BIO 206L: Exercises7 and 8Lab Analysis
Please answer the following questions during lab. Keep in mind that you need to work independently. Write in complete sentences, using proper grammar and spelling when an explanation is required. Be complete yet concise in your answers. Submit your report as a pdf file on Canvas before the beginning of the next lab.
1) Include a picture of you with a monocot, dicot, and gymnosperm you encountered during your scavenger hunt. Be sure to indicate the type of plant in the picture and why you categorized it as such.
2) Explain how a fern is better adapted to life on land than a moss, how a pine tree is better adapted to life on land than a fern, and how an apple tree is better adapted to life on land than a pine tree.
3) What are the different types of vascular tissue in plants? What materials travel through vascular tissue? Using your drawings from 7.2, describe the location of vascular tissue in roots, stems and leaves.
4) Include a drawing of stomata and describe their structure and purpose. Were more stomata closed or open? What does this tell you about gas exchange?
5) What are meristematic cells? Include your drawings from 7.3 that show the location of meristematic cells in root tips. How do these cells differ in structure from other cells in the root tip? How aremeristematic cells similar to stem cells in animals? How are meristematic cells different from stem cells in animals?
6) Explain the relationship between the photosynthetic activity of algae and dissolved oxygen levels.
7) In section 8.1 you examined the effect of light on the rate of photosynthesis. Explain how light affected the rate of photosynthesis using the data collected during lab. Be sure to include a graph of the data obtained from the ODO probe. Clearly label each axis.
8) In section 8.2 you explored the effect of another variable on the rate of photosynthesis. What was your hypothesis?
9) Explain the methods used to test this hypothesis as though you were submitting a paper for publication in a scientific journal.
10) Did your results support this hypothesis? Discussyour results as though you were submitting a paper for publication in a scientific journal. Be sure to include labeled graphs and/or tables.
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