News for God’s People at Peace With Christ Lutheran Church
October 2016
Peace With Christ Lutheran Church
1412 West Swallow Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80526
Church Staff & Church Council Listing………………....Page 3
From Pastor’s Desk………………………………………Page 4
Marilyn’s Memo………………………………………….Page 5
Youth Activities…….……………………………………Page 7
Letter from Preschool……………………………………Page 8
LWML……………………………………………………Page 9
Council Minutes “Minute”……………………………….Page 11
News & Announcements
Morning Doves..……………………………………….Page 13
Joy Circle……………………...... ……………………..Page 13
TAG……..……………………………………………..Page 13
New Members Class……………………………………Page 13
Adopt-A-Seminary Student Committee Report………..Page 13
Online Giving………………………………………….Page 14
“Living a Generous Life”……………………………..Page 15
ChristLife……………………………………………….Page 17
“This & That”…………………………………………….Page 17
Anniversaries…………………….…………………..….Page 18
Birthdays….…………………………………………….Page 19
Peace With Christ Staff & Leadership
Church Staff
David Magruder—Pastor
Renee Huismann—Preschool Director
Marilyn Lasich—Youth Coordinator
Hannah Walters—Administrator of Education & Music
Marcy Petago—Office Manager
Church Elders with telephone numbers
Ray Kaiser, 223-0987
Dan Krueckeberg—Worship Elder, 988-1168
Brian Lacey—Staff Elder, 213-9056
Wes Nierman—Head Elder, 226-5936
Aaron Peterson, 988-3656
Michael Rohlfs, 482-2663
Church Council
Larry Siegfried—President
Loren Wiesner—Vice President
Karen Carlson—Secretary
Claude France—Treasurer
Amy Hoy—Early Childhood Preschool Chairperson
Mark Geisler & Emily Geisler—Education Chairperson
Loren Wiesner—Endowment Fund Committee Chairperson
Karen Groves—Evangelism Chairperson
Pat Juchartz & Connie Jesser—Fellowship Chairperson
Betty Keeney—Hands in Harmony Chairperson
Open—Head Trustee
Teri Frerichs—Missions & Ministry Chairperson
Lori French—Youth Ministry Chairperson
Prayer Chain
Cheryl Harsen—Coordinator – Phone #229-1459
From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear Friends in Christ,
But we preach the crucified Christ; to the Jews a scandal and to the Greeks foolishness.
1Corinthians 1:23
October is the month of Reformation. For hundreds of years, on the last Sunday in October, the Lutheran Church has commemorated the work of Lutheran reformers and given thanks to God for the Gospel message.
The importance of Luther and his fellow “Lutheran” reformers is found in their strong emphasis on the clarity and power of the Word of God. A sampling: “All articles of the Christian faith which reveal God through his Word are blatantly impossible, absurd and lying before human reason. How could the wise fools think that these are impossible and absurd; that Christ should give us his body and blood to eat and drink in communion, that Baptism should be the second birth and renewing of the Holy Ghost, that the dead shall again rise on the last day, that Christ, the Son of God was conceived in the body of the virgin Mary, born, became a man, suffered and ignominious death on the cross, rose again, an sits at the right hand of the Father and shall have power on heaven and earth... Here St. Paul calls the gospel of the crucified Christ a Word from the cross and a foolish preaching which the Jews hold as scandal and the Greeks as foolishness. It is impossible that reason could understand and hold it as true, that man should hear and believe God’s Word as the highest and greatest service of God. It always sounds so foolish, absurd, impossible, heretical, etc. So in all times, heretics and godless men judge and make opinions about our Lord God’s Word. But faith is given to throttle the neck of reason and to strangle the brute... How? You cling to God’s Word. You allow its truth and surety even it is still
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sounds so foolish and impossible. Luther’s Lectures on Galatians, 1535.
