Chapter #1
1.1 Project Overview:
The project is particularly based on Android Mobile Application based on Pak-E-health care development and telemedia services. The main goal of developing the project is that in this modern world everyone is carrying a smart phone with themselves and there will be a particular application in their mobile phones. The aim is to provide users the access of communication within organization. There will be particularly two phases of the project we have to develop:
1) Web Portal
2) Android Mobile Application
This application will help the users to communicate, having set the appointment, or can give feedback or review about the doctors. The main purpose of making the Android application is that there will be sometimes error occurs while communicating with other users, through this will overcome the problem and they can communicate with each other when they having the application in their mobile phones. Taking the scenario that if there is a particular problem occurs in a medical organization and the doctors or patients are unable to communicate with some connection error, then there will be a problem. To overcome this problem we have developed this project. The problem can be eliminated by the process that this application required internet connection to have access and there will be no problem weather there will a network connection error or not.
The main objective to develop the project on Android application is to enhance the maximum features with limited resources. The Android application give access to develop the project on open source compile with limited resource available and you can achieve the objective or goal within the limited storage. The project will also have wide range of access to the bandwidth of the application. The project we are developing on a particularly two phases in which the first phase is to develop the web portal through which the users can have access to that application. The project other phase is to develop the Android Mobile Application through which the users can have facilities and can access within the organization. There will be some features of the application which will be limited to the organization such as chatting with the access users of the application. The main purpose of using Android application is that it will provide more features than framework technology. It will provide multi-threading which will provide fast access to the system and will very easily integrate the web-services of the web portal with application. Android operating system in intent based which provide facility that if the user access some website then it will switch to the application of that web page.
1.2 Problem Description:
To design and develop the system through which the medical organization can communicate through Android mobile application. The problem was that there were sometimes some communication or network issues that make it difficult to communicate. Through this we will eliminate the problem and the users can communicate with each other and the application has also other features through which users can access.
1.3 Project Scope:
The project has a web page through which the users can have access/sign up, and then they will communicate with the accessed users. Android mobile application will be develop to integrate with the system and then the users with Android mobile application within their phones can access through that application.
The scope of the project would be following:
1) Web portal
2) Web services ( Integration with the application)
3) Android Mobile Application
4) Features of Android Application ( Chatting, Communication, View members online)
1.4 Project Objective:
The main objective is to provide the mobile application through which the doctors/patients can interact with each other. To achieve this perspective we have the following objectives to be achieved:
1) We have to design the web page through which the users can sign up.
2) We also have to develop the web services through which mobile application can interact with the system.
3) We have to develop the project modules through which will have minimum requirements of criteria to achieve and also additional requirements.
4) To develop the Android mobile application through which the users can have access and communicate with each other.
5) The mobile application will broaden the vision of the project.
6) The project will also be able to enhance the further requirements through which the system will be able to upgrade/update.
7) The Android Mobile Application has also additional features which will also make the project efficient.
1.5 Report Summary:
The project is based on Pak-E-Health care and telemedia services, through which we have to develop the software system for the medical organization. The system will enable to connect/communicate the doctor and patient with each other. The system will be enabling to sign up from the web page of the Pak-E-health and telemedia services and this will provide the user to have access to the Android application in his mobile phone. The project will give them facility to communicate through the internet connection, which will eliminate the factor of network or connection error.
The application will allow the users to have set the appointment or give feedback to the doctors, and the doctors can respond to them about the problems they are facing or they are available at that time they are set to meet. The users can set the appointment from the home, and the doctors can post their schedule of the whole day through which users can check that weather the doctor is available or not. The project will be efficient with the limited capacity and having the wide range of bandwidth. The application can be beneficial to both the organizational and educational level.
Chapter #2
Literature Review
2.1 Why Using Android:
The Android was developed in 2007 with the beta version of this product. The Android contains the modular programming approach and the basic concept is of Java programming. The Android is basically using under the alias of GOOGLE and other enterprises, but the main reason of the success is that they have their own operating system. After the development of Android there were many versions updated such as Jelly bean, Ginger Bread, etc. They were developed with the updated features which will provide the users new look interface with the new efficient features.
Firstly the reason is the multitasking supported by the Android operating system, which will run the application or notification on the background. The comparison with other framework or IOS is that the Android is supporting multitasking which will provide users the notification of the particular event occurs. In other framework there were several notifications and sometimes the users neglect some important notification.
