
Regular meeting Board of Education, Hinton Public School, June 20, 2016, 6:00 p.m., High School located at 708 N. Broadway, Hinton, OK.

Note: The Hinton Board of Education may discuss, make motions, and vote upon any matter appearing on this agenda. Such motions and votes may be to adopt, reject, table, reaffirm, modify, rescind, overturn, or take no action on any agenda matter.

1. Call to order and roll call of members.

2. Invocation

3. Consent Agenda:

All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one roll call vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these considerations, and approval of the following items:

A.  Minutes: Regular Board Meeting of May 18, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.

B.  Agenda as posted by law.

C.  Approve the following encumbrances –Increase Partials #3,#10 and #11;

Regular encumbrance’s:#519 - #534; increase #479, #499 and #508; void #339, #469, #417, #477, #478 and #480 on General Fund 11. Encumbrance’s #141 - #142; increase #139 on Building Fund 21; No encumbrances on Child Nutrition #22, Bond #33 (New School) and Bond Fund #32 (Transp.) for the month of June 2016.

D.  Approve Requisition #125 & #126 for Bond #33 at BancFirst.

Financial Report

4. Recognition of guests and public hearing. Individuals wishing to address the board are asked to indicate their intentions and list a topic on the sign-in sheet prior to the convening of the meeting. Individuals are asked to limit their presentation to two (2) minutes. If there is a group of individuals concerned over the same item, you are asked to designate a speaker to represent the group and limit that presentation to five (5) minutes. A speaker's comments related to personnel complaints will not be heard unless they have first complied with board policy complaint procedures, (#120.100). Individuals and groups are liable for their remarks and they do not reflect the feelings or beliefs of the Hinton Board of Education. The board will not take action on issues presented at this public hearing.

5. Administration Reports:

A. HS/MS Principal’s Report

B. Elementary Principal's Report

C. Superintendent’s Report

6. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the best quote by insurance carriers for the property, liability, and auto insurance for the 2016-2017 school year.

7. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the best quote as received by Insurance carriers for the schools Workers Compensation Insurance for school year 2016-2017.

8. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve reporting the 2016-2017 school year by hours instead of by days.

9. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve to surplus old middle school building to be disposed of through demolition.

10. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the membership into the OPSRC (Oklahoma Public School Resource Center) for the school Web Design, Hosting and Professional Development for school year 2016-2017.

11. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the renewal contracts for school year 2016-2017 as listed: Follett (Library software), Renaissance (Elem. Learning Resource), West Interactive Services Corporation ( SchoolMessenger/Reliance Communications - Parent Contact system) and Study Island (Edmentum) (MS/HS Learning Resource).

12. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve deleting Activity Account #820; sub account #819 will be changed to Class of 2020.

13. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve a contract with CRW Consulting Services for E-Rate services for year 2016-2017.

14. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the computer maintenance contract with Craig PC Sales & Service for school year 2016-2017.

15. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the O.S.S.B.A. School membership for 2016-2017 school year.

16. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve participating in the Oklahoma Public School Unemployment Compensation Account (OPSUCA) for the 2016-2017 school year.

17 Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the 2015-2016 annual budget, function revisions for General Fund, Building Fund, and Child Nutrition Fund.

18. Approve the attached list of Activity Fund Accounts for the 2016-2017 school year.

19. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the designation of the following positions for 2016-2017 school year.

Activity Fund Custodian:---- Richard Brownen Assist. AF Custodian: ------Rosalie Paxton

Purchasing Officer:------Richard Brownen Minutes Clerk: ------Rosalie Paxton

District Treasurer:------Rosalie Paxton Encumbrance Clerk:------Pattie Langley

20. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve a contract for Minutes Clerk.

21. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve outsourcing the Yearbook Production,

by Lydia’s Portrait.

22. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve

23. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the renewal contract as bus driver for Kandi Vowell for school year 2016-2017.

24. Propose executive session to discuss, so board can return to open session and vote on, appropriate

items: 25 O.S. 307 (B)(1).

A.  Discuss employment of an Ag. Teacher for 2016-2017.

B.  Discuss summer Speech Contract with Stephenie Bristow for June and July, 2016.

C.  Discuss employment of an Elementary Teacher.

D.  Discuss employment of a Science Teacher/Coach.

E.  Discuss employment of a, Business Ed Teacher/Coach.

F.  Discuss employment of a MS Language. Arts Teacher.

G.  Discuss employment of a Band Director/Teacher.

H.  Discuss the resignation of Joe Harbert, Teacher.

I.  Discuss the resignation of Shannon Landrum, Band Teacher.

25. Vote to convene into executive session.

26. Vote to acknowledge the board has returned to open session.

27. Vote to approve or not approve employment of a first year temporary contract for Makaylan Starkey as Ag. Teacher for school year 2016-2017.

28. Vote to approve or not approve the Summer Speech Contract with Stephenie Bristow for June and July 2016.

29. Vote to approve or not approve employment of a first year temporary contract for Kayla Bower,

Elementary Teacher.

30. Vote to approve or not approve employment of a first year temporary contract for Richard Folsom,

Science Teacher/Coach.

31. Vote to approve or not approve employment of a first year temporary contract for Stony Burt,

Business Ed Teacher/Coach.

32. Vote to approve or not approve employment of a first year temporary contract for Kayla Watkins,

MS Language Arts Teacher.

33. Vote to approve or not approve employment of a first year temporary contract for Jessika Coleman,

Band Director/Teacher.

34. Vote to approve or not approve the resignation of Joe Harbert, Teacher.

35. Vote to approve or not approve the resignation of Shannon Landrum, Band Teacher.

36. New Business (not known at the time of posting).

37. Adjournment.

This agenda posted on the front door of the Hinton HS Building, located at 708 N. Broadway, Hinton, OK, no later than 4:30 p.m. June 17, 2016.

______Rosalie Paxton, Secretary