Wednesday, May 31, 2017

1:00 p.m.

Medical Center of the Americas

Cardwell Collaborative Building Conference Rm 1st Floor

El Paso, TX 79905




Oscar Perez, UMC
Julie Gest, UMC
Carlos Casillas, TTUHSC El Paso
Joanne Bonilla, UMC
Victor Quiroz, TTUHSC El Paso
Miguel Beca, TTUHSC El Paso
Rosario Reyes, TTUHSC El Paso
Cindy Hernandez, EHN
Rosie Sanchez, TTUHSC El Paso
AnnMcConnell, Tendercare Home Health
Cassandra Luna, Tendercare Home Health / Luis Contreras, UMC NHC
Mary Harris-Reese, UMC NHC
Sonia Lozano for David Smead, UMC
Claudia Lozano, EP Dept.of Public Health
Ivonne Marquez, EP Dept of Public Health
Rachel Montes for Jim Paul, Hospice of El Paso
Gloria Vega, UMC
Alejandra Contreras, UMC
Jaime Anaya, PharmD, UMC
Leida Perez, MD
Dawn Malanoski, EP Childrens Hospital

Oscar Perez, 1115 Waiver Program Manager, called the meeting to order at 1:10 pm and welcomed all participants. He conducted the roll-call of organizations present and then invited everyone to introduce themselves to the other regional partners.

Regional Health Partner(s) not represented at this meeting: Las Palmas- Del Sol (HCA), Hospitals of Providence (Tenet) and the El Paso Medical Society.


There were no corrections to the minutes. Approved by a majority of the membership (show of hands).


Oscar Perez updated the group on the following items:

A.  PFM Changes

a.  RHP Plan Updates

i.  Submission date changed from Nov 30 2017 to Jan 31 2018

ii. Worth 20% of Valuation (submitted and approved)

iii.  Paid in July 2018

b.  Unused Funds in the Region

i.  RHP will decide how to use. ** NOTE: RHP15 has NO unused funds.

ii. If a provider does not participate in DY7 and beyond, these funds go to the state and NOT redistributed to the regions

c.  “System” definition

i.  Adding flexibility

ii. May add other components of one’ delivery system (i.e. ED, outpatient clinics, contracted services, etc…)

d.  Private Hospital Participation

i.  Increased from 10% to 15% - pay for reporting in Category D

e.  Costs and Savings

i.  Must be tracked and reported for ONE activity per year

ii. Providers with valuations less than $1million are EXEMPT

f.  DY7 MLIU Reporting

i.  Can be done in DY7 R2 or DY8 R1

g.  Category C Reporting

i.  Carry forward of performance IS allowable

B.  Myers & Stauffer Reviews

  1. Category 1, 2 and 3 Reviews are still underway
  2. Members are feeling overwhelmed by the requests and the periods to respond (typically 5 working days).

C.  Waiver Renewal - Extension

  1. Negotiations are still underway with CMS.
  2. The issues of concern with CMS (per the May 8th meeting) were budget neutrality, DSRIP and UC

D.  Waiver Renewal

  1. HHSC has decided to still move forward in the definition of the PFM (Program Funding & Mechanics) protocol
  2. HHSC is continuing to develop the Measure Bundles
  3. BAT (Bundle Advisory Teams) should complete their work by June 2017
  4. RHP 15 is represented by:
  5. Michael Romano, MD, TTUHSC – Pediatric and Maternal Care
  6. David Smead, RN, UMC – Primary Care and Prevention
  7. Ann Rodriguez-McConnell, RN, UMC - Chronic Disease and Care Transitions

E.  Timeline

  1. Upcoming deadlines and payment dates:
  2. June 28th
  3. Stakeholder’s Meeting
  4. June 30th
  5. Myers & Stauffer Round 3 and Cat 3 Completed
  6. Feedback solicited on PFM
  7. July 7th
  8. NMI Documentation Due
  9. July 31st
  10. DSRIP Payments made to providers

4. PRESENTATION - Measure Bundles – Details

Mr. Oscar Perez presented a draft of those Measure Bundles being considered by HHSC for DY7 and beyond. Oscar expressed that these are still being reviewed by the BATs (Bundle Advisory Teams) which are made up of clinical professionals from around the state. The final version should be released in June, but these measures were presented so that providers can begin to look at the metrics being considered. Mr. Perez also noted that there are many ADDITIONAL metrics which are being considered for each bundle. The presentation is posted on the RHP 15 website for reference.


Mr. Oscar Perez reminded the members of the three ongoing Learning Collaboratives in Region 15 and their points of contacts for each:

Moses Priego, UMC – Diabetes Learning Collaborative – was not available to update the membership.

Cindy Hernandez, EHN – Behavioral Health Learning Collaborative, expressed her concern regarding the hesitation from some collaborative members to share data. Some of the confusion has come from the definition of the data requested. More discussions will occur at future meetings. Oscar also explained that the leveraging of existing Behavioral Health groups in the community is being explored. Both Cindy and Oscar attended the ED-IFTF meeting on May 17th and presented the goals of this collaborative. The group collected names of those who may be interested in joining our collaborative.

Rosie Sanchez, TTUHSC – Health Data Exchange Collaborative, explained that the group is currently working on a survey that will be used to gather information on the understanding and challenges with Health Information Exchanges.


A stakeholder’s forum is required for the next phase of the 1115 Waiver and DSRIP. Region 15 has decided to hold this forum in place of the June meeting. This meeting will have the following agenda items:

1. Discuss the Waiver Renewal

2. Share Successes and Challenges of the DSRIP projects

A. Project Presentations and Overviews

3. Discuss Community Needs Assessment

Mr. Perez expressed the need to have OTHER stakeholders at this meeting. He asked the members to make sure to bring their leadership and others who normally do not attend the RHP meetings.


Oscar mentioned that a date for the Stakeholder’s forum is planned in place of the June RHP meeting. He mentioned to the members that each participating provider will be required to present their projects (in a standardized format) at the forum. He also mentioned that the attendance at this meeting needs to include all stakeholders from the community.


Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.. The next Meeting will be held on June 28, 2017 at 1:00 pm. Oscar reminded the group that the next meeting is the stakeholders meeting but reserves the right to change the agenda as the situation requires.

Ms. Cathy Gibson, Chief Waiver Officer

June 5, 2017 Page 3 of 3