
Holistically Hot: An Interview with Marissa Vicario

October 13, 2014



●  The 5 am Miracle - Episode #068: Holistically Hot: An Interview with Marissa Vicario

[Intro Song]

[Interview Bumper]

●  Good morning and welcome to the 68th episode of The 5 AM Miracle.

●  I am Jeff Sanders and this is THE podcast dedicated to dominating your day before breakfast.

●  Every Monday morning my goal is to help you bounce out of bed with enthusiasm, create powerful lifelong habits, and tackle your grandest goals with extraordinary energy.

●  Here on The 5 AM Miracle Podcast we discuss early mornings, but we also dive much deeper into topics like healthy habits, personal development, and rockin’ productivity!

●  This week I interview Marissa Vicario, a health coach in New York City.

●  We talk about what it means to be holistically hot, Marissa's approach to eating real foods, and why accountability matters when it comes to your health.

●  But first, if you’re looking to significantly boost your productivity, I think you would love The 5 AM Blueprint.

●  The 5 AM Blueprint is an affordable way to get direct, customized feedback from me to create an effective schedule for your ideal day.

●  And you can learn much more about this customized coaching service at 5amBlueprint.com.

●  Now, let’s begin with the Tip of the Week!

[Fade Music Up and Out]

●  Now, this week’s Tip is how to easily email a task to your task manager using the voice assistant on your smartphone.

●  iPhone 4 - no Siri.

●  Upgraded to the new iPhone 6

●  10 Miracles -- I recommend Say it & Mail it Recorder

●  Now -- recommend Siri

●  You can email yourself using Siri, Cortana, or Google Now.

●  But, with Nozbe or Evernote --- you can send an email to your account as a task or a note.

●  Nozbe as an example

●  Special email address

●  Email subject line becomes the name of the task

●  Email message body becomes an attached note

●  Process is simple and almost hands-free

●  Ready my blog post from last week.

●  Link in the show notes page at JeffSanders.com/68, as in episode 68.

[World Music Interlude]

●  My guest today is a health coach in New York City who knows what it’s like to eat a junk food diet and make every meal in the microwave.

●  Now, she helps people find a healthy lifestyle to eat real, whole foods that nourish their body with the goal of becoming holistically hot -- which just sounds amazing!

●  I am very honored to be speaking with Marissa Vicario on The 5 AM Miracle Podcast today.

●  Welcome to the show Marissa!

[Play Interview]

[Opening Night Music]

Action Steps:

●  Thanks to a great suggestion from James Kelly in the 5 AM Miracle Community on Facebook, I am now adding an Action Steps section at the end of every episode, including the interviews.

●  Here are a few ideas from the interview today with Marissa.

●  #1 - If you don't already, begin drinking pure water or a cleansing beverage first thing every morning.

●  #2 - Set a goal to increase the number of whole foods you eat every day.

●  #3 - Find a buddy to be your accountability partner as you improve your diet.


●  I was recently contacted by Johnny Fayad, who is kickstarting a new business and he sent me a free sample of his product.

●  CoffeeBars

○  caffeinated energy bar

○  100% plant-based

○  102 mg of caffeine per bar

○  Taste great

●  Link to the Kickstarter campaign in the show notes.

[Fade In Music]

●  If you have been looking for a way to connect with other ambitious early risers, I think you would love The 5 AM Miracle Community group on Facebook.

●  This community group is unique because everyone is highly motivated to help everyone else achieve their goals.

●  Don’t worry, you don’t have to wake up at sunrise to join this group.

●  Just visit JeffSanders.com/community and I will approve your request to join within 24 hours.

●  Once again, that’s JeffSanders.com/community.

●  As always, if you would like to see the complete list of the links I mentioned in this episode, please visit the show notes page at JeffSanders.com/68, as in Episode 68.

●  Also, when you join The 5 AM Club at 5amMiracle.com, I will send you a free copy of the 10 Miracles eBook and audiobook, as well as a free copy of The 5 AM Miracle eBook and audiobook, PLUS you will get the show notes of every episode emailed to you every Monday morning.

●  Visit 5amMiracle.com to join The 5 AM Club today!

●  And if you have become a fan of this podcast and would like to spread the love, nothing would help me more than a great rating and review in iTunes.

●  Every week I see amazing new comments from fans all over the world and it helps this show so much when people just like you review the podcast.

●  Visit JeffSanders.com/itunes to leave your review right now.

●  Finally, next week on the podcast I will be discussing why it pays to hurt.

●  In other words, I'll share how training your masochism muscles can help you overcome a lack of willpower to do the work you normally avoid.

●  Well, that's it for this episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast.

●  Until next time remember, you have the power to change your life, and the fun begins bright and early.

[Fade Out Music]