Our church body is blessed with a clear confession of the truth of the God’s Word. That does not make us “super-Christians”. No, we are blessed because we can confess that the Word delivers Christ to us. It gives us His Word of judgment, which condemns our sin, and His Word of pardon that grants us forgiveness.
God grant us a humble reception of the Word of pardon and a bold proclamation of the crucified Christ. In doing so we will properly celebrate the Reformation and give all glory to God.
Your servant for Jesus’ sake
Rev. David B. Magruder
Marilyn’s Memo
Dear PWC Family,
It is fall! The weather has cooled most of the time and we are back to the regular school time schedule here at Peace with Christ! Sunday School and Wednesday evening classes have begun again and we have had a great turnout of youth members attending both! It is an exciting time and I am thankful for all the faithful people at our church, you are blessings to the Lord, the congregation and me!
I am including more of the thank-you notes from the youth members who attended events this summer.
I would like to say thank you very much for helping pay for the youth group’s opportunity to go to Higher Things. It was a great experience being able to learn & hear the faith with
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members of my own church along with other brothers and sister in
Christianity who attend churches all over the country. It was very interesting & educational to learn how sin & the law can have such an effect on our conscience. How it can become hard and cynical over time because of us putting a blind eye to the real meaning of the law. It was great also just having fun with my fellow Christians while playing ultimate Frisbee. It was a great experience and I am very grateful for your help in paying for the chance to gather with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Soren Olsen
Higher Things was a new & eye-opening experience. Going to the conference workshops about issues like abortions were really thought provoking. I was surprised to learn that in New York, more African American babies are aborted than are born (60% are aborted!). I learned a lot but I also had tons of fun. I really enjoyed doing backflips on the bungee trampolines and having dance parties in our dorms. I am so thankful to PWC for giving us the opportunity to go to Higher Things. Katelyn Mueller
Thank you so much for paying for the majority of our fee for Higher Things. I have had the most fun of my life for the past three days. I have also learned some too, for example, there are three different views to look at your conscience. During my time here (at the conference) I sang with so many people and had so much fun doing so. I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to be here. Isaac Pennington
I am so grateful for the financial aid we received in order to make our trip to Higher Things possible. My best memory was the bungee trampolines. I made a few new friends and new memories with old friends. I also learned a lot more about the Mormon religion and why they are different from Christians. Most importantly I found a way to get closer to God. Melissa Mueller
To be concluded in November!
Youth Activities
October 8 – 5 pm – 10 pm
Youth Day – you will be able to pay cards, games, tie blankets for the Cancer Center, spend time with friends, do a Bible Study and enjoy tasty food! Sign-up!
October 22 – 4 pm - midnight
High School trip to Lu and Cliff’s home for a costume party (50’s theme) and The Summit! See the invitation for more information about cost and activities. Please sign-up so I can plan food and reservations at The Summit!
October 23 – after late service
Middle School and Youth Family trip to the Harvest Farm Corn Maze. Plan to stay for lunch at church (plan to bring a side dish- salad, chops or dessert). Cost is $5 per person; Youth Budget will cover the rest Sign up!
Parents – I really need some more help with the Scrip/Gift Card sales. More information and a meeting will be planned for the future. Marilyn
A Letter From Preschool
Dear PWC friends,
Calling all Heroes and Heroines:
“Seek justice, love, and mercy. Walk humbly with our God.” Micah 6:8
Each day I drive 35-40 minutes to church/school. I have the pleasure to take in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains and the skylines. Breathtaking. When talking to Preschoolers about our Bible hero, God the Father the Creator, I am amazed at their understanding and simple faith. They have no questions or ask why God does what He does or what Jesus did for us. They simply, clearly, no hesitation, loudly proclaim “BECAUSE HE LOVES US!!” It just doesn’t get any better than that.
Autumn is here. With the changing of a season the Preschool is ready to learn more of this amazing world God created for us. In October, we will be watching for signs of fall, learning about night animals, fire safety and pumpkins with a Pumpkin Patch field trip. Our Bible heroes are: Noah, Moses, Joshua, Gideon and the 3 Men in the fiery furnace.
