
1. Unit: Foster and promote an inclusive learning culture

Unit Code: TAAENV402B 2

i. Assessment Task 2


TAAENV402B Foster & Promote and Inclusive Learning Culture 4

2. Unit Title: Facilitate individual learning

Unit Code: TAADEL403B 5

i. CHECKLIST - TAADEL403B Facilitate Individual Learning 6

ii. Assessment Task: Plan and facilitate individual learning plan 7

3. Unit Title: Facilitate work-based learning

Unit Code: TAADEL404B 7

i. CHECKLIST - TAADEL404B Facilitate Work-Based Learning 8

ii. Assessment1: Develop a training gap identification report (TNA) 9



Unit: Foster and promote an inclusive learning culture Unit Code: TAAENV402B

What this unit is about

This unit addresses the responsibilities of all persons in a training and/or assessment organisation to promote a positive and inclusive learning culture which actively acknowledges, respects and builds on individual differences, and integrates principles which underpininclusivity into all training and/or assessment practices.

In this unit the principles ofinclusivity are applied to working with both colleagues clients.

How you could approach this unit:

1.  Provide evidence that you are practicing inclusivity and supply evidence in your portfolio.


2.  Complete the assessment task as described in this document.

Assessment Task

Choose either Assessment 1 or Assessment 2

Assessment 1 : Inclusivity project

You are to undertake an inclusivity project that will provide you with sufficient evidence to demonstrate the acquisition and integration of knowledge of how to develop and maintain an environment that facilitates an inclusive learning culture.

In your project, you must provide evidence that establishes how candidates can take responsibility for:

·  practising and integrating inclusivity principles into work practices

·  responding to diversity

·  developing, implementing and monitoring work strategies that supportand improve an inclusive work and learning environment.

The evidence must include:

·  reports/documents outlining processes and procedures used to identify specific needs of colleagues and clients

·  evidence of accessing documented resources and support personnel to guide inclusive practices

·  evidence of identifying and responding to diversity and individual needs

·  evidence of encouraging individuals to contribute to the work and learning environment

·  evidence of implementing work strategies that promote learning.

This body of evidence can be presented in a portfolio.



1.  You are a member of Glenda’s training team and she has asked you to prepare a training session plan to refresh trainers’ knowledge of inclusivity and working with learners with specific needs.

2.  Prepare two resources you could use in your training session.

a. Develop a PowerPoint presentation to support your training session plan.

b.  Develop a small case scenario that illustrates a bad practice example to support your training session plan. You want the participants in your training session to work in small groups to discuss the small case scenario. The aim of the discussion group is to generate solutions to the problems caused by the bad practice example.

3.  What recommendations would you make to senior management regarding the support needs in the physical environment of the staff identified in the above scenario as having specific needs (for both the training and work environments)?

4. How could these strategies and processes be monitored and reviewed?

3. CHECKLIST - EVIDENCE BASED RPL - TAAENV402B Foster & Promote and Inclusive Learning Culture

If you feel that you meet the competencies, you may take this path as an alternative to the assessment items

Element / Practice examples / Comments
1.  Practice Inclusivity / Knowledge of access and equity policies
Acknowledges and respects clients with specific needs and ensures confidentiality
Integrates inclusivity into work practices / q  Copies of latest versions of access and equity policies attached
q  Provide examples of how you how you have acknowledged and respected clients with specific needs
q  Attach one more piece of evidence that shows how you practice inclusivity
Promote and Respond to Diversity / Uses appropriate verbal and body language that is sensitive to different cultures, backgrounds, and intellectual capability.
Knowledge of guidelines, policies and procedures that support inclusivity
Uses a cooperative approach to encourage individuals to participate in learning opportunities. / q  Guidelines from SI web site attached.
q  Copies of procedures for dealing with students with special needs..eg Hearing/sight impaired.
q  Evidence to demonstrate a co-operative approach..eg working with TAFE special needs consultant
Develop and Implement Work Strategies to Support Inclusivity. / Is aware of relevant support personnel and accesses appropriate services to support clients and their needs, eg counsellors and disability consultants.
Physical environment support needs are recognised and incorporated into work practices, including OH&S needs. / q  Obtain list of special needs consulatants at your college and attach.
q  Information on multicultural services attached
q  Where relevant, attach information on what has been done to accommodate special needs students in the physical environment..eg wheelchair access, classroom location
Promote a Culture of Learning / Collaborates with colleagues to support and advise on learning pathways
Achievement is recognised
Opportunities to develop skills are recognised and accessed. / q  Emails, letters etc that demonstrate how you promote learning culture
q  Attach evidence such as awards or other ways that you recognise achievement.
q  Staff developments.
Monitor and Improve Work Practices / Takes actions to modify and improve work practices to include inclusivity
Regularly reviews strategies and policies as part of continuous improvement / q  Attach evidence of what has been done..eg How you have modified teaching. Other strategies.
q  Evidence of Review

Unit Title: Facilitate individual learning

Unit Code: TAADEL403B


Learning facilitation relationships may take a number of forms including structured/semi-structured activities and formal/informal agreements. They may be independent of or part of a broad learning and delivery strategy. Identifying which learners and learning contexts may benefit from individual learning facilitation forms part of this competency.

Establishing an appropriate mutual relationship is critical, and the communication and interpersonal skills of the trainer/facilitator are paramount in creating the necessary preconditions for individual learning facilitation to be effective.

Two major techniques to facilitate individual learning are derived from mentoring and coaching methodologies. Other similar instructional techniques may also be appropriate, such as tutoring. The trainer/facilitator may use these techniques with one learner or with individual learners in a small group context.

Individual learning/facilitation relationships may be used to help an individual or individuals meet personal or job goals, learn new skills/knowledge or develop new learning/work behaviours. The role of the trainer/facilitator using these techniques is to advise, guide, support and respond to the needs of the individual learner.

How you could approach this unit – Choose either option 1 or 2:

1.  Provide evidence that you are meeting the competencies for this unit and supply evidence in your portfolio. Use the checklist below if your choose this route.


2.  Complete the assessment task as described in this document.

CHECKLIST - TAADEL403B Facilitate Individual Learning

Element / Practice examples / Comments
1.  Identify individual learning facilitation requirements. / Identifies goals for specific individuals
Uses appropriate techniques to facilitate the individual’s learning and progress and maintains documentation.
Evaluates the learning and uses appropriate support such as counsellors and disability coordinators. / q  Conduct a needs analysis of a class/group and attach
q  Attach evidence of what you have done to facilitate individual learning eg..learning plan
q  Evidence that you have accessed / used support services
2.  Establish the learning facilitation relationship / Identify the individual’s style and specific needs and use appropriate techniques to meet these.
Clarify boundaries and expectations, including support needs.
Develop and implement and individual learning plan. / q  Needs analysis (as above)
q  Document that demonstrates what you as facilitator will do and what learner and consultants will do.
q  Copy of an individual learning plan is attached
3.  Maintain and Develop the learning/facilitation relationship. / Adequate preparation and effective communication and interpersonal skills.
Uses structured learning activities to reinforce/motivate learning and encourage process.
Ethical behaviour and appropriate documentation. / q  Evidence of contact with student/consultants
q  Copies of learning activites or plan of activities.

Assessment Task: Plan and facilitate individual learning plan

1. Conduct a needs analysis of needs of a group (or part of group).

2. Plan and facilitate learning with an individual learner.

  1. Develop an individual learning plan (ILP) for the learner.

A ILP Template is attached

  1. Conduct the facilitation/session(s)
  1. Prepare a report that includes the following.

·  An outline of how you identified the learning and facilitation requirements of the individual

·  The purpose and goals of the learning

·  The strategies used to establish the learning relationship and why they were chosen

·  The facilitation techniques used and why

·  How the learning relationship was developed and maintained

·  How the learning was assessed

·  How the learning relationship was brought to a close and evaluated

·  Result of the evaluation

You can use Template 1 (INDIVIDUAL LEARNING PLAN) for this task.

Unit Title: Facilitate work-based learning

Unit Code: TAADEL404B


Learning through work is an ongoing and everyday reality of being in work. However, the effectiveness of that learning can be shaped by interventions and actions that modify, direct and provide support to the workplace learner. This guided learning ensures a planned approach to learning through work activities, effective strategies to support the learning and appropriate monitoring and safeguards.

This unit addresses the processes, skills and knowledge involved in using the work process and the work environment as the basis for learning in the workplace.

Learning though work may contribute to an educational outcome, such as a qualification or Statement of Attainment; and/or a work outcome, such as learning how to use a new piece of equipment; and/or a personal outcome, such as extending an individual’s self-esteem.

Providing a guided approach to work-based learning is an essential component of any apprenticeship or traineeship arrangement and also has application in induction processes, change management processes and ongoing employee development.

The competency specified in this unit is typically required by trainers/facilitators, teachers, workplace supervisors, team leaders, human resource or industrial relations managers, consultants and any employee responsible for guiding learning through work.

To demonstrate your competence in this unit you can either collect evidence of your competency (RPL Pathway) or complete the assessment tasks outlined below.


You can also gain recognition for this unit by providing a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates your competency for each element of competency.

CHECKLIST - TAADEL404B Facilitate Work-Based Learning

Element / Practice examples / Comments
1.  Establish an Effective Work Environment for Learning / Identify the needs in the workplace and discusses with appropriate personnel.
Suggest and implements changes within the work place to support learning .
Aware of OHS principles and relevant industrial requirements. / q  Documentation that illustrates needs identified. Eg ..needs analysis
q  Learning plan that addresses work place needs
q  Correspondance with learners manager relating to establishing the learning environment.
2.  Develop a Work Based Learning Pathway. / Analyse workplaces, contractual requirements and organisational strategies to facilitate work-based learning.
Seek agreement from relevant personnel to implement the pathway.
Monitors and evaluates the work based learning. / q  Correspondance with learner’s manager relating to establishing the learning environment.
q  Copy of a work based learning plan.
q  Evidence that learning is monitored..eg evaluation dates …
3.  Implement the Work Based Learning Pathway. / Determines support needs and communicates process and objectives to learners.
Communication/interpersonal skills used to collaborate with learners and others involved in the workplace. / q  Documentation that describes support..eg support from collegues at work/teacher etc..
q  Emails/documentation of communications.
4.  Monitor learning and address barriers to effective participation. / Access, equity, OHS and the readiness of the worker considered.
Uses observation and other methods to monitor performance.
Seeks feedback and uses appropriate documentation. / q  Documentation that learners ready/start date
q  Feedback used (eg via emails, regular reports)
5.  Review the effectiveness of the work-based learning pathway. / Performance and achievement appropriately documented.
Effectiveness evaluated against established models and improvements recommended where appropriate. / q  Documentation of Performance and achievement.
q  Final report or evaluation
q  Feedback from learner/manager

ASSESSMENT OPTION (You can choose this option instead of the RPL approach)

Assessment1: Develop a training gap identification report (TNA)

You are required to develop a Training Gap Identification Report (TNA), and work plans.

In your report you must provide a description of:

·  how the needs of two learners were identified against the standards expected in the workplace;

·  provide examples of work plans where learning opportunities have been or could be built into work activities; and

·  two examples of performance review reports to check the effectiveness of the work-based learning pathway.

Assessment2 : Design work-based learning pathways

For this task, you must develop a work-based learning pathway to meet the requirements of a specific workplace.

You will need to select an individual learning from either your own workplace or another of your choice.

(a) Design the work-based learning pathway including:

·  Learning goal and outcomes

·  Training requirements

·  Stakeholder requirements

·  Strategy for using work activities as learning activities

·  strategy for monitoring the learning

·  strategy for evaluating the effectiveness of the learning pathway.

You can outline the above in the template provided.

(b) Facilitate the work-based learning

(c ) Prepare a report that describes how you:

·  negotiated with the learner, their supervising manager and other stakeholders during the planning and implementation of the work-based learning pathway

·  supported the learner and encouraged independent learning