
Complete 6 activities

1. #1. Create a toy of your own design in one of the following categories:

Rolling toy

Spinning toy

Balanced toy

Stuffed toy (Make a felt stuffed teddy bear)

Mechanical toy

Musical toy

2. #4. Dolls, dollhouses, and doll furniture has been a large part of the history of toys. Dolls have been made using socks, wool, cotton, felt, wood, papier-mâché, cornhusks, bread dough, apples and other dried fruit, or clothespins. Make a doll from one of these materials.

Are craft we are going to make clothespins dolls and the dress them in your heritage clothes for the ‘ My Heritage #5.’


Create a piece of furniture and clothes for a doll you have.

Are Craft this year we are going to make a doll bed.

3. #5. We are going on a field trip to Toy ‘r Us for our next meeting. Visit a toy store and make notes about the kinds of toys that you find there. How many of them have something to do with violence, war, or fighting? Talk with friends your own age and with some adults you know and discuss how they feel about these toys. Find out if you can have some influence on manufacturers of toys.

4. #6. Create a physical game that you and your friends can play. If

it requires construction, such as a ring toss, make the equipment. If it involves materials already made, collect these. Make up rules for your game, teach it to others, and play it. The girls did a ring tossing game over a rope and made up their own rules. The game is like the polish game Hooping they did for Thinking Day on World Neighbors badge.

5. #8. Create an educational game: (a) to help someone learn something, or (b) for someone who can't see, or (c) for someone who can't read. Girls play the pennies game that you learned with ‘Math Whiz’ with some Brownies. Discover a strategy for winning the game.

6. #9. Study the history and worldwide use of kites. Try to visit an exhibit that shows a variety of kites. Determine what sizes, shapes, and forms would make a kite fly well. Design and construct your own original kite. Decorate it with your own artwork. You could hold a kite-flying festival with a group of friends. The girls had a man that came to their school and taught them about kite. Then they make kites. They had a kite flying contest for their Aerospace badge #5.

Janet Valcho

Troop 149

April 1999

Updates 2001