On another note……October and November is once again budget time. As you prayerfully consider a new budget, think of your Preschool. In 2009, this congregation voted to re-open the Preschool as a MISSION of PWC. Last year the Preschool operated with a small budget of just over $1500. This included the cost of curriculum, classroom supplies, licensing fees, postage, teacher/aide substitutes and playground maintenance. Your Preschool mission also supports the Scholarship Fund which depends on fundraisers such as soup suppers, Lutheran Schools
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Week Potato Bake and outside events such as the Pancakes for Preschool at Applebee’s last year. In house organizations and organizations like Thrivent are also appreciated. If you are a Thrivent member and have Choice dollars to designate, PLEASE prayerfully consider designating them to God’s Promises Preschool. Designating them to PWC does not get them to your Preschool (PS has its own account). You MUST scroll down in the organization link and find “God’s Promises Preschool”.
Thank you Peace With Christ family! I thank God for you.
Jesus is our Super Hero,
Lutheran Women in Mission
October Program: Bible Study “The Choice”
Our evening begins with dessert and fellowship at 6:30pm. At 7pm, Julie Wardcontinues our Bible Study series highlighting Faithful Women in the Bible with afocus on“The Choice” from Proverbs 9. Kay Rubel has devotions. Hostesses willbe Eunice Nierman & Julie Frank. All ladies of PWC are welcome!
• Mites are mighty! LWML's mite box for World Missions will be in the Narthexon Sunday, October 2nd. Your donations support National and District grantrecipients at home and around the globe.
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• October is Mission Month and LWML will be serving up delicious treats toaccompany your coffee EVERY Sunday in October. Your free-will offering willsupport the work of Pastor Tim & Lisa Beckendorf, missionaries with LutheranBible Translators in Botswana Africa. Come hungry and give generously!
• LWML Sunday is October 16th so wear your purple! A special service “Comeand See” will celebrate God's work through the LWML.
• LWML's Annual Holiday Craft Fair and Soup & Pie Luncheon is only onemonth away... Friday, November 11th 4-7pm (Crafts Only) and Saturday,November 12th 9am-2pm (All the Crafts + a FULL Bakery) Delicioushomemade soup and pie will be served at Saturday's Luncheon 11am-1pm, $6/adults & $3/ child. If you can donate your time or talent to this event, please stopby the LWML board. Sign-ups are posted for craft items, baked goods, pies andsoup, kitchen help, cashiering, and set-up. All proceeds support our Concordiastudents: Claire Hoy, Austin Theriot, Joshua & Benjamin Vanderhyde.
• Did You Know? The LWML is issuing a special invitation to come toAlbuquerque, New Mexico, to celebrate 75 years (1942-2017) of God’s blessings.Join us at the 37th Biennium LWML Convention June 22-25, 2017 at theAlbuquerque Convention Center. For up-to-date convention information, see theLutheran Woman’s Quarterly or visit the website at
• LWML's Executive Board will meet Monday, October 24th at 6:30pm in thehome of Sarah Krueckeberg. All ladies are welcome to attend this businessmeeting.
Council Minutes “Minute”
The Council Minutes Minute gives you the opportunity to see potentially important information several weeks before the approval of the actual minutes. Copies of the approved Minutes for Council and Congregation Meetings will be available in the Narthex and on the website beginning in October.
Here are highlights from the September 19, 2016 Council Meeting:
- SAVE THE DATES: We are trying a new process will be used for the approval of the 2017 Budget.
- October 23, 2016, the proposed Budget documents will be provided to PWC members for review.
- October 30, 2016 at 9:30am, an open discussion will be held during the Bible Study hour to answer questions.
- November 6, 2016 at 1:00pm, Congregational meeting for budget approval and elections.