The other feature is the intent based approach, which makes the Android programming more attractive and efficient. If the users have to open some web page from the Android application, it will open the application of that webpage if the web site contains some mobile application. This intent based approach will switch to the mobile application which will be similar and its interface will work with your mobile. The other feature is the back button approach which will be very useful if you have to go to previous forums/page, and it is also supportive factor for the users. The back button will take back the users from the link through which we have opened; otherwise in IOS and other framework still that feature is not accessible. How in efficient this approach will be when you have to open the application from the start. Through the back button the time of the users will be saved and it will be efficient approach the users will like. The Android application have worked on the enhancement of the users as seen and providing them different features to make the product attractive. The Android is also making efficient with navigation system approach which will be very useful and also the free apps approach which is the desire of all the users. Particularly users first approach will be that the apps they want to download from the store is weather available at free or not, in Android almost every app version will be available at free for the users.
Through this is the reason to choose the Android application in the project which will provide the users with many features to entertain. The users will have intended features of the Android operating system and the additional features we are developing in the project.
2.2 PHP:
PHP is a scripted language used to develop the web forums/pages and also used to maintain websites. PHP was particularly used because the webpages can be designed by other languages but it will provide you to maintain the functional requirements such as login, password, and creating other forums. The approach was similar and older the webpages were designed by the Html but it was intended in the PHP.PHP is the best approach because it will integrate with Html very easily. PHP also have features and modules updated with in time and today mostly the developers used to work in PHP 5. PHP 5 provides the features of C++ AND OO programming such as constructor, destructor, classes, polymorphism etc. It is not similar approach of programming it consists of tags you have to know about. The PHP provide features such as reviewing forums, Polls, which will be not possible in Html. PHP language will be designed to work with the Wamp Server which will used to save the database files which used in the system. It will be very easy for the developer to understand the code of the scripted language and can implement the webpages or web services.
The reason we are using PHP in the project is that it will work well with the Html the forums we have design and also with the login pages we have used to access the doctors/patient. The advantage of using the PHP language is that the web services used to locate the mobile application can be very easily implemented as compare to other frameworks.
2.3 MySQL Database:
MySQL provide the open source database which is widely regarded one of the best in the world. MySQL is used usually because it will integrate well with the PHP interface. For every system the databases are the main part through which the information can be protected or saved. From past years there were some drawbacks but now the efficiency of the system is improved and also provides new features to connect the web interfaces with MySQL. It is usually used by the web services because it supports all of the features such as Pearl, Python, and Wamp server. MySQL attractive features are that it is portable which can be used with any platform.
Local host is the feature which makes the MySQL among best in the world. It provides web pages to locate on the local host and connecting different interfaces. It provides the users to test the interface of the system on a particular system and can also work if there is some connection problem. It will provide to observe the interaction of the client and user interaction of the system and MySQL provides servers which can be connected to many applications.
2.4 Motivation for This Project:
In this modern world everyone carrying a smart phone with themselves and many big software industries have switch their focus on developing mobile application. This will overcome the problems users are facing and will also improve the efficiency of the system and with different features will entertain the users. There were a lot of users of mobile application, so this is the reason we have decided to develop the Android Mobile Application.
The Android application can widely regard as best mobile application and can be spread in the market very easily.
2.5 Software Used In This Project:
There were several different software used to develop the project are following:
2.5.1 Wamp Server:
Wamp Server is the tool which supports the web services and the programming language related to that tool such as developing web application and also supports all features and resources of programming languages such as PHP, Apache, and MySQL etc.
2.5.2 Eclipse:
Eclipse is an integrated programming language also known as IDE (integrated development environment). The approach is basically of plug-ins or extensions used for the development of Android application. The language is particularly in java and is used to develop Android mobile application. Eclipse is basically contains the features of Java language but can be used to plug-in to develop with other platform languages such as PHP, ASP.NET, COBOL, etc. The developer has the authority to develop the application or through his abilities he can re-produce or further enhanced modules of plug-ins. The plug-ins will ensure the limited capacity with maximum bandwidth of the system. The extensions of Eclipse are used widely such as UML, which will regenerate the structure in the architecture form. Eclipse provides developer the free source software to develop application and also the process of further extension to develop their own modules.
The reason we have select this software to develop is to develop Android application and there is no other tool that provide better features than this software. The free source and the internal extension with in the software increase the reliability of the software.
2.5.3 Android SDK Manager:
The Android SDK Manager is used to develop the mobile application using the Java standards, and also other features available. The Android Software development toolkit (SDK) having their own operating system consist of debugger, having the emulator of different categories, and having built-in libraries. It is very potable can be used in any other operating system such as Windows, Linux. Through the software can be accessed to any other platform can edit the java and XML language code by using text editor. They have an initial emulator to run and test the application but you can attach Android device and run through java application development toolkit. There is a maximum compatibility of the software because when the software is updated all of the older extension, plug-ins are updated automatically.