Chapter 1
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______bluffsA. looked over or examined
2. ______jauntB. very serious, dark, gloomy
3. ______solemnly C. a steep hill or cliff
4. ______jubilantD. loudly happy
5. ______surveyedE. a short trip
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. Which boy is the more responsible one, Tony or Joel? Why? ______
7. What does it mean when Joel thinks to himself, “To win this argument would be to lose.”? ______
8. What was Joel’s plan to get out of Tony’s wild idea of climbing the bluffs? Did his plan work? ______
9. What activity did Joel try to get Tony to do instead of climbing the bluffs? ______
10. What does the phrase “on my honor” mean to you? ______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
Most people and characters have a combination of traits we admire and traits we don’t admire. For instance, they might be incredibly brave, but selfish at the same time. Choose a character from the book that you have mixed feelings about. Then use a T-chart to list the things you like about them on the left and things you don’t like on the right. Then write about whether or not you would want them as a friend.
Chapter 2
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______betrayedA. movement of some body part to express your feelings
2. ______haphazardlyB. excitement
3. ______desertedC. to be disloyal or unfaithful
4. ______gestureD. empty
5. ______enthusiasticallyE. without organization, carelessly
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. What was Tony’s nickname for the river? ______
7. Why did Joel want to get up to such a fast speed going down the hill into the Vermillion River Valley? ______
8. Why did Joel feel betrayed by his father? ______
9. Describe the Vermillion River, use at least 3 adjectives. ______
10. What did Tony want to do instead of going to Starved Rock? ______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
While Joel was swimming to the sandbar, he heard Tony having trouble and realized at that moment that Tony was not a very good swimmer. If you were Joel, what would you have done when you realized this?
Chapter 3
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______gawkA. to stare
2. ______plungedB. moving violently
3. ______immersing C. staring angrily
4. ______thrashingD. dive suddenly
5. ______gloweringE. completely covering with water
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. What would you have done with Tony’s bike? ______
7. What did Joel challenge Tony to do? ______
8. What did Joel compare the river to? ______
9. What did Tony pretend to be when he stood up after going under the water for the first time? ______
10. Create a question for Chapter 3.______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
Have you ever dared someone to do something you knew they shouldn’t, or have you ever been dared to do something you knew you shouldn’t do? Write about what happened.
Venn Diagram
Complete the Venn Diagram below. Compare and contrast Joel and Tony. Write at least 3 items in each section.
Chapter 4
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______eddiedA. sparkling, shimmering
2. ______spewingB. irritated
3. ______glisteningC. moving against the current, swirling
4. ______agitatedD. spitting out
5. ______indistinctE. nothing different or extraordinary
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. What did Joel realize had happened to Tony? ______
7. What was Tony’s reason for not wanting to work out at the pool? ______
8. What had Joel never noticed about Tony before (hint: look at the second paragraph of Chapter 4)? ______
9. What did Joel first think was the reason he couldn’t find Tony?______
10. Was Tony a good swimmer? Give an example.______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
What do great artists and writers have in common? Both have the ability to bring settings to life. Choose a favorite setting in the book. In one of the picture frames below draw a picture that represents that location. In the other, use words to write a careful description. Be sure to use lots of details in both the picture and in your words.
Chapter 5
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______deceptively A. shook violently
2. ______invertedB. inside out or upside down
3. ______erratic C. dark, gloomy
4. ______murky D. dishonestly
5. ______convulsedE. following an unusual course
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. As Joel ran toward the highway, what was he hoping to see?______
7. What had Tony left behind that proved to Joel that Tony was not just playing a joke on him? ______
8. What was the object in the water that Joel thought was Tony?______
9. How did Joel feel about the river at the end of Chapter 5?______
10. Create a question for Chapter 5.______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
What’s the big idea of the story so far? Fill the light bulb below with a complete sentence that tells what you think the most important message of the book is. Then write a sentence about how that connects to your life.
Chapter 6
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______crestedA. stiff
2. ______reverberatedB. a sudden thought to do something
3. ______impulse C. coming over the top
4. ______rigidD. paused
5. ______hesitatedE. echoed
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. How did the teenage boy respond when Joel asked him for help finding Tony in the river? ______
7.Why did the boy quit looking for Tony in the river?______
8. Describe the car that the teenagers were in.______
9. What did Joel tell the boy so that he wouldn’t tell the police what had happened? ______
10. What did the teenage boy say that Joel needed to do next? ______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
Diamante Poem
The poem you will create is in the shape of a diamond, thus the name! Read the poem below, then follow the directions to create your own diamante poem.
Line 1: antonym to line 7
Line 2: two adjectives (describing words) that relate to the word in line 1
Line 3: three –ing words that relate to the word in line 1
Line 4: two nouns that relate to the word in line 1, then two nouns that relate to the word in line 7
Line 5: three –ing words that relate to the word in line 7
Line 6: two adjectives (describing words) that relate to the word in line 7
Line 7: antonym to line 1
______, ______
______, ______, ______
______, ______, ______, ______
______, ______, ______
______, ______
Chapter 7
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______nonchalanceA. a raised wall next to a road
2. ______bleatingB. acting as if nothing is wrong
3. ______fishtailedC. thick and close together
4. ______denseD. to have the rear end of a vehicle slide out of control
5. ______embankmentE. sounding like the cry of a sheep or goat
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. What was Joel trying to decide on his ride from Starved Rock back to the river? ______
7. What had Joel’s mother always told him that he was the worst at?______
8. Why did Joel unfold Tony’s shirt after folding it?______
9. What did Joel do when the small red car came over the hill?______
10. Where did Joel want to hide?______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
Mirror, mirror on the wall…who resembles you most of all? Choose the character from the book that is most like you. Then use the graphic organizer to record at least four ways your lives are alike.