- Treasurer’s report indicated that while giving over all is down slightly for the year, there has been an increase in giving during the last six weeks. It is anticipated that the year-end figures will balance.
- The online (automatic) giving system has been set up and will be available for people to sign up beginning on October 1, 2016. Additional information will be provided to PWC Members.
- It is anticipated that the new Church website will launch the first of October. The website will also utilize an individual login to access a PWC Member’s only section which will house a PWC Member directory and other PWC business information. Additional details will be provided to PWC Members.
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- The Bylaw committee is continuing their revisions and after discussion with Council, it was decided to present the proposed revisions to the Congregation when everything has been reviewed rather than submit a few proposed changes at the November 6 Congregational meeting and additional recommendations in early 2017.
- The Council voted to support Pastor Magruder’s proposal regarding Campus Ministry efforts. Pastor will be continuing the discussion with the Elders and providing additional information to the PWC Members.
- Dan Krueckeberg presented a report from the sub-committee that has been responsible for providing recommended revisions for the PWC Employee Manual. Council accepted their report and moved to disband the sub-committee. Council will review all the details at the October Council meeting.
- Betty Keeney, Rhonda Kaiser and Mari Peterson of the Nomination Committee are actively seeking and talking to PWC members regarding the positions that are up for elections for the 2017 Council and Committee positions.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karen Carlson
Council Secretary
News and Announcements
Morning Doves Bible Study 2016-2017
Morning Doves Bible Study invites all members and is taught by Kay Rubel. Meetings are on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday every month at 10:00 am. Please contact Kay at 472-9250 if you have questions.
Joy Circle
All ladies are welcome to join us on Thursday, October 6th at 1:00pm in the fellowship hall. Devotions will be led by Nancy Moore and hostesses for the day are Nancy Moore and Shirley Farrier. We will have a Bible study led by Cheryl Harsen.
(Tuesday Afternoon Group)
Tuesday, October 4th at noon. Please bring a favorite dish to share. Bible study will follow at 1:00pm led by Pastor Magruder. Come and enjoy the fellowship!
From the Adopt-A-Seminary Student Committee
One of our ministerial candidates graduated April 16 and is now Pastor Kyle C. Winter of the Church at Creston (Lutheran) Kalispell, Montana. He was called by the congregation where he had previously served as vicar.
We now have the opportunity to support two brothers for the first time in the 27 years our congregation has supported ministerial candidates. They are enrolled in Concordia Seminary at St. Louis. Joshua Vanderhyde, now a fourth year student, and his brother, BenjaminVanderhyde, who entered the seminary this past August.
Benjamin graduated from Concordia University, Mequon, Wisconsin in May and was married in June. Our Adopt-A Sem Committee voted unanimously to begin support for Benjamin as we also continue to support his brother Joshua thru his final year.
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Family details for both will be posted in the Fellowship Hall as information is received.
Monetary support of our seminarians is supplied by Advent and Lenten contributions authorized by church council in 1989. Contributions at any time of the year may be made in plain envelope marked Adopt-A Sem. We thank our congregation for generous support.
Our committee: Julie Frank, Gladys Hulsebus, Barb Prenzlow, and Norma Thaemert. For the committee, Dave Muth
New Member Class
This course is geared toward adults with an interest in learning more about the teachings of the Lutheran Church or desiring membership at Peace with Christ Lutheran Church. It is a multi-week class that will involve Bible study and an examination of the teachings drawn from the Bible as expressed in the Small Catechism. The class will begin meeting on Sunday October 9th in the Fellowship Hall from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. each week. If you know of anyone who would be interested in the course, please contact Pastor Magruder
( or 226-4721).
Online Giving
You now have the option to give to Peace with Christ online. Regular giving and special one-time gifts can be made online with a direct payment to the church from your checking account, or you can continue to give by check as you have in the past. Any gifts made online will be reported to the church and will be posted to your annual giving report for your records.