Spring 2010—Daniel
Lesson5: Daniel 5—Handwriting on the Wall
Note:About 25 years elapse between Daniel 4 and 5. Nebuchadnezzar’s reign was followed by several kings. Belshazzar was co-regent with his father Nabonidas; Nebuchadnezzar was most likely his grandfather.
Day One: Read Daniel 5:1–4;Belshazzar’s Feast
1.Read 2 Kings 20:12–18; 24:10–14 and Daniel 1:1–2. What is significant about the temple vessels?
2.Use a dictionary to define “blasphemy.”
- Where and how do you see this happening in verses1–4?
- Do you see evidence of blasphemy in our society today? If so, cite specific examples.
3.Sin does not stand alone.Identify the sins you find in Daniel 5:1–4.
4.How often does Daniel refer to “wine”in verses1–4, and how might this have influenced Belshazzar’s orders in verse 2?
a.What do you learn from Leviticus 10:8–11, Proverbs 20:1, and Ephesians 5:15–18?
Day Two:Read Daniel 5:5–12; The Sudden Judgment
1.From the description of this scene, what implies that everyone saw the handwriting on the wall?
2.How many times is Belshazzar’s “pale face”noted, and why is this significant?
3.How can you connect 1 Corinthians 2:12–16 with this scene in Daniel 5?
4.What impresses you about the queen’s suggestion to seek Daniel’s counsel?
5.Daniel had a very good reputation, even among the Babylonian court. How does one develop such a reputation among unbelievers?
Day Three: Read Daniel 5:13–24;A Humble Historian
1.Compare Daniel’s interaction with Belshazzar in chapter 5 and Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 4.
2.What message doesDaniel 5:22–23have for Christians today?
3.From the following verses, writedifferent principles of wise living.
a.Luke 12:48b
b.James 4:17
4.What is God asking you to do with what you have learned in your study of Daniel? Have you done it?
Day Four: Read Daniel 5:25–31;The Reading and Interpretation
1.What is the essence of the prophecy Daniel spoke to Belshazzar?
2.How did Belshazzar respond to Daniel’s prophecy?
3.From Daniel 5, identify and explain how specific verseshighlightthe following attributes ofGod.
4.Which of these attributes is most meaningful to you, and why?
Day Five:Read Jeremiah 50–51 and Daniel 5; God Reigns Over History
1.From the following references in Jeremiah, what was prophesied regarding the fall of the BabylonianEmpire?How was each fulfilled in Daniel 5?(Cite specific verses.)
a.Jeremiah 50:1, 3,9,41
b.Jeremiah 51:11
c.Jeremiah 51:36
d.Jeremiah 51:39
e.Jeremiah 51:57
2.What specific encouragement is there for you in the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecies?
3.Ask the Spirit of God to search your heart and reveal any areas in which you are failing to treat God asHoly and as Lord. Write those insights here and then pray for the grace and mercy to live as you should.
Niednagel/Peters April 7, 2010