Dickerson Middle School
Physical Science Course Syllabus
Ms. Kristen Crain
COURSE GOAL: The eighth grade science class is an inquiry-based introduction to Physical Science. The end result is the ability to think critically, to solve problems, to gain competence in lab techniques, and to understand the physical forces at work around us.
WEBSITE: my.hrw.com (username: dickerson8th) (password: raider)
Introduction-graphing, computer skills, metrics, etc.
Unit 1: Forms of Matter
Unit 2: Forms of Forces
Unit 3: Forms of Energy
Unit 4: Forms of Waves
These supplies are to be brought to class each day:
- Science Binder- with dividers and notebook paper
- Pencils and Pens and highlighters
- Colored pencils/markers
- Index Cards
- Pencil Pouch
- Textbook
- Composition Notebook (will leave in classroom with teacher)
The grading system is cumulative for each semester. The percentages for work are:
Homework 10%
Labs/Classwork 20%
Quizzes and Small Projects 20%
Tests and Large Projects 50%
Students will be expected to keep up with their grades. They may do so by using their table of contents or by accessing Synergy online.
Each student is required to keep a science notebook. We will discuss and create the sections in class the first week of school.
1. General Information (Syllabus should be included in this section)
2. Current Work (Notebook checks will happen two or four times a semester)
3. Labs
4. Tests/Quizzes
All work should be neat and turned in on time. Homework assignments are considered late if not turned in at the beginning of the period on the due date. Late work is not accepted without a penalty (one day late is minus 20pts, and two days late is for half credit. No late projects will be accepted.
- Be on time for class.
- Be prepared for class: complete all reading assignments and bring your supplies to class.
- Complete all assignments on time.
- Be respectful and responsible to your classmates-do not interfere with the learning of others.
- Follow all safety procedures and rules during labs. Unsafe behavior will result in a zero for that activity.
- Please remember that attendance is essential for success. Eighth grade Science is a very fast paced, active class. A lot of material will be missed each day the student is absent.
- If you are absent, check the blog for your assignments. You will have the number of days that you were absent to make up your work if it is an EXCUSEDabsence. All make-up tests are subject to a different format (Going out of town is not an excused absence. All assignments must be collected prior to leaving town and turned in the day the student returns to school. If the student missed a test while out for an unexcused absence, they are responsible for taking the test on the scheduled make-up day.) It will also be the student’s responsibility to pick up up any missed handouts and to schedule make-up tests within the allotted time.
- Students that copy another’s work on ANY assignment will earn a zero on that assignment. The student whose work was copies will also earn a zero on the assignment. Do not give anyone your work because it could put your grade in jeopardy.
Student Photographs: Please read and complete the attached permission to photograph form and return to your science teacher.
I have read the syllabus with my parents. I have completed the online quiz as evidence that I have read the guidelines and my parents have completed the online information sheet indicating that they have read and understand the syllabus and its contents.
Parents if you are interested in signing up for some of the technology communication available, please see my blog for additional resources.