A Web Quest
You will soon begin reading the book Night by Elie Wiesel. In preparation for this reading, it is extremely important that you gain the necessary background information in order to understand what Mr. Wiesel is referring to. This book is very disturbing as Mr. Wiesel shares his experiences in a Nazi Concentration Camp during World War II. Throughout the book, you will read about his horrific journey through the evil and terrible process a young Jew in Hitler’s way often suffered.
Mr. Wiesel has taken it upon himself to “bear witness” and share his testimony with the world in hopes to prevent such terrible genocide in the future. He has left his written word so that the world may never forget… “When we are forgotten, we cease to exist.”
Task: Explore the background of the Holocaust to aid in your understanding of the Novel “Night”
1) Begin researching to find answers to the topic questions!
2) Use the information you researched to create a power point presentation in order to inform the class about the topics. Mr. Reed will assign each of the specific topics.
Topic 1:
What was Kristallnacht (Crystal Night or “The Night of Broken Glass)?
- When did Kristallnacht happen and what was Kristallnacht?
- What was the supposed spark that initiated this violence?
- What was the role of police on this night
- What is a “pogrom?”
- After Kristallnacht, what happened to many Jews?
- Add any other interesting facts you think would be valuable to your research.
Sites to search:
Sites to search:
Topic 2:
How did Hitler gain power and begin Nazi Rule?
- How and when did Hitler gain power and what was the Third Reich?
- Who were the SS?
- What was “Nazi Propaganda” and how was it used?
- What is Euthanasia?
- What is “Anti-Semitism?”
- Add any other interesting facts you think would be valuable to your research.
Sites to Search:
Topic 3:
What was life like in a Concentration Camp?
- What are some of the things that happened to the prisoners when they first got to the camps?
- What was “Selection?”
- What was the difference between death camps and labor camps?
- What happened to the personal items people brought with them?
- What were a crematorium and a gas chamber?
- Add any other interesting facts you think would be valuable to your research.
Sites to Search:
Topic 4:
Did anyone try to save the Jews?
- How did some people try to rescue Jews?
- What was the “Resistance” movement?
- How were some children hidden?
- What happened during uprisings in camps?
- What happened during uprisings in the ghettos?
- Add any other interesting facts you think would be valuable to your research.
Sites to Search:
(survival/resistance/children/hiding/aid and escape)
Topic 5:
What was a “ghetto?”
- How was a ghetto formed?
- What kind of things did they have in a ghetto?
- Who was in charge of a ghetto? How did they run it?
- How did the Nazi’s keep the Jews in the Ghetto?
- What happened after Jews left the ghettos?
- Add any other interesting facts you think would be valuable to your research.
Sites to Search
Topic 6:
What was the “Final Solution?”
- What was the “Final Solution?”
- Who were implementers of the “Final Solution?”
- How was the “Final Solution” supposed to be carried out?
- How many Jewish lives were lost as a result of “The Final Solution” and the Holocaust?
- Add any other interesting facts you think would be valuable to your research.
Sites to Search:
Other Links that may be helpful for all topics:
Other information:
A survivor's story
Focuses mostly on German Experiments on Children by the infamous Dr. Mengele.
You will be assessed based on 2 different criteria:
1) Web Quest:
¨ Answers to questions will be graded
¨ Ability to work on computer and research
¨ Ability to complete the research questions in a timely manner
2) PowerPoint Rubric:
______Colorful/ easy to see/ easy to read (10 pts)
______Graphics used appropriately (10 pts)
______10 + slides (10 pts)
______Spelling (10 pts)
______Space/ graphic organizers/presentationneat and orderly (10 pts)
______Main points highlighted (7x7 rules), not justparagraphs to read (10 pts)
______Appropriately illustrates research includes a works cited page and info. is accurate (40 pts)
___/100 Total for PowerPoint Presentation
Hopefully after your research you will have found some of the events leading up to and defining the Holocaust and can be prepared to share this information with the rest of the world. Unfortunately no matter how many facts or how much research we do, we cannot possibly begin to imagine the terrifying events many of the survivors faced. Keep in mind as we begin reading the book Night, all of the information you have researched and use it to help you attempt to imagine the world that shaped Elie Weisel’s childhood.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors
Museum of Tolerance Multimedia Learning Center (Simon Wiesenthal Center)
Jewish Virtual Library
Moretta, Theresa. Teaching the Holocaust. 1997.
Yad Vashem
To Save a Life: The Stories of Holocaust Rescuers