Chapter 8
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______elasticizedA. stretched
2. ______damB. grumbled
3. ______interval C. manner in which someone stands
4. ______mutteredD. a barrier to hold back the flow of water
5. ______stanceE. a space of time between events
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. How did Mrs. Zabrinsky know that Joel was home?______
7. Why didn’t Joel let anyone in the house?______
8. Why do you think that Joel could smell dead fish and the stink of the river on him, but no one else could? ______
9. Who did Joel want to blame for Tony’s death? ______
10. Create a question for Chapter 8.______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
If you were Joel’s little brother, Bobby, how could you try to make Joel feel better when you’re not even sure what is wrong?
Chapter 9
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______circularA. laugh loudly
2. ______guffawB. worried
3. ______dispelC. dismissed
4. ______frettedD. printed notice or advertisement
5. ______reverentlyE. seriously
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. How had Tony and Joel decided to make money the previous summer? ______
7. Bobby said. “That hurts!” after Joel thumped him on the head. What did Joel then say?______
8. Why had Tony said once that Joel was like an old grandmother?______
9. At the beginning of Chapter 9, who was Joel now blaming for Tony’s death? ______
10. What did Joel think the Zabrinskys would do when get got back from his paper route? ______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
Find and circle the words below in the word search. Then choose five of the words and use them in a paragraph (3-5 sentences) about On My Honor.
Starved Rockhonortrust sandbar currentVermillion
policepunishmentpermission dangerous Mississippibluffs
N / S / Q / E / L / D / U / R / X / K / N / C / R / K / OT / O / W / C / S / Q / Y / Z / U / O / P / D / M / K / B
N / S / I / I / F / I / X / I / I / R / E / F / R / W / V
E / A / Q / L / M / A / M / S / O / Z / C / Y / U / D / V
M / N / Z / J / L / M / S / O / U / Y / I / U / W / L / M
H / D / N / Q / N / I / I / O / R / C / L / Y / W / P / F
S / B / O / R / M / U / M / N / U / P / O / F / U / C / B
I / A / X / R / S / W / T / R / G / C / P / L / U / R / P
N / R / E / K / C / O / R / D / E / V / R / A / T / S / W
U / P / B / P / E / E / N / D / S / V / H / I / Y / N / W
P / T / A / V / N / E / K / C / I / H / C / O / K / S / Z
K / R / M / T / B / L / U / F / F / S / H / D / N / O / K
R / U / Z / I / K / D / L / N / F / O / V / V / G / O / W
C / S / D / A / N / G / E / R / O / U / S / X / W / X / R
J / T / U / D / Q / V / S / Q / H / N / B / S / A / S / L
Chapter 10
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______vaporA. damp and sticky
2. ______clammyB. liking the taste of
3. ______relishing C. an odor
4. ______murmurD. with great care
5. ______gingerlyE. a voice too low to be heard
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. Why didn’t Joel tell his mother what really happened even though he wanted to tell her? ______
7. What did Joel do when he heard his father coming up the stairs?______
8. What was Joel’s excuse for not knowing that Tony couldn’t swim?______
9. Where did Joel tell the Zabrinsky’s he had seen Tony last?______
10. Create a question for Chapter 10.______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
The US Post Office is creating a brand new stamp to honor the book. Draw a super stamp that tells all about the book in pictures and symbols. When your work is complete, write a paragraph that explains your choices.
Chapter 11
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______mutedA. at the same time
2. ______hurtledB. receiving without giving back
3. ______simultaneouslyC. muffled, not easily heard
4. ______silhouettedD. showed against a light background
5. ______absorbingE. rushed suddenly
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. Who did Joel see when he looked out his window?______
7. Who did Joel blame for Tony’s death at the end of the chapter? ______
8. What was in the plastic bag that the police officer had? ______
9. What did the police officer say was the worst thing that the Zabrinskys were going through? ______
10. Create a question for Chapter 11.______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
Was there a place in the book that had an incredible cliff-hanger? Fill in the graphic organizer with the big problem on the “cliff” and resolution on the “parachute.”
Problem Solution
Chapter 12
Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition.
1. ______harshlyA. not graceful
2. ______quiveringB. with uncertainty
3. ______pummelC. to hit again and again
4. ______tentativelyD. roughly
5. ______awkwardE. trembling
Comprehension: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.
6. How did Joel’s father respond when Joel began to cry?______
7. Instead of leaving Joel, what did his father do?______
8. Why didn’t Joel’s father punish him?______
9. Why did Joel’s father apologize to him?______
10. When Joel said, “It should have been me,” how did his father respond? ______
Figurative Language: Find 3 examples of figurative language from the chapter, write the type of figurative language in parenthesis ( ). Example: It was raining cats and dogs. (idiom)
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
Reader Response
Celebrate the book with a triple scoop! Write a sentence for the beginning, middle, and end in the three scoops. The book’s title and author go in the cone, and the genre inside the cherry! When you are done, lightly color your ice cream cone!