09 Sep 09 Research Fortnight Opportunities issue 330
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United Kingdom
PROJECT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEME (PROPOSALS UP TO £500,000) <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$245121$> Science and Technology Facilities Council, GB
The aim of the programme is to develop the capabilities needed to underpin UK science and technology leadership in future STFC projects. Award amount max: £500000 Closing date: 23 Sep 09
FULL GRANTS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$245239$> BDF Newlife (formerly the Birth Defects Foundation), GB
Proposals should be relevant to the aetiology, prevention and treatment of birth defects. Applications into areas such as foetal loss and late onset genetic disorders will only be funded in exceptional circumstances. Grants will not exceed £120,000 for a project duration of one to two years. Award amount max: £120000 Closing date: 09 Oct 09
RESEARCH GRANTS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$245240$> Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases (Climb), UK, GB
These support research into metabolic diseases. Grants are worth up to £15,000, and Climb is unlikely to fund salaries at a senior level. Award amount max: £15000 Closing date: 30 Oct 09
INDUSTRY FELLOWSHIP SCHEME <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$245314$> Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, GB
The scheme aims to enhance knowledge transfer in science and technology between those in industry and those in academia. Fellowships last for up to two years and provide a salary, as well as research expenses of up to £2,000 per annum. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 14 Oct 09
FOOD, NUTRITION AND PREVENTION OF CANCER RESEARCH PROJECT GRANTS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$245333$> Breast Cancer Campaign, GB
Grants will be for a maximum of £250,000 for up to four years, with no more than £75,000 available in any one year. Award amount max: £250000 Closing date: 05 Oct 09
PHD STUDENTSHIP AWARDS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$245388$> Motor Neurone Disease Association, GB
These enable registered students to undertake full-time research for a PhD. A stipend of £15,000 (£16,000 in London) is provided per year, as is £7,500 per year for laboratory costs and £1,000 over three years for conference attendance. The association will also cover relevant tuition or bench fees for UK students. Award amount max: £24833 Closing date: 23 Oct 09
J W T JONES TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIP <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$245433$> Royal Society of Chemistry, GB
These aim to promote international collaboration in chemistry. Awards may last between one and three months and are worth a maximum of £5,000 each to cover travel and subsistence. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 01 Oct 09
PROJECT GRANTS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$245531$> Epilepsy Research (formerly the Epilepsy Research Foundation), GB
These support basic or clinical research into the causes and treatment of epilepsy for up to three years. Grants are worth up to £100,000. Award amount max: £100000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09
EPILEPSY RESEARCH FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$245732$> Epilepsy Research (formerly the Epilepsy Research Foundation), GB
These support basic, clinical and scientific research work into the causes, treatment and prevention of epilepsy. Grants of between £150,000 and £200,000 are awarded over one to three years to support the fellowship. Award amount max: £200000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09
RESEARCH GRANTS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$248918$> British Renal Society, GB
These support clinical research in the subject areas of renal disease and renal replacement therapy. Awards are worth £5,000 to £45,000. Award amount max: £45000 Closing date: 19 Oct 09
DA VINCI AWARD <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$249137$> British Contact Lens Association, GB
The award recognises the best or most interesting completed project relating to the design, manufacture, clinical research or instrumentation in the field of contact lens practice or manufacture. The prize consist of £1,000 and a conference package which includes delegate fee and accommodation to the BCLA annual conference. Award amount max: £1000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09
DALLOS AWARD <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$249138$> British Contact Lens Association, GB
This award funds a research project which is likely to further understanding of a topic related to contact lenses or the anterior eye. One award of £5,000 will be made to support research lasting up to one year. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09
BIOMOLECULAR ANALYSIS FACILITY (FORMERLY THE NERC MOLECULAR GENETICS FACILITY) <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$250621$> Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), GB
Funding is available for small pilot or development projects to be undertaken at the NBAF Edinburgh and Liverpool nodes. Grants will include access to staff and equipment at the relevant BAF node, plus up to £8,000 for the direct costs of consumables. Award amount max: £8000 Closing date: 23 Oct 09
JOURNALS GRANTS FOR INTERNATIONAL AUTHORS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$251312$> Royal Society of Chemistry, GB
