1/11/2017 Parent Advisory Council Meeting Compliments, Comments, and Concerns
Special Education Questions - Mrs. Lisa McNey (absent)
No Compliments, Comments, and Concerns
Kindergarten Questions - Mr. Chris McCombs (absent)
No Compliments, Comments, and Concerns
From last month, regarding the Ridge High parking lot. I was asked to reconsider having students go out the 1st-grade door in the inclement weather. Right now, I have extra staff members outside for student safety as they walk up and around.
1st Grade Questions - Mrs. Charlotte Vigeant
No Compliments, Comments, and Concerns
2nd Grade Questions - Mrs. Colleen Harris
Parking Lot (1/6/16) Concern regarding RH Parking Lot pick up. Cars with reverse lights on while students were walking through.
Parents are very concerned about dismissal after the snowstorm as high schoolers are driving in the parking lot where students are walking.
Response - On days when snow is on the ground and students are not able to walk across the grass, we will have RH walkers exit via the 1st grade fire door. We will make an announcement each day this will happen and send a Remind.com notice to parents. The two teachers normally posted on car line side will switch sides.Regarding students walking through the RH parking lot, parents will need to get out of their cars and walk to the sidewalk to get their child as the teacher at the RH sidewalk will not allow students to walk across the parking lot.Again, this will only be in effect when the ground is snow covered and impassable.
3rd Grade Questions - Mrs. Colleen Heinemann
I was lucky enough to catch some of the winter concert the students (and teachers) did during school on 12/23. It was amazing and heartwarming to see how talented the staff and students are and how hard they worked to put this together and share with each other. I was wondering,if these types of events could be recorded and shared with the school community. (Some of us have children who would never even tell us about such events :). I know so much goes on in that building all the time it would be nice to be able to experience some of it. Not sure if this is allowed but would be great to get to see some of the assemblies and visiting authors etc.
I can look into recording the major events involving students performing like the sing-a-long. I could make them available for parents to view in the school building, but would have to get permission from all students’ parents involved in order to stream a video on line.
4th Grade Questions - Mrs. Joanna Bartlett
Having two kids in middle school - the transition from elementary to middle level is sometimes scary and overwhelming. I was thinking that the 5th graders could get their grades and possibly homework posted on HAC so they can get used to that change and make it easier for them in middle school.
I will discuss this with the fifth grade teachers. I’m not sure of the feasibility.
-PAC doesn’t recommend this.
-We are preparing the students for WAMS in many other ways.
-Too much pressure already.
The sidewalk/path on the perimeter of CHS connecting to Peachtree has not had the snow removed. This impacts all those who walk to and from CHS.
We have had a few reports to this regard. I will alert the Aramark ground crew that more frequent checks need to happen.
-This was a problem last year.
Additionally, the rate of speed with which parents are traveling by car on Peachtree to and from school is at times dangerously fast, particularly at 8:40 and 3:10 when parents feel they will be late. Those who walk/bike to school and those athletic teams that use the area after school for running practice cannot do so safely when speeds well over 25 mph are being practiced (especially when compounded by cell phone use and texting while driving).
I will place a reminder in this week’s Friday Folder as a reminder to slow down on on Peachtree Road.
- Speed bumps
- Painting Lines to allow the buses to get through while maintaining two lines
5th Grade Questions - Mrs. Stacy Mahdavian (absent)
Please compliment Mr. Ciempola for doing such a great job with the drop off process. It's not easy to be outside every morning directing traffic on these cold days and I would like to share my appreciation.I would also like to give praise for the late lunch/snack drop off system. It's much more efficient
Thanks for the compliments.
Band- instruments - lessons - parents haven’t been able to drop off instruments for lessons
Check with Mrs. Schaefer and Ms. Hunnemeder.