Chapter 1 Worksheet
Section 1
1. How do most scholars believe that Native Americans arrived in North America?
2. How many colonies were established by England in North America?
3. What are values?
4. What area now represents the greatest immigration to the United States?
5. What do American citizens today agree to do?
6. What European nation first settled permanently in the United States?
7. What is Civics?
8. What is meant by E Pluribus Unum?
9. What movement of the American population occurred in the mid-1800’s? Why?
10. What regions of the country are growing the fastest today?
11. What term means government by the consent of the governed?
12. Who were citizens in ancient Greece and Rome?
Section 2
13. How many immigrants are accepted by the United States each year?
14. What are immigrants?
15. What are refugees?
16. What are the three ways a person could lose US Citizenship?
17. What are the two ways to become an American citizen?
18. What does the citizenship exam consist of?
19. What happens to an illegal alien if the government finds them?
20. What political rights are denied to legal aliens?
21. What term is used to refer to non-citizens?
22. What year were Native Americans granted citizenship? Who granted this?
Section 3
23. How did Thomas Hobbes describe life without government?
24. What are some services provided by governments?
25. What are the three branches of the national government?
26. What do we call a group of individuals with broad common interests who organize to
support candidates for office?
27. What is a plan for collecting and spending money?
28. What is a representative democracy? What is another term for this?
29. What is the most important purpose of government?
30. What is the ruling force of a community?
31. What level of government is closest to the American people?
32. What term means to carry out laws?
33. What type of democracy consists of all citizens meeting on government matters?
34. What type of government includes a hereditary ruler?