These support travel to other countries so that authors may collaborate actively in research or give or receive special expertise and training. Grants may be for up to £2,500. Award amount max: £2500 Closing date: 01 Oct 09
COLLABORATIVE DOCTORAL AWARDS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$252892$> Arts and Humanities Research Council, GB
Under this scheme, a higher education institution and non-HEI organisation collaborate on a project that falls within the AHRC’s subject domain. The project is carried out by research students. For 2010–11, AHRC expects to make awards comprising approximately £13,290 for maintenance costs and a maximum of around £3,390 to contribute to tuition fees. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 29 Oct 09
AMGEN BONE BIOLOGY FELLOWSHIP <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$253297$> European Calcified Tissue Society, GB
The fellowships are intended to support scientists working in the field of bone biology. Successful candidates will be awarded a fellowship of three years duration with a value of 125,000 euros, half of which should be deployed to cover salary costs. Award amount max: €125000 Closing date: 13 Nov 09
HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESMENT CLINICAL EVALUATION AND TRIALS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$255931$> Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB
The aim of the trials is to assess the effectiveness of technologies within the NHS. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 21 Oct 09
PIPSS KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER AWARDS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$256061$> Science and Technology Facilities Council, GB
These support long-term collaborative activities between UK universities, Cern, the European Southern Observatory, the European Space Agency, UK industry and research sector organisations. The maximum amount available for each grant is £150,000 per annum, provided over a period not exceeding three years. Award amount max: £450000 Closing date: 06 Oct 09
PIPSS FELLOWSHIPS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$256065$> Science and Technology Facilities Council, GB
These provide the opportunity to spend up to four years focused on: transferring the technologies developed through STFC research funding to industry and to other academic disciplines; developing institutions' capacities for knowledge transfer from particle physics and astronomy; engaging with industry to identify R opportunities for technologies that may enable the STFC mission. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 06 Oct 09
FOLLOW-ON FUND <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$256083$> Science and Technology Facilities Council, GB
The fund aims to increase the level and accelerate the rate of commercialisation of ideas arising from the STFC research community. Individual grants are awarded up to a maximum of £110,000 full economic costs over 12 months. STFC will provide 80 per cent of the total grant value. Award amount max: £110000 Closing date: 06 Oct 09
SCIENCE IN SOCIETY SMALL AWARDS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$256087$> Science and Technology Facilities Council, GB
The scheme funds small, local or pilot projects promoting STFC science and technology. Awards range from £500 to £7,500 and may cover expenses for materials, salaries, travel and subsistence. Award amount max: £7500 Closing date: 15 Oct 09
LEADERSHIP FELLOWSHIP <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$256751$> Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, GB
The awards provide up to five years funding to talented early or mid-career researchers with the most potential to develop into the UK’s international research leaders of tomorrow. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 06 Oct 09
SCIENCE IN SOCIETY SCIENCE CENTRE AWARDS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$257498$> Science and Technology Facilities Council, GB
This scheme is specifically aimed at science and discovery centres and museums. Up to £20,000 may be available for projects which promote STFC science and technology. Award amount max: £20000 Closing date: 15 Oct 09
SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE GRANTS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$258225$> Alzheimer's Research Trust, GB
These provide funding of up to £2,000 to assist with the costs of organising or hosting a scientific conference. Award amount max: £2000 Closing date: 02 Oct 09
GERTRUDE ELION MEMORIAL LECTURE AWARD <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$258780$> International Society for Antiviral Research, GB
The award is given to an outstanding scientist, not necessarily in the field of antiviral research but certainly someone who has made considerable contributions to the scientific field directly or peripheral to it. The award is worth $7,500. Award amount max: $7500 Closing date: 15 Oct 09
WILLIAM PRUSOFF YOUNG INVESTIGATOR LECTURE AWARD <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$258783$> International Society for Antiviral Research, GB
The award is given to an outstanding young scientist (not older than 45 years of age) who has demonstrated dedication and excellence in the field of antiviral research. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Oct 09
INTEGRATED OCEAN DRILLING PROGRAMME GRANTS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$584840$> Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), GB
