0706 CCPOR Deployment – Training Questionnaire
Training QuestionnaireThank you for your commitment to participate in the California Courts Protective Order Registry (CCPOR) project. Your answers to this questionnaire on training will provide valuable insight into your court’s training requirements for CCPOR. This questionnaire focuses on three key areas:
1-Preferred Training Dates
2-Court Training Room Setups
3-ProposedAttendees and Roles for CCPOR
NOTE: If your training will be conducted using the distance learning tools, there is no need to schedule times as they are “on demand” resources.
Training IDs with roles will be set up for use during CCPOR Application End User Training. Each student will be assigned a training ID based on user role. User roles are defined as follows:
CCPOR QUERY ONLYUsers with this role may search R&PO orders and retrieve images within the CCPOR database for viewing.
COURT: Users with this role may create new orders and submit them to the DOJ. They are also authorized to search for orders and view, modify, service, and cancel non-sealed orders
SUPERVISOR: Users with this role may perform all functions that court users are authorized to perform, and they may also view, modify, service, and cancel sealed orders.
ADMINISTRATOR: Users with this role assist court and user profile setup and manage reporting requirements. This role may also be the court IT technical network staff.
Section 1: Preferred Training Dates
Description / DatesPlease specify your court’s preferred date for CCPOR Application End User Training
Does your court require Train-the-Trainer Workshop (optional) training / Yes No
Section 2: Court Training Room Setups
Description / Yes, No or Not Applicable (N/A)Does your court have a training room? / Yes No N/A
How many PCs are in the training room?
Do the PCs meet the recommendation as described in the Court Planning Guide? / Yes No N/A
Do you have a computer overhead projector? / Yes No N/A
Do you have network connection in the training room? / Yes No N/A
Do you have internet connection in the training room? / Yes No N/A
Section 3: Proposed Attendees and Roles for CCPOR
Attendee Name/Email / Court or LEA(check one) / User Role
(check one)
Court / LEA / Administrator
Thank you for completing this questionnaire.
End of Document