Reasons to use Transformation Station
1)All rating transactions and service inquiries are FREE.
2)Secure transactions. Data & attachments reach carrier’s system without compromising Internet security. No unnecessary build-up of temporary Internet cache files, no outside intrusion of hackers, “pop-up ads” and viruses.
3)Insured’s private information goes directly to carrier systems from TAM/Vision/Epic. Data is not stored on “off-premises” site such as a comparative rater.
4)Data cannot be tampered with, so carrier receives the data as it left TAM/Vision/Epic. Carrier receives the original data stream before it’s edited in carrier’s system.
5)TAM/Vision/Epic systems, using Transformation Station, are the only systems that can process“rate/return” (round trip) transactions. Carrier receives edited data (from agent’s system) and can return a rate, attachment(s), download and a website link back to TAM/Vision/Epic customer.
6)All rating transactions are finalized with an automatic Activity for E&O and Management Report back-up and tracking.
7)All rating transactions fully satisfy the industry’s mission for Single Entry Multiple Company Interface (SEMCI).
8)All rating transactions start from TAM/Vision/Epic using Current, Future & Prospect applications. All data is contained in TAM/Vision/Epic for tracking and running reports for follow-up.
9)Most carriers automatically attach, via Routed Attachments, important documents which are added in the customer data base.
10)All viewed proposals, billing summaries, claims reports & Loss Runs, Dec Pages, etc. that are not returned automatically, can easily be attached to customer data base, via e-mail.
11) When agents use Transformation Station daily, carriers monitor usage statistics. Existing carriers will continually improve current rating & service functionality. Non-compliant carriers will come “on-board” quicker if agents use Transformation Station, regularly.
12) Insured’s prefer transactions sent from TAM/Vision/Epic to companies because of Privacy Security, as opposed to sending transactions to a “middle-man”, which their data is stored in a “non-insurance” system where anyone can obtaintheir confidential data.
13) TAM/Vision/Epic stores virtually all User Id’s & Passwords for carrier websites, eliminating the need for “3rd-party” password storage utilities. Many carriers offer “once & done” passwords when storing in TAM/Vision/Epic for Transformation Station processes. CSR’s never have to log-in, when using Transformation Station.
14)Based on the information stored in Client Detail, Billing Detail & Application, Transformation Station knows which carrier(s) to display for rating, which inquiries to offer. Policy Type, Issuing Co Code, Physical Address, Policy # and Term Dates all play a key role with Transformation Station Integration.
15)IVANS manages the security and accurate delivery of ALL transactions & inquiries.
16)IDNA offers the agency administrator ONE desktop utility for managing all users, products and compliance.
17)Because most carriers use XML Acord Standards, the data flows “to and from” FASTER, more securely and goes to its PROPER destination.
18)All rating integration using Transformation Station use the carrier’s current up to date business rules, without human intervention. Quotes are presented “Real Time” and the rates are accurate. Also, more data bridges to carrier’s application; so after application is quoted, there is less entry to issue.