Problem set #6

1. (5.7[1]) Solve the initial value problem

x’ = x with x(0.1) =


x = 0.5556e3t + 0.2763e-t

2. (5.91) Convert the third-order differential equation

y’’’(x)  5y’’(x) y’(x) +  5y(x) = 0

to a first-order system and find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the system matrix.


x’ = x

The eigenvalues are 1, 1, 5. The corresponding eigenvectors are

, , and

5.10 Solve the equation

(t) + 3(i) + 2y(t) = U(t),

in which U(t) is the unit step function

U(t) =

Convert the equation to a first-order matrix equation. Then find the fundamental matrix and use the method of variation of parameters. Assume the system is initially at rest.


The second-order equation becomes

= + with x(0) =

This system has the form = Ax + f. The eigenvalues of A are  1,  2, and two eigenvectors are u(1) = [1,  1]T, and u(2) = [1, 2]T. The solution is

x = (t)c + xp

(t) is the fundamental matrix. (t) =

Assuming a particular solution of the original equation xp = (t)u leads to the relationship (t) = f.

= -1(t)f = = u =

xp = (t)u = =

x = c + x(0) = = + c = [1, 1/2]T.

x = +

> [x1,x2]=dsolve('Dx=y,Dy=-2*x-3*y+1','x(0)=0,y(0)=0')

x1 =


x2 =


5.12 Consider the second-order differential equation

(t) + 2(i) + 02y(t) = 0

which might represent a series RLC circuit or a mechanical system with a mass, spring, and dashpot.

a. What is the significance of the case when the characteristic equation yields repeated eigenvalues?

b. Write the homogeneous solution in the case of a double eigenvalue.


a. The characteristic equation 2 + 2 + 02 = 0 yields the eigenvalues

1,2 = 

When  = 0, the characteristic equation yields repeated and real eigenvalues. The response is said to be critically damped.

b. The critically damped response for the homogenous equation is

y(t) = e-t(c1 + c2t)
5.16 Write an M-file to solve the equation (t) + 3(i) + 2y(t) = 1. The system is initially at rest.


% P5_16.M Solve the equation D2y+3*Dy+2*y = 1

% y(0)=0,y'(0)=0







y1 =


6. Solve the following equation with step size h = 0.2

= x - 2y, at x = 1, y = 1.4

1. Using Euler methody(1.4) = _0.864___

2. Using modified Euler method: yn+1 = yn+ .5h[f(xn,yn)+f(xn+1,yn+h*f(xn,yn))]

y(1.2) = __1.132___

3. Using Midpoint method: yn+1 = yn+ k2 where k1 = h*f(xn,yn) and

k2 = h*f(xn+.5h,yn+0.5k1)y(1.2) = ___1.132___

4. Using Heun’s method: yn+1 = yn+ (k1 + k2) where k1 = h*f(xn,yn) and

k2 = h*f(xn+h, yn+k1)y(1.2) = ___1.132___

7. Solve the following equations with step size h = 0.2

= - y2 + xy1, y1(1) = 2; = y2 + x, y2(1) = -1

1. Using Euler method, the value of y1 at x = 1.2 is ____2.6____

2.Using modified Euler method, the value of y1 at x = 1.2 is ____2.712____

3. Using Midpoint method, the value of y1 at x = 1.2 is ____2.706__

8. Determine the stiffness ratio for the following set of equations

= -600y1 + 590y2; = 590y1 – 600y2SR = ___119____

10. Solve = y using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method with y(0) = 1 using h = .5 to evaluate

y(1). Solve by hand and verify with MATLAB ode45.


yn+1 = [1 + h + (h)2 + (h)3 + (h)4] yn = [1 + h + (h)2 + (h)3 + (h)4] yn

y(0.5) = [1 + .5 + (.5)2 + (.5)3 + (.5)4](1) = 1.6484

y(1.0) = [1 + .5 + (.5)2 + (.5)3 + (.5)4]( 1.6484) = 2.7173

[1]Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, 2e by Thomas Harman