Yoel Kortick

Understanding the expand_doc_del_fields parameter in PRIMO-AVAIL

This presentation will show that even though we have expand_doc_del_fields in $data_tab/tab_expand for procedureAVA, publish_06 will print the bibliographic information in the output file. This is correct.

The parameter expand_doc_del_fields in $data_tab/tab_expand is not used during the time of producing the output file from publish_06, but rather during the time in which the system checks to see what was updated. The bibliographic fields are “deleted” and thus only the “AVA (availability) field is checked for an update.


In usm01 $data_tab/tab_publish we have this:

! 1 2 3 4 5




In usm01 $data_tab/tab_expand we have this:

! 1 2 3


AVA expand_doc_bib_avail

AVA expand_doc_del_fields AVA##


When we run publish_06 for set PRIMO-AVAIL we want all bibliographic fields to appear in output file, and not only the AVA field. This will happen even though we have expand procedure expand_doc_del_fields in column 2 of tab_expand above. The expand procedure expand_doc_del_fields does not mean “delete all fields except AVA field from final output file”. Rather, the expand procedure expand_doc_del_fields means “delete all fields except AVA field from the fields which will be checked for an update”. Or, stated another way: the expand procedure expand_doc_del_fields ensures that publish_06 can be run with parameter “from last handled date” and it only retrieves records for which the availability has been updatedand not the bibliographic information.


We will now do a test case. The last time publish_06 was run for “last handled date” with set PRIMO-AVAILwas November 10th 2007:

il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>grep PRIMO-AVAIL $aleph_root/tab/tab_publish_timestamp

PRIMO-AVAIL 200711100426257

We have record number 60231 in USM01, and it has one item: 60231-10, which is currently not on loan.

UTIL E 21 is running:

*** util_c_01 - check USM01 batch queue ***

4455 ? SN 0:02 /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/lib_batch USM01

9627 ? SN 0:03 /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/rts32 ue_08_a USM01.a18_1 C

15887 pts/12 S 0:01 /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/rts32 ue_01_a USM01.a18_1

15888 pts/12 S 0:01 /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/rts32 ue_01_z0102_index USM01.a18_1

15889 pts/12 S 0:00 /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/rts32 ue_01_word_index USM01.a18_1

19923 pts/12 S 0:00 /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/aleph/exe/rts32 ue_21_a USM01.a18_1

Enter to continue

We loan the item related to record 60231 (barcode 60231-10) in circulation on November 11th 2007.

The record gets “picked up” by UTIL E 21:

il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>grep 6023 run_e_21.1165

HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000060231 14:27:11

Now, when we run publish_06 with parameter “from last handled date” for PRIMO-AVAIL we should get record 60231 because it had the availability changed. This is quite evident in the SQL query below.

usr00@aleph1> select Z00P_DOC_NUMBER,Z00P_SET,Z00P_TIMESTAMP from Z00P where Z00P_TIMESTAMP like '20071111%' and Z00P_DOC_NUMBER = '000060231' and Z00P_SET = 'PRIMO-AVAIL';

**** Hit return to continue ****



000060231 PRIMO-AVAIL 200711111227119

1 row selected.

Now when we run publish_06 for PRIMO-AVAIL and use parameter “from last handled date”

The output file is produced:

il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/primo/PRIMO-AVAIL/tar/

il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>ls -lrt

total 8

-rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 8116 Nov 11 14:29 aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20071111.142945.1.tar.gz

Below we look at record 60231 (for which the item was changed) and we see that it contains all bibliographic information.

We will untar the and unzip the output file and then copy the file with record 60231 to the icon directory and then view it via the web (because it is easier to view via the web than via the server).

il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>gzip -d aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20071111.142945.1.tar.gz

il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>tar xf aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20071111.142945.1.tar

il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>ls -lrt USM01.000060231.PRIMO-FULL.xml

-rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 1684 Nov 11 14:29 USM01.000060231.PRIMO-FULL.xml

il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>cp USM01.000060231.PRIMO-FULL.xml $alephe_root/www_f_eng/icon

We now go to web URL:

We see both bibliographic and availability information in the file: