Excluded income is income received by the family but not considered in determining gross income. The following is a list of income, which is excluded:
1. All earned income received by a child;
2. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for a child;
3. KTAP child only payments, including back payments & two (2) month exclusion;
4. Kinship Care payments, including back payments;
5. Educational grants, loans, scholarships, and work study income;
6. Kentucky Works supportive services payments;
7. The value of United States Department of Agriculture food program benefits;
8. SNAP;
9. Payments made directly to a third (3rd) party such as a doctor, pharmacist, landlord, utility provider, etc. by another individual or organization on behalf of a family member for which no work was performed; or unless the money is legally obligated to the client such as court ordered child support;
10. In-kind income;
11. Transportation reimbursements for an employment related duty;
12. Non-emergency medical transportation payments;
13. Monies received from federal disaster and state disaster assistance;
14. Home produce utilized for household consumption;
15. Highway relocation assistance;
16. Urban renewal assistance;
17. Housing subsidies received from state, federal, or local governments even if paid directly to the recipient; (This does not apply to BAH payments as these payments are legally obligated to the household. BAH payments shown on the LES are countable income.)
18. Funds distributed to certain Indian tribes.
19. Supportive services and reimbursements to individuals volunteering as Senior Health Aides or members of the Service Corps of Retired Executives or Active Corps of Executives;
20. If less than the minimum wage, payments made to an individual in the Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), Foster Grandparents, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, or Senior Companion Program;
21. Any payment made by the Division of Protection and Permanency for child foster care, foster care, or personal care assistance;
22. LIHEAP and other energy assistance payments;
23. The principal of a verified loan;
24. Up to $12,000 to Aleutians and up to $20,000 to individuals of Japanese ancestry for payments made by the United States Government to compensate for hardships experienced during World War II. (All recipients of this income are provided with written verification by the U.S. Government.);
25. Payments made from the Agent Orange Settlement Fund; (one (1) time only payment)
26. Earned Income Tax Credit (EIC) payments;
27. Any payments received from the Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund;
28. Payments made to individuals because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution;
29. Income received from temporary employment from the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census;
30. Payments made from Crime Victims Funds in accordance with Section 234 of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996;
31. Loan assistance through the Farm Service Agency (FSA EM) pursuant to Section 321(a) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act;
32. Section 401 of the Veterans Benefits and Health Care Improvement Act of 2000, Public Law 106-419, provided for certain benefits for individuals with covered birth defects who are the natural children of women veterans who served in Vietnam during the Vietnam era. There is no age limit for recipients of these benefits. These individuals receive the benefits until they die;
33. A discount or subsidy provided to Medicare beneficiaries pursuant to
Section 1860D-31(g)(6) of the Social Security Act;
34. Cash grants under the Department of State or Department of Justice
Reception and Placement Programs;
35. Vocational rehabilitation reimbursements for an individual participating in Preparing Adults for Competitive Employment;
36. Income which is received as a non-recurring lump sum payment;
37. Income or earnings from a program funded under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) such as Job Corp;
38. Vendor Payment – payments made DIRECTLY to a doctor, pharmacist, landlord, utility provider, etc. by another individual or organization. The includes Home Energy Assistance (HEA) from private and public organizations or individuals;
39. Payments form the Tobacco Settlement;
40. Cash grants provided by refugee assistance programs;
41. Reimbursement payments for an individual participating in the Vocational Rehabilitation Preparing Adults for Competitive Employment program;
42. Payments received from World War II Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund;
43. Discounts or subsides provided to Medicare beneficiaries;
44. Michelle P. Waiver (Income is being received by the parent to care for their child.) These hours worked can be counted toward work employment/hours, but the income is not excluded;
45. Interest and dividend income, unless derived from a corporate business;
46. Small nonrecurring cash gifts (e.g. Christmas, birthdays and graduation), or $30 or less but not totaling more than $30 per month for each member of the assistance group; or
47. Tuition, books, fees and supplies associated with veteran’s education training, paid through the Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation Program (Title 30 U.S.C. Chapter 31),