1.1The National Insurance Property Development Company Limited (hereinafter referred to “the Procurement Agent”) acting herein on behalf of the Ministry of Health, Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (hereinafter referred to as “the Client Ministry”) has been contracted to procure, store and distribute pharmaceutical supplies for the period 1st October, 2009 to 30th September, 2010.
1.2The Procurement Agent therefore invites tenders for the supply of the following Classes of Pharmaceutical items "as and when required" to Ministry of Health institutions.:-
1.2.1Pharmaceutical Supplies
08:00Anti-Infective Agents
09:00Anti-Retroviral Drugs (ARV)
12:00Autonomic Drugs
20:00Blood Formation and Coagulation
24:00Cardiovascular Drugs (CVS)
28:00Central Nervous System Drugs
36:00Diagnostic Agents
40:00Balance, Electrolyte, Caloric & Water
48:00Respiratory System Drugs
52:00EENT Preparations
56:00Gastrointestinal Drugs
60:00Rheumatic Diseases & Gout
64:00Antidotal Agents
68:00Endocrine Drugs
72:00Anaesthetics, Local
76:00Obstetric Drugs
80:00Serum, Toxoids and Vaccines
84:00Skin Mucous Membrane Preparations
92:00Unclassified Therapeutic Agents
94:00Disinfectants & Cleansers
98:00Pharmaceutical Sundries
1.3Tenderers are reminded that ALL PHARMACEUTICALS MUST BE REGISTERED with the Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division, Ministry of Health or the relevant regulatory body. All bids for the supply of any of the pharmaceutical items listed above MUST be accompanied by the respective Drug Registration Numbers. Bids that are not accompanied by the particular Drug Registration Number shall not be considered.
1.4The tender for each item should be for the full quantity as required and specified in Tender Data Listof the Tender Package. Evaluation and comparison of bids will be done on an item-by-item basis.
1.5The quantities indicated on this tender form are estimates only and the Procurement Agent does not guarantee Tenderers that they will be purchased. Specific quantities will be purchased at the prices quoted by Tenderers, when contracts are awarded and Purchase Orders issued by the Procurement Agent.
Where the quantity is identified as “1”, the Tenderer is expected to provide a price for a stated minimum quantity.
2.0.Condition Precedent to Tender
2.1It is a condition precedent of this tender that only suppliers of pharmaceuticals and non-pharmaceutical medical supplies duly registered with the Procurement Agent shall be eligible to submit bids for this tender. Tenders received from suppliers who are not registered with the Procurement Agent shall be automatically rejected.
3.0Cost of Tender
3.1The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its tender to the Procurement Agent, who will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the outcome of the tendering process.Please note that Tenderers are not required to submit any Bid Bond for this tender.
4.0Content of Tender Package
4.1The goods required, the tender procedures andConditions of Contract are prescribed in the Tender Package. In addition to the Invitation to Tender, the Tender Package includes:-
(a)Instructions to Tenderers
(b)Conditions of Contract
(c)Schedule of Tender Requirements/Bid Document on Compact Disk (CD)
(d)Form of Tender
4.2The Tenderer is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the Tender Package. Failure to furnish any information requested in the Tender Package or submission of a tender which is not substantially responsive to the Tender Package in every respect may result in the rejection of the tender.
5.0Clarification of Tender Package
5.1Tenderers requiring clarification of the contents of the Tender Package must notify the Procurement Agent in writing.
5.2Any request from a prospective Tenderer for clarification of the Tender Package must be received by the Procurement Agent no later than five (5) days prior to the deadline for submission of tenders. The Procurement Agent will respond in writing to any request. Written copies of the Procurement Agent's response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying its source) will be sent to all prospective Tenderers.
6.0Amendment of the Tender Document
6.1At any time prior to the deadline for the submission of tenders, the Procurement Agent may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a Tenderer, modify or amend the Tender Package.
6.2The amendment will be communicated in writing to all Tenderers who have received the Tender Package and will be binding on them.
6.3If amendments are made to the Tender Package, the Procurement Agent may, at its discretion, extend the deadline date for the submission of tenders in writing.
