be through emails and skype. In order to improve communication with members of four chapters and CITYNET secretariat, introduction of video conferencing facility in four national chapters is a future programme proposal.

Expected Result:

Regular communication will help chapter maintain relation with the members and know about their needs and requisites.

2. 2015 Nepal National Chapter Plans

·  Planned National Chapter Meetings:

o  Dates: To be confirmed

o  Locations: To be confirmed

·  New Projects

o  Title:

Mobile Toilet in Banepa Municipality

o  Description:

Banepa is a smalltownlocated 26km east ofKathmandu,Nepal. At the time of the2011 Nepal census, it had a population of 24764. Being small in size, land is an issue here especially when it comes to public land. Hence, acquiring land even for constructing public property is very challenging. The municipality has been facing the problem of open defecation. Hence keeping this fact in consideration, CITYNET National Chapter-Nepal aims to support Banepa in setting up a mobile toilet around the city. Actually it was the municipality who came up with this idea since they could not get public land to construct a public toilet. This project will contribute to MDG 7 i.e. ensure environmental sustainability. The charge for using the toilet will be determined by the municipality after detailed analysis and feasibility study whereas maintenance of the toilet will be done by the municipality itself.

Expected Result:

The city will be clean and liveable. People will have access to sanitation even when they are out of their houses. Significant reduction in open defecation is probable.

·  Follow-up to Past Projects

o  Title:

Construction of a bio-gas plant to improve the slaughter house

o  Description:

Gulariya Municipality with assistance from CITYNET initiated the pilot project ‘Construction of a bio-gas plant to improve the slaughter house’ whose prime objective was to install a bio-gas plant to manage the wastes generated from slaughter house and contribute for cleaner environment and energy. With matching fund, the municipality had also constructed a concrete toilet near the bio-gas plant. The bio-gas plant has 15 cubic meters capacity. Since the slaughter house has the capacity to manage 100 goats and 1000 chickens per day, the wastes generated from the animals/poultries have significant contribution as slurry to the bio-gas plant. The energy generated from it is being used in the slaughter house for small purposes that require electricity such as cleaning the animals’ fur, charging equipment and so on. Likewise, the toilet in the premise of slaughter house also has significant contribution to the environment.