1.1 Facilitate survey
With the rewritten win conditions, the shaper will generate a survey page. The survey will ask each individual stakeholders to rate on the degree on 10 on each win condition about degree of business importance and degree of easy in implementation. The shaper will take the result of survey form and look for discrepancy on each win condition.
Generate survey form
The shaper will take the rewritten win conditions and prepare a form in table like format.
1) Select “ExampleSurveyPage”at the bottom of “SurveyPanels” topic.
2) Then begin editing the survey panel. For each win condition you should add a row to the table, then copy the win condition name and description into the table.
At the time you should open another page “ListOfWinConditions” from your Webhome. You can copy the win condition name and description from the ListOfWinConditions.
3) Save the table and you will get a ExampleSurveyPage like this.
4) Edit “SureyPanels” topic to create “SurveyPageForXXX” topic for each stakeholder
The result will look like this.
5) Edit each “SurveyPageForXXX” topic, copy & paste content from survey form “ExampleSurveyPage”. So, the “SruveyPageForXXX” will have the same content as “ExampleSurveyPage”, and stakeholder XXX can rate win conditions in this page.
6 ) Create a excel file or just modify the example excel file.
7 ) Copy and paste each stakeholder’s survey table into a excel worksheet, so that you can easily copy the information you need.
8) Create two worksheets to summarize stakeholders’ options, one for “importance” another for “ease”.
9) Analyze Survey Result
On the same win condition, the shaper can detect the discrepancy from the value on the survey form. If ratings are significantly different, the shaper has to investigate for the reason.
Shaper will identify Win Conditions where consensus is low and investigate for the reason. Shaper will also find win conditions that potentially have conflict with each other. The survey results are helpful in reveling discrepancy among stakeholders’ opinion about individual Win Conditions. A high value of “Range” or “Standard-Deviation” means there is discrepancy among opinions.
Usually, Shapers should analyze the top 6-10 win condition with the highest “Range” or “Standard-Deviation” value. Then try to investigate the reasons of opinion discrepancies.
10) Organize Win Conditons into four categories:
§ Low hanging fruits – LHF
§ Maybe later – MLR
§ Forget them – FGT
§ Important with hurdles – IWH
Unimportant / ImportantEasy / Maybe later / Low hanging fruits
Difficult / Forget them / Important with hurdles
Organize the mean value of “importance” and “ease” in a worksheet.
(NOT REQUIRED) Shapers can use SPSS or other software to draw a scatter plot with a data label at each point. Using this scatter plot as a reference, Shapers can judge the category of a win condition.
To create the above figure.
i) Create these variables in SPSS (In SPSS Variable View).
ii) Copy the variable values from excel worksheet and paste into the SPSS (In SPSS Data View).
iii) Select “Graph -> Scatter Plot -> Simple Scatter Plot ”, and define Axis and Labels as below.
Select options -> Display chart with case labels.
iv) When get the scatter plot, open and edit it.
Select “Show grid lines”.
v) At last you will get the scatter plot figure as below.
11) Attach survey results to “SurveyPanels” topic