St. Mary Catholic High School

MCR 3U – Functions

Grade 11 University Preparation Mathematics

S. Bolger

February, 2017


Unit 1:Quadratic Functions

Unit 2:Exploring Functions

Unit 3:Inverse and Equivalent Functions

Unit 4:Trigonometry (2 parts)

Unit 5:Trigonometric Functions

Unit 6:Exponential Functions

Unit 7:Sequences, Series and Financial Applications

Final Summative Assessment


Come prepared to class every day with the following items

  • scientific calculator!!
  • 3 ring binder with lined paper and graph paper
  • pencils, erasers


A charging station for devices is available in my class. You are

welcome to use this, however once you plug in, your device may not

be accessed until the end of the class. If you choose not to charge,

your device may not be accessed during class time (out of sight

completely). Should you choose to access your device during class

time, it will be removed from your possession for the remainder of

the school day. The school board policy for use of personal

computing devices is listed at the end of this document.



Please make attendance a priority! YOU are responsible for any workmissed due to an absence of any kind. Detentions will be assigned as per school policy for lateness. Stay on top of homework and plan for upcoming tests.

School and Course Webpage

The St. Mary School website address is

I will maintain and updatea page for this course, which is accessiblethrough

the school site or directly at: I encourage

all students to use this site for information about weeklyhappenings, upcoming

tests, and course notes (particularly useful when you have missed a class for

any reason).


Show respect to your peers, to your teacher, and to yourself. Appropriate language, clothing, and participation are expected from you in this class every day of the semester.


Homework completion is essential for success. Extra help will be offered

at lunch - take advantage of this whenever necessary.


Homework will be checked if problems are perceived and parents will be contacted.


It is expected that each student will attend class regularly, spend their time effectively while in class, and demonstrate a positive learning attitude.

Success in this course depends on YOU…

the effort you make, the consistency you show,

the motivation you find within yourself.

Best of luck for a successful semester!

MCR 3U–Functions

Grade 11University Prep Mathematics

Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s):

Please read over this course outline so that you are aware of the components and expectations of this course. I am looking forward to working with your son or daughter, and hope each student will expand his or her aptitude formathematics, along with continuing to develop responsible work habits.

The St. Mary School website address is

This website provides useful information for parents and students regardingschool activities, forms, and other specific information. I will be maintaining and updating a page for this course throughout the semester, which is accessible through the school site (via staff and staff pages) or directly at this address: I will be encouraging every student to use this site for information about weekly happenings, upcoming tests, and course notes (particularly useful when a student has been absent). You are welcome to use this site to stay “in the loop” with what is going on in your child’s math class.

You can expect your son or daughter to have regular (usually daily) homework assignments. While I appreciate that we all have busy lives, homework is the essential practice required for most students to acquire the skills needed to progress. I will be available most days at lunch for extra help.

I have a “charging station” for cell phones and other personal computing devices set up in my classroom. Students are welcome to charge while they are in my class, however once plugged in, they may not access their device until the end of class. If a student has forgone the option to charge and is found using their device during class, it will be taken from them and given to the office for pickup at the end of the day. The school board policy on personal computing devices is copied on the next page.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email or at the school. I would appreciate you providing an email address on the contact sheet, along with the other contact information.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Mrs. S. Bolger


CDSBEO Policy for Cell Phones, All Electronic Devices

and Personally Owned Computer Devices

Students who choose to bring personally owned computing devices to school acknowledge and agree that:

 Personally owned computing devices that are brought to school are the responsibility of the owner. The CDSBEO and/or the School are NOT liable for damage, loss or theft of the device or data that is stored on the device.

 Personally owned computing devices that are brought to School are to be turned off during instructional time unless use is approved by a staff member.

 Personally owned computing devices shall not be used at any time where individual privacy must be protected such as in washrooms, locker or change rooms.

 Unless permitted by a staff member,personally owned computing devices are NOT to be used during student assessments.

MCR 3U, Grade 11FunctionsContact Sheet

Student Acknowledgement:

I have read and understand the course

outline, and I am prepared to meet the

expectations of this course.

Student Name:______

Student’s Signature:______

Email Address (optional):______

Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement:

I have read this course outline and understand the expectations of my son/daughter in this course. I am aware of the website for this course that will contain relevant information regarding course material and important dates.

Parent/Guardian Name:______


Email Address: ______

Contact Number: ______

Name of Contact: ______

Please return this sheet ASAP.