B.Preparation of Tenders
7.0Language of Tender
7.1The tender and all correspondence and documents relating to the tender shall be written in the English Language.
8.0Documents comprising the Tender
8.1 Tenderers should submit one (1) sealed envelope addressed as follows:-
The Chairman
Tenders Committee
National Insurance Property Development Company Limited
56 - 60 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain,
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
The envelope in Clause 8.1 above should contain two (2) separate sealed envelopes clearly marked as follows:
“Certificates” and “Tender”, respectively.
8.2The “Certificates” envelope should contain the following certificates, all of which must be valid as at the date of the tender opening on May 21, 2009:-
a)Board of Inland Revenue Tax Clearance certificate in the name of the organization submitting the tender;
b)VAT Clearance certificate in the name of the organization submitting the tender;
c)National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago certificate of compliance in the name of the organization submitting the tender.
Any bidder, who has not submitted the above certificates, shall be notified in writing by the Procurement Agent and shall be given a five (5) day extension to submit the Certificates.Failure by the Tenderer to furnish any or all of the certificates referred to above within the five (5) day extension period shall result in the automatic disqualification of the Tenderer and its bid.
Certificates issued in a name other than that used to submit the tender will result in the rejection of the tender.
Internationally based Tenderers are exempt from providing the requested clearance certificates except in the case of International Tenderers who are in partnership with a locally registered company or are themselves registered as a company in Trinidad and Tobago in which case, the International Tenderer shall be required to provide all of the certificates. International Tenderers claiming exemption from providing the requested clearance certificates must include a copy of the Company’s business registration certificate or equivalent from its own country.
Photocopied certificates will be accepted; original certificates need not be submitted.
The Procurement Agent, however, reserves the right to request an original certificate for comparison with a photocopy, at its sole discretion.
8.3The “Tender” envelope shall contain ONLY the following documents:-
(a)Form of Tender
(b)Bid Document and Items Summary on Diskette/CD, and
(c)A printed copy of the Bid Documentand a printed copy of the Item Summary
8.4Only the Certificate and Tender Envelopes should be submitted to the Chairman of the Tenders Committee on the date that the tender closes.
8.5Supporting Documentation
All other documents, brochures and/or samples must be forwarded by June 1, 2009 and addressed to:
The Medical Supplies Coordinator
Central Stores, C-40 Building,
Airway Road,
9.0Form of Tender and Bid Document
9.1The Procurement Agent will use an item-by-item award process.
9.2The Tenderer shall complete the Form of Tender and the Bid Document Diskette stored on the CD furnished in the Tender Package using the following guidelines:-
(a)Bid Document: Tender Bids must be submitted on a Diskette / CD and a printed copy.
(b)Name/Stamp of Tenderer: Where the Tenderer is an individual person, his/her name must appear on the label of the diskette/CD and every page of the printed copy of the Bid Document submitted. However, if the Tenderer is a Company, the company stamp of the tendering firm should appear on the label of the diskette/CD and every page of the printed copy of the Bid Document submitted.
(c)Item: The Tenderer shall clearly indicate any deviation from the described specifications, strength, dosage-form or package size in the corresponding fields.
(d)Package: Package refers to the smallest unit of sale, e.g. bottle, vial.
(e)Package Price: The package price is the fixed price of the package of the good inclusive of Cost Insurance & Freight (CIF) and other charges delivered to the Ministry of Health, Central Stores.
(f)Comments: Tenderers may utilise the section labeled "Comments" to supply any additional information considered useful to the Procurement Agent.
10.0Tender Price
10.1The Tenderer shall clearly indicate on the Bid Document, the PackagePrices of the goods supplied. Prices shall be entered in the following manner:-
(a)For goods offered from within the Purchaser’s country, the tender price will comprise, where applicable, the price of the goods quoted ex-factory or off-the-shelf, excluding all import duties, sales taxes and value-added tax.
(b)For goods offered from abroad, the tender prices will include, where applicable:
(i)the price of the goods quoted CIF port of entry, Trinidad;
(ii)estimated charges for port handling, insurance and other local costs incidental to the delivery of the goods from the port of entry to the Ministry of Health, Central Stores, Building C40, Airways Road, Chaguaramas.
(c)Tenderers are advised that all the goods imported into Trinidad and Tobago in the context of the contract shall be exempt from the imposition of Customs Import Duty, Stamp Duty and Value Added Tax.
10.2Prices quoted by the Tenderer shall be fixed both for the period of tender validity in accordance with Clause 13 and during the period specified in the Contract signed by the Procurement Agent and successful bidders.
11.0Tender Currency / Foreign Exchange
11.1 All prices shall be quoted in Trinidad and Tobago Dollars. If a conversion is required, the rate to be used is the rate of exchange as published by the First Citizen’s Bank Limited of Trinidad and Tobago on 1st May 2008 for US dollars, British pounds and the European dollars (EURO).
11.2 The Customs Clearance Form (C-82) must accompany each claim for payment for goods supplied to Central Stores, as per Tax Invoice submitted. This will attest to the rate of exchange on the day of clearance and the CIF Value of the shipment.
11.3 Using the agreed-upon formula to calculate the cost differential due to possible fluctuation in the foreign currency, the supplier must include consideration of rate of exchange on every Tax Invoice submitted. In this way, neither the suppliers nor the Ministry of Health would gain unfair advantage should there be fluctuations in the rate of exchange.
12.0Documentary Evidence of Tenderer’s Eligibility and Qualifications
12.1The Tenderer shall furnish as part of its tender, documents establishing the Tenderer’s eligibility to tender and its qualifications to perform the contract if its tender is accepted. The documentary evidence of the Tenderer's qualifications to perform the contract if its tender is accepted shall establish to the Procurement Agent's satisfaction that:-
(a)In the case of a Tenderer offering to supply goods under the contract, which the Tenderer did not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Tenderer must show proof that he has been duly authorised by the manufacturer of the product or wholesale distributor of the goods to supply the goods and quantities required to the Republic ofTrinidad and Tobago. Original correspondence to that effect must be included for each manufacturer and/or wholesaler represented. No photocopies will be accepted.
(b)The Tenderer has the financial and technical capability, where applicable, to perform the contract to the value of the procurement work, which the Company is interested in undertaking. Please complete the Data Submission Sheets (Appendix 1) in this regard.
The above documents must be forwarded to Central Stores, before June 1, 2009 in a sealed envelope addressed to:-
TheMedical Supplies Coordinator,
Central Stores, Building C40,
Airway Road
Chaguaramas, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
(c)It is recommended that Foreign Tenderers should utilise the services of suitably qualified, domestic representatives or appoint representatives of the tendering firm to satisfactorily carry out the supplier’s obligations. Documents to this effect should be provided upon an award of contract being made. Such documents should include the name, address and contact information of the local representative.
(d)The country of origin of the goods and services offered should be identified in the Bid Document of the Tender Package. Such information must be confirmed by a supplier’s Certificate of Origin issued at the time of shipment.
13.0Period of Validity of Tender
13.1Tenders shall remain valid for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days after the date of tender opening prescribed by the Procurement Agent. A tender valid for a
shorter period may be rejected by the Procurement Agent as being unresponsive.
13.2In exceptional circumstances, the Procurement Agent may solicit the Tenderer's consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing. A Tenderer granting the request will not be required nor permitted to modify its tender.
14.0Format and Signing of the Tender
14.1The Tenderer shall prepare the diskette/CD and printed copy of the Bid Document, which should be marked "Copy of Tender" as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between the printed copy and the diskette/CD, the PRINTED COPY shall govern.
14.2The diskette/CD and copy of the tender shall be signed by the Tenderer or a person or persons duly authorised to bind the Tenderer to the Contract.
14.3The copy of the tender shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made by the Tenderer, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the tender.
C.Submission of TENDERS
15.0 Sealing and Marking of Tenders
15.1 The Tenderers shall seal the diskette/CD and the copy of the tender in one envelope labeled “Tender”.
15.2 The envelopes shall be addressed as follows:-
Tender for Pharmaceutical Supplies
The Chairman
Tenders Committee
National Insurance Property Development Company Limited
56 - 60 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain
TrinidadTobago, WI.
16.0 Deadline for Submission of Tenders
16.1 Tenders must be deposited with the Procurement Agent no later than 2:00p.m. on Thursday May 21, 2009.
16.2The Procurement Agent may, on the advice of the Client Ministry, extend this deadline by amending the Tender Package in accordance with Clause 6, in which case all rights and obligations of the Client Ministry and Tenderers previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
17.0Late Tenders
17.1Any tenders received by the Procurement Agent after the deadline for the submission of tenders prescribed in Clause 16 above, shall be rejected and/or returned unopened to the Tenderer.
18.0Modification and Withdrawal of Tenders
18.1The Tenderer may modify or withdraw its tender after its submission, provided that a written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Procurement Agent prior to the deadline prescribed in Clause 16 above.
18.2The Tenderer's modification or withdrawal notice shall be submitted in writing to the Procurement Agent. A withdrawal notice may also be sent by facsimile to fax number:
1-868-623-0877 but must be followed by a signed confirmation copy, post marked not later than the deadline for submission of tenders.
18.3No tender may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission.
D.Opening and Evaluation of Tenders
19.0Opening of Tenders by the Procurement Agent
19.1The Procurement Agent will open tenders at 2:30p.m. on Thursday May 21, 2009, at the Company's head office situated at 56-60 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain. One representative of each tendering firm is invited to attend.
20.0Clarification of Tenders
20.1To assist in the evaluation, examination and comparison of tenders, the Procurement Agent may at its discretion ask the Tenderer to clarify the tender submitted. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the price or substance of the tender shall be sought, offered or committed.
21.0Preliminary Examination
21.1The Procurement Agent shall examine the tenders to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the tenders are generally in order.
22.0Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders
22.1Evaluation and comparison of tenders will be done on an item-by-item basis.
22.2The Procurement Agent's evaluation and comparison of tenders will take into account the following factors:-
- Quality of product
- Price / Cost
- Delivery Lead Time
- Conformance with Specifications
- Technical and Financial capacity of the tenderer.The information used to establish the technical and financial capacity of the firm will be based on data supplied on the Data Submission Sheets (Appendix 1) duly submitted by the tenderer.
- Tenderer’s track record of performance.The tenderer’s track record will be evaluated on an item-by-item basis and shall be based on the tenderer’s performance under the contract with the Procurement Agent for the previous years where applicable. In this case, the Procurement Agent shall take into account the tenderer’s default/negligence under previous years’ contracts which includes but is not limited to the following factors:-
(a)Adherence to lead-time
(b)Repeated failure to supply goods in accordance with contractual specifications.
(c)Adherence to Shelf Life Requirements.
(d)Shipment Discrepancy
(e)Product Quality/Complaints from end-users.
(f)Delivery Documents/Communication of Vital Information
23.0Contacting the Procurement Agent
23.1No Tenderer shall contact the Procurement Agent on any matter relating to its tender from the time of the bid opening to the time that contracts are awarded.
23.2Any effort by a Tenderer to influence the Procurement Agent in its tender evaluation, tender comparison or decision to award a contract SHALL result in the automatic rejection of the Tenderer's bid.
E.Award of Contract
24.0Award Criteria
24.1The Procurement Agent will award contracts on an item-by-item basis (except where otherwise indicated) to the respective successful Tenderers whose tenders have been determined to be the lowest evaluated tenders and meet all the criteria outlined in clause 23.2.
25.0Procurement Agent's Right to Vary Quantities at the Time of Award
25.1The Procurement Agent reserves the right at the time of award of a contract to increase or decrease the quantity of goods specified in the Schedule of Tender requirements. In this regard, the Tenderer is advised to indicate in the area for comments in the Bid Document the minimum order quantity for each item for which the tender price would be applicable.