Date: / 31 January 2014
Item: / 12
Subject: / EU Connects 2014-2015
Report by: / Sarah Murray
Contact: / +32 2289 1200
It is recommended that EIF members note the proposals for the EU Connects service for 2014-2015 and the activities to date for 2013/141.Background
1.1The EU Connects project was launched in August 2011 in order to support local authorities, Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and the voluntary and community sector in gaining access to and taking up EU funding in the East of England. EU Connects was funded by Improvement East for an initial pilot period of 18 months and is managed by the East of England Local Government Association (LGA) in partnership with the East of England Brussels Office.
1.2EU Connects provides hands on assistance for project development and applying for EU funding, whilst at the same time building capacity within the public and voluntary sectors to bid for further EU funding in the future.
2EU Connects 2013-14
2.1The Management Committee of the East of England LGA for 2013-2014 approved a proposal to fund a ‘light touch’ service. The two part-time EU Connects Associates werecontracted to continue with support for Local Authorities and their partners. The three main aims for the service this year were to;
- respond to ongoing demand for support from local authorities;
- prepare partners for new round of funding in 2014; and
- maintain high quality and relevant EU funding intelligence across the region.
2.2As expected, the number of bids was lower than in 2012-13, mainly due to the programmes being fully committed, and consequently only a few calls for projects were issued. Demand for EU funding, being as strong as ever, meant that these rare calls were highly subscribed and competition has been fierce, rejecting otherwise strong applications which would normally be successful.
2.3Bids submitted to date in this financial year included:
- CIP Intelligent Energy Europe, bid by UCS for €1.187,912 million of funding which would have secured€205,300 for UCS,€127,063 for ARU and€41,166 for Suffolk Chamber of Commerce. The bid was unsuccessful but partners are intending to use the preparatory work already undertaken to submit again to the next suitable call.
- Herts Sports Partnership bid worth €200,000
- Great War bid worth €150,000
- DAPHNE application by Stevenage
Now that a number of calls for the new programme have opened, eg Erasmus + (previous lifelong learning programme), many East of England organisations are preparing to submit.
2.4The target for 2013/14 for EU Connects associates, to give support to enable bidsbids worth at least £700,000 to be submitted, has been already achieved. This is X10 the value of the EU Connects service for 2013/14.
2.5Three events have already been delivered and a final one is under preparation.
- A Master class for Elected Members took place in 20 September 2013 focusing on both the new funding opportunities for 2014-2020 as well as advice on de-risking the process of applying for EU funding;
- A second event took place on 23 October 2013 with 103 attendees which concentrated on the new landscape for EU funding from 2014.
- A third event concentrating on the EU ERASMUS+ programme (lifelong learning) took place on January 24th with 48 attendees. This event, additional to the original was significantly oversubscribed
- A final event in the spring will complete the series and will build on the October event with more detail on the newly approved programmes and the first calls.
2.6The peculiarity of 2013 as a year with very few call opportunities, placed even greater importance in the timely delivery of high quality information sessions. This aspect of the EU Connects service is adding great value to local partners, especially at this time of transition. The events not only are delivering timely and very up to date information and intelligence on the calls, but also opportunities to test project ideas with national contact points and develop local networks and partnerships.
3EU Connects 2014-15
3.1An evaluation of opportunities for continuing this service through self-financing was explored by the East of England LGA, the Brussels Office and the EU Connects Associates in late 2013. The working group concluded that there was still demand for the service, particularly shown by the high demand for places at EU funding for 2014-2020 events. Despite the winding down of the 2007-2013 programmes in the latter half of 2013, with only a very limited number of open calls, there has nevertheless been a steady stream of requests for support.
3.2However the greatest demand has been for initial scoping of project ideas and exploration of programme suitability. This early stage preparation, fundamental to success at a later stage, is not an area where local partners are willing to contribute financially. Importantly, the costs associated with this early stage preparation are not eligible expenditure that could be recovered subsequently through a successful project. But nevertheless this early advice and guidance is highly regarded by local partners, particularly as it can help them decide which programmes are the most suitable for their needs.
3.3The working group concluded that the EU Connects service needed to continue into 2014-15, with an emphasis on providing information on the new programmes and access to national contact points. The light touch advice service, delivered by associate(s) (number of days per month to be continued) should also be continued. As per the recommendation in July 2013 to the EIF, there will be a streamlining of the EU Connects service with other services of the East of England LGA. Therefore the associate(s) would operate from within the East of England LGA Talent Bank and be incentivised to generate work.
3.4Regarding budget, a slight underspend anticipated in 2013-14 from the EU Connects project, and some additional Brussels Office budget together should provide enough resource to run the light touch service into 2014-2015.A contribution from the Improvement East Legacy Fund is also under consideration
3.5The objectives of the service for 2014-15 would be to
- Communicate accurate and timely information and intelligence on the new generation of relevant EU funding programmes for local authorities, LEPs and the voluntary sector in the East of England through a series of events
- Provide hands-on advice on project ideas from national contact points/EU Connects associate(s) to potential applicants.
3.6Regarding deliverables, Detail of the budget available still needs to be confirmed which will determine the number of events and Associates’ days per month
4.1Subject to sufficient budget, members are asked to approve the recommendation to maintain a light touch EU connects service into 2014-15 to support local authorities, LEPs and the voluntary sector bid for the new EU programmes