Mosquito Quiz

1.  Which of the following is a not type of disease spread by mosquitoes?

(A) Dengue (B) AIDS (C) yellow fever (D) malaria

2.  Choose the name of a type of mosquito

(A) Human Immunodeficiency Virus

(B) Dengue Hemorrhagic

(C) Streptococcus

(D) Aedes Aegypti

3.  The Aedes Aegypti mosquito is a medium-sized blackish mosquito easily recognized by

(A)  black and white strips on the body.

(B)  Reddish abdomen.

(C)  Painful sting.

(D)  Loud noise.

4.  Select the statement below which is NOT True.

(A) Only female mosquitoes bite humans.

(B) Mosquitoes feed on plant nectar and juices.

(C) The mosquito pupa moves quickly and is called a wriggler.

(D) The female adult mosquito lays its eggs on the damp surfaces of containers.

5.  Which of the following can be used by the adult mosquitoes as breeding sites?

(A) Cans, flower pots and vases.

(B) Coconut shells, old tires and drums.

(C) Both of the above.

(D) None of the above.

6.  We can get rid of the mosquito by

(A) Change the water in vases frequently or use soil instead of water.

(B) Discard or cover containers with water that can collect rain or other run off water.

(C) Puncture old tires before throwing them away.

(D) All of the above.

7.  What are the signs and symptoms of Dengue fever?

(A) Fever , intense headache, eye pains, joint and muscle pains

(B) Back ache, headache and fever

(C) Shivering , headache, body pain

(D) High fever and shivering

8.  What is the cure for Dengue fever?

(A) There is no specific treatment for dengue.

(B) Take Paramol or Parcetemol

(C) Drink lots of water

(D) Bathe in the sea

9.  How to manage Dengue fever:

(A) Drink Plenty of fluids, e.g. Water, coconut water and juice

(B) Sponge with slightly warm water.

(C) Rest and use treatment as directed.

(D) All of the above.

10.  Dengue fever is spread by an infected mosquito during probing and blood feeding

(A) only once.

(B) for two to three days .

(C) for eight to ten days.

(D) for the rest of its life.

11.  What can you do to get rid of mosquitoes?

(A) Open your home during fogging to kill all adult mosquitoes.

(B) Eradicate mosquito breeding sites.

(C) Both of the above.

(D) None of the above.

12.  The Director of the Environmental Health Department said that

(A) Fogging kills all mosquitoes.

(B) Montserrat cannot stop Dengue, a public health threat from reaching our shores.

(C) PAHO has identified cases of dengue in a neighboring island.

(D) WHO has identified cases of dengue in a neighboring island.


1.  B

2.  D

3.  A

4.  C

5.  C

6.  D

7.  A

8.  A

9.  D

10.  D

11.  C

12.  D