Under the second funding round of UK-IODP –phase 2, applications are invited for topics related to ice sheets and sea level reconstruction and sensitivity. Approximately £300,000 in total will be available to fund projects underr this call. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 27 Oct 09
POSTDOCTORAL TRAINING FELLOWSHIPS FOR MB/PHD GRADUATES <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$596468$> Wellcome Trust, GB
This scheme provides an opportunity for newly qualified MB/PhD graduates to make an early start in developing their independent research careers. Fellowships are for up to four years, and are worth a maximum amount of £350 000. Award amount max: £350000 Closing date: 28 Oct 09
FOLLOW-ON FUND <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$652615$> Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), GB
The fund aims to increase the level and accelerate the rate of commercialisation of ideas arising from the research council community. Individual grants will be typically in the range of £80,000 to £100,000 (awarded at 80 per cent of full economic cost value) over a period of up to 12 months. Award amount max: £100000 Closing date: 30 Sep 09
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME GRANTS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$761718$> Cancer Research UK, GB
These are intended to provide long-term support for broad, multidisciplinary research where the aim is to answer an interrelated set of questions. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Oct 09
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PROJECT GRANTS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$761719$> Cancer Research UK, GB
These provide support for a defined piece of work with objectives that are hypothesis driven and can be achieved in the time specified. Grants should not exceed £100,000 per annum. Award amount max: £100000 Closing date: 30 Oct 09
JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$762858$> Imperial College London, GB
These fellowships give the world's top early-career researchers freedom to focus on research, by providing a competitive salary and laboratory support costs. The fellowship scheme provides funds for salary for three years (fixed term), and a contribution toward research and travel costs (up to £10,000 per annum) only. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Oct 09
RESEARCH ON YOUNG PEOPLE, ALCOHOL AND LOCALITY <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$763943$> Joseph Rowntree Foundation, GB
The aim of this programme is to support research focusing on the influence of locality on the drinking and drinking cultures of young people ages 15-24. Up to £150,000 is available to fund a project of up to 18 months duration. Award amount max: £150000 Closing date: 30 Sep 09
RESEARCH ON YOUNG PEOPLE WHO DO NOT DRINK OR DRINK LITTLE <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$763946$> Joseph Rowntree Foundation, GB
The aim of the programme is to fund one study focusing on why and how some young people do not drink to intoxication, and how this choice impacts on their lives. Up to £70,000 is available to fund one project of up to 18 months duration. Award amount max: £70000 Closing date: 30 Sep 09
RESEARCH LEADER FELLOWSHIP SCHEME <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$765229$> Medical Research Council, GB
The scheme enables experienced research active scientists to exchange knowledge and forge successful partnerships between industry and academia. Personal awards of up to £75,000 are available. Award amount max: £75000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09
HEALTHCARE PARTNERSHIPS FIRST CALL <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$765875$> Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, GB
his call supports collaborative proposals which address an important healthcare issue. The budget for this call is £8 million, with five to 15 projects expected to be supported. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 20 Oct 09
IDEAS FACTORY - EXTREME COMPUTING <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$766996$> Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, GB
The focus for this sandpit is to explore novel approaches to algorithms, software engineering and application development in order to develop software for extreme computing. Up to £2 million has been allocated to fund suitable research activities arising from the sandpit. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Sep 09
CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMMES <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$767677$> Medical Research Council, GB
The aim of the scheme is to attract and develop research leaders of the future in pharmacology and pathology. Proposals worth up to £1.85 million may be requested. Award amount max: £1850000 Closing date: 07 Oct 09
ACCESS AND IDENTITY MANAGEMENT <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$768429$> Joint Information Systems Committee, GB
Proposals are welcome under the following two areas: access and identity management: innovation; access and identity management: level of assurance. Up to £300,000 is available. Award amount max: £300000 Closing date: 19 Oct 09
SDO MANAGEMENT FELLOWSHIPS - EVALUATION OF A KNOWLEDGE MOBILISATION AND CAPACITY BUILDING INITIATIVE <http://new.researchresearch.com/#main$.Data.Funding.All$preview$768456$> Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB