Brother Knights,

I hope you’re all snug at home versus stuck outside in this winter storm. Please consider checking on your neighbors to see if they are secure. If there is a need out there, please contact us so we might try to help. I’ve heard of heaters going out, trees breaking off from the ice and other incidents where we could have helped had we known. We are an organization of charity and we have men who are willing to help.

Supreme has presented another Novena for National Unity to be prayed between January 12 to 20, Inauguration Day. I’d ask you all to add this in to your prayer life. Our country can certainly use the prayers. They provide a PDF in both English and Spanish for the Novena at

As a reminder, it is time to pay our 2017 dues. They are $36 for regular membership and $10 for Honorary members. They can be paid in person at our meetings or you can use the PayPal link on our web site under News and Announcements. The Financial Secretary will be mailing out the 1st Notice of Dues. If you would like to show some charity and pay the dues for a member in need, please send an email to Gary Haworth (mailto:) to let him know. A letter will be sent to the member to inform them of your charity. We’ve had quite a few brothers pay the dues of men who were financially unable to pay. I thank you and I’m so impressed with your charity.

Some brothers are not able to work due to an illness or injury. Our Constitution allows for an annual waiver of their dues simply by completing a request. This link will take you to the form that needs to be initiated by the Knight,

Meeting Notes:

Membership: We will have an Exemplification coming January 25th at 6pm. We have two form 100’s currently. Jorge Lopez-Gonzales will be contacting the strangers to ensure they will be there.

There at two 2nd /3rd Degree Exemplifications coming up. One on January 14that Our Lady of LaVang Parish, 5404 NE Alameda St., Portland starting at 10:30am. The other is February 11th in Sherwood, OR starting at 10:00am. Contact Jorge Lopez-Gonzales or myself if you are ready to move forward in your Knight’s journey.

The Next 4th Degree Exemplification is in Eugene on January 28th starting at 1:00pm. If you’re ready to take the 4th Degree, contact Bernie Covino for an application.

Deputy Grand Knight:

We didn’t have an Officer Meeting so we, as a council selected the recognitions for the month and the 2016 year.

Lady of the Month Jane Donovan

Knight of the MonthBob Martin

Family of the MonthPatrick and Teresita Parson

Lady of the YearTerri Keefer

Knight of the YearJorge Lopez-Gonzalez

Family of the YearKen and Suzi Duda

Church Director:

January 29th will be the 5th Sunday Rosary at all the masses. The Church Director, Stuart Conser, will be looking for families or people interested in leading a Rosary before each mass. If you know someone that would be willing to lead the rosary, or are willing to do it yourself, let Stuart know. Paul Fischer

Culture of Life:

Patrick Parson and his wife Teresita have agreed to be our Culture of Life Couple. The Oregon Rite to Life will be holding the Roe v Wade Memorial Rally and March for Life at the Portland Oregon Convention Center on January 15, 2017. The Rally starts at 2:30 pm and the walk will begin immediately following. See the Oregon Rite to life web site for more information. . Anyone attending please contactPatrick at (541) 248-3346. We are asked to wear KofC gear if we have it and march as a Council and carry our banner. If you’re not helping with the Mercy Meal, please consider supporting this important cause.

volunteered to do the 8:30am Mass. Jorge coordinated for Hispanic Masses to be covered.


Youth Chair, Bernie Covino, has organized the Free Throw Championship on January 17th in the Gymnasium starting at 6pm. We will need to be there about 5:30pm to set up. We’ll need some Knights to assist in registering participants, and scoring events. Sign up here if you can assist.

We’ve selected our winners for the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster contest. Below are the winners and their poster. They will be receiving their award shortly and their posters are already en route to District for that competition.

Santiago Alvarado Castro

Diego Lopez-Palacios, and

Max Krebbs,

Old Business:

Hospitality Committee:

Coffee and Donuts: January 1 – Keefer/Gall, January 8 - James/Haworth, January 15 – Mercy Meals, January 22 – Brillon/Medina, January 29thKeefer/Gall.

Mercy Meal: We will be holding our Mercy Meals after the 11 am and 1 pm masses January 15th. We’ll need about 10 Men for each meal. 11 – 1 and 1 – finish. Brother Alonzo Gutierrez has agreed to help support this again this year. Brother Alonzo Gutierrez owns and operate Taqueria Alonzo in Two Rivers Market (as well as Corvallis and Lebanon) and will be providing the support for this. This year he will be preparing the food and delivering it on Sunday. We will need to help bring it in and keep it warmed up. We’ll provide drinks, utensils and place settings. Jorge is looking for someone to help with translations at the collection table. Click here to sign up (you will need Excel or Google Sheets) or reply to this email. We can use support from our Latino brothers for this. We decided that the funds should go toward St Mary’s Youth Religious Education.

Fun Bus: This is the Bus to Spirit Mountain Casino. Al Barrios and Matt Hellman are coordinating the event and have already sold tickets. We need to get the advertising in to the Bulletin. Some tickets were already purchased. Funds will go toward Food for Families.

New Business:

Food for Families (during Lent) We will need to coordinate with FISH, the Soup Kitchen and Father Cit for use/displays in the Gathering Space. Family Director, Chris James, and Randy Martinak will be heading this up.

Blood Drive Our next Blood Drive is scheduled for March 3. It will be from 12-5. There is something scheduled immediately afterwards, so we’ll need to hustle to clean up afterwards. The time is earlier than normal and we’ll begin the set up at 11am. Clean up will be between 5 and 6. Click here to sign up.

Soup and Salad Dinner (before Stations of the Cross)The Knights hosting a Dinner before the March 3rd and March 10thStations of the Cross. We will serve between 6-7pm in Gathering Space.We’ll need to coordinate the setup of the soup and salads Dinner with the Stations of the Cross. Need cook and setup and clean up. Click here to sign up for March 3rd. Click here to sign up for March 10th.

Stations of the Cross We will lead the Stations of the Cross on March 3 and 10 starting at 7pm. The Church Director needs to pick the Stations Source. We’ll need to get copies and sign ups for leader, Candle bearers and readers for each station. We can do a quick rehearsal prior to starting at 6:45.

Click here for sign up for March 3rd. Click here for sign up for March 10th.

Report of the 4th Degree:The 15th will also be the 4th Degree Assembly Meeting at Sizzlers. Social hour will start at 1500 and the meeting will start at 1600. Bring your wife’s to the meeting, they are invited. This will compete with the Mercy Meal and the Roe V Wade Memorial Rally in Portland. We need to support both Council Events. So please consider going late to the Social Hour or just making the meeting itself.

District Deputy: District Deputy Tom Radel addressed the district recruitment progress with Albany at 120%. He is beginning the planning cycle for the 2018 State Convention. He has three additional committees that need to be filled. Albany Council will be heading up the advertising booklet committee.

One last note/reminder. Bernie is going to step down as the Youth Director in June of this year. His replacement will need to go through a background check and training by Supreme prior to assuming the role. Please, if you’re interested in filling this position, contact me. Contact Bernie if you’d like to understand the role better.

Vivat Jesus,