Spelling Homework – UNIT 13

1. night 6. there 10. around 14. world

2. picture 7. first 11. off 15. without

3. being 8. people 12. house 16. almost

4. study 9. new 13. don’t 17. light

5. second

Please also study ONE set of additional words (see Mrs. Essick to know which set)

Group Saturn: author, laughed, almost, caution, awkward, faucet, all right, although, awesome, gnawed

Group Mars: bike, shook, shake, sick, pack, strike, look, lock, spoke, book

Group Uranus: feed, meet, write, draw, fed, keep, met, kept, drew, wrote

Group Venus: work, wore, swore, war, warn, warm, swarm, wear, worse, world


1.  Write the core words (#1-5) five times each.

2.  Write the review words (#6-18) and YOUR set of additional words two times each.

3.  Write a list of 4 or more words that end in the –ure word ending (for example, mature). Underline or highlight “ure” in each word. *Be careful to include your spelling word!


  1. Please rewrite the following sentences or sentence in your journal correcting all of the mistakes:

i like to studey about the fist animals on arth some were very large thir are pickures in books that show what we think they looked like

2.  Use your spelling words to complete the following analogies. Be sure to copy the entire analogy statement into your notebook.

1.  hear : here :: their :

2.  up : down :: dark :

3.  could not : couldn’t :: do not :

4.  one : two :: first :

5.  write: essay :: draw :

6.  friend : pal :: evening :


1.  Please find YOUR group’s chart and sort YOUR set of additional words into the chart.

Group Saturn: Please take your additional words and sort them into the following groups based off of the /aw/ sound and spelling pattern. Use all of your additional words in the chart (please write it in your notebook).

Hint: V = vowel and C = consonant

-au / -aw / -al / oddball
Example: saucer / Example: awful / Example: also / Example: one of the spelling patterns, but different sound

Group Mars: Please take your additional words and sort them into the following groups based off of the spelling of the final /k/ sound. Use all of your additional words in the chart (please write it in your notebook).

-ck / -ke / k
Example: kick / Example: take / Example: took

Group Uranus: Please take your additional words and sort them into the following groups based off the kind of spelling change that was made when the irregular verb changes to be the past tense version. Use all of your additional words in the chart (please write it in your notebook).

Long to short vowel / Vowel Change / Change to -ew / eep to ept
Example: slide-slid / Example: shine-shone / Example: know-knew / Example: sleep-slept

Group Venus: Please take your additional words and sort them into the following groups based off of the different spellings when –u makes an /ur/ sound. Use all of your additional words in the chart (please write it in your notebook).

w + or = ur / w + or = or / w + ar = or / w + ear = air
Example: word / Example: worn / Example: wart / Example: swear


1.Study for your Spelling Review on Friday. Write any words that you have had difficulty with